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Old May 4th, 2010, 10:47   #16
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Ask if you can bring a camera to a game and take some photos. Airsofters are vain and want to see how cool they looked after the game. That way you can talk to the people and get a feel for the game before you're 18, and jump right into it when the time comes.

Not for glory, nor riches, nor honours, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives up except with his life.
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Old May 4th, 2010, 16:56   #17
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FINALLY! A minor worth helping out (even if only for a month).

This is an aside and there is no "license" required to play in the UK, rather it's a sort of system that ensures you're a skirmisher and as such can use the "skirmisher defence" under the UK's VCRA (Violent Crime Reduction Act). The easiest way is to register under the UKARA system however it's not the only way, you can keep a "skirmisher diary" or use various other pieces of "evidence or proof" to prove without a doubt you are an active skirmisher.

As for in Canada, there are a few publicly available sites to get stuff from but we cannot give you information on that until you are AV'ed. You however can find it for yourself. On this site the AV system is community implemented and holds no legal bearing just that we prefer to keep this stuff out of minors hands (and once you read a few posts in the trash or hang out in the newbie tank you'll likely want to keep it that way as well).

Here on ASC you must have an AV'ed tag to get access to the classifieds section where you can find all sorts of things from classic airsoft and issued gear, to BNIB (don't ask....) stuff and clone gear and anything in between including fixer guns, upgraded guns, custom built ones, etc.

Good to hear you're going to wait it out for a month and I think you'll fit nicely in the community.

PS: Read some other threads in the trash to see what not to do, as well as the FAQ's so you're prepared. You can also ask the AV rep in your area when you meet them for any questions you may have and I'm sure most of them will be happy to answer your questions (over a beer or a meal at timmies).
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Old May 4th, 2010, 18:24   #18
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If you do buy a Sniper, alot of fields require you to have a sidearm, because most fields have a minimal engagement ranges required for snipers. So that may be an extra you have to buy to make your sniper field ready.

M4, L85, Mp5, Scar, Sig 552, M14
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Old May 4th, 2010, 19:50   #19
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
LOL...welcome aboard.

Don't sweat coming out to a game before your b-day if it's just a month the local games, get out to meet the hosts/players. In person they're all very helpful....we've all been there starting out.

One visit to a good game/event and you'll get more concentrated info than a month of surfing through ASC.

TTAC3 is an EXCELLENT place to start. Lots of guidance/support and all the info you can choke on.

I think my next CQB thing (not the one this weekend) is supposed to be a newbie thing. If you want to stand in as a hostage for this Sat evening game, there's no charge. I think you can even get a rental facemask there. There's a good mix of kranky vets and new-ish guys there...every one of them are good stand up guys. PM if you are interested....I'll have to check if the owner of the place will allow a near-sub-18 to participate as a non-combatant.

Yeah come on in observe the game if Will and Tys are cool with it, ask some question, see some hardware, you'll learn more about the hobby in that 4 hrs by asing and observing than you would in 1 week sitting in front of the monitor. We are not all that cranky
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Old May 4th, 2010, 20:01   #20
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LOL I am glad I'm woth it. Thanks for the support guys and I actually agree with the idea of not letting minors have too much freedom in the forums, some kids can't handle that much responsibility. Too bad I got to pay the price because of them, well at least is made to make the world a better place or something like that lmfao. thanks again for the help
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Old May 4th, 2010, 20:02   #21
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
Yeah come on in observe the game if Will and Tys are cool with it, ask some question, see some hardware, you'll learn more about the hobby in that 4 hrs by asing and observing than you would in 1 week sitting in front of the monitor. We are not all that cranky
That is what I am working on right now, being there in the middle of the action already makes me happy, either filming or being a hostage lol. Btw does anyone know anything about the RS Dragunov I saw some videos and pics and looks like a very good rifle. I know you can't tell me much about it because of safety purposes, but may I know if it will be available in the coming up months?

Last edited by Jaozin92; May 4th, 2010 at 20:07..
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Old May 4th, 2010, 20:17   #22
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No you're wrong on that we can offer everything you want (as long as it's not something answered in the FAQ's) EXCEPT how to obtain guns.

As for the RS Dragunov, I've never actually come across one but I'm sure there are a few floating around in Canada. AFAIK there's one gun that was a limited run of 250 or something and 6 made it into Canada so I'm sure that there are a few RS Dragunov's floating around and even more coming in.

I still highly suggest against something like that because really it's much more fun to get down and dirty playing an assault role but it's your choice in the end anyways (a DMR rifle might be a better idea still if you're intent on becoming a sniper).
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Old May 4th, 2010, 20:23   #23
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
No you're wrong on that we can offer everything you want (as long as it's not something answered in the FAQ's) EXCEPT how to obtain guns.

As for the RS Dragunov, I've never actually come across one but I'm sure there are a few floating around in Canada. AFAIK there's one gun that was a limited run of 250 or something and 6 made it into Canada so I'm sure that there are a few RS Dragunov's floating around and even more coming in.

I still highly suggest against something like that because really it's much more fun to get down and dirty playing an assault role but it's your choice in the end anyways (a DMR rifle might be a better idea still if you're intent on becoming a sniper).
Oh I thought it was everything about guns and stuff, but I was actually wondering in using the dragunov with iron sights for now and then changin to the scope. Cuz like the dragunov is the first weapon I would like to buy, but when I start to play I will try getting some rentals. Is that a good idea?
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Old May 4th, 2010, 20:51   #24
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Originally Posted by Jaozin92 View Post
Oh I thought it was everything about guns and stuff, but I was actually wondering in using the dragunov with iron sights for now and then changin to the scope. Cuz like the dragunov is the first weapon I would like to buy, but when I start to play I will try getting some rentals. Is that a good idea?
Sounds like you have a taste in soviet weaponry. The JG SVD isn't even an SVD but a normal AK-47 with SVD style stock and barrel, actually they aren't even that hard to custom build. If I recall the CA SVD had a horrible rep. There are good things about the Realsword SVD but at the Toronto Airsoft Convention I asked a safe soft retailer who was carrying a few Realsword models to quote me a price on the SVD. It's custom order only for $1000. Like everyone is saying don't get the sniper rifle first getting an assault rifle like a AK-74 which has side rails in case you do want to upgrade to a marksmen role.
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Old May 4th, 2010, 20:57   #25
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Originally Posted by Kingsix View Post
Sounds like you have a taste in soviet weaponry. The JG SVD isn't even an SVD but a normal AK-47 with SVD style stock and barrel, actually they aren't even that hard to custom build. If I recall the CA SVD had a horrible rep. There are good things about the Realsword SVD but at the Toronto Airsoft Convention I asked a safe soft retailer who was carrying a few Realsword models to quote me a price on the SVD. It's custom order only for $1000. Like everyone is saying don't get the sniper rifle first getting an assault rifle like a AK-74 which has side rails in case you do want to upgrade to a marksmen role.
You are 100% right I love the Soviet weapons the dragunov has been in my mind for a long long time way before I dound out about airsoft when I saw the models from the Dragunov I went just nuts. But the AK-47 seems like a good choice. Does anyone know who produces the ak-101 variant?
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Old May 5th, 2010, 12:13   #26
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Heh, if you like Soviet weapons check out WinterWolfs VSS conversion:

It's in my to do list (for eventually, right now I have to pay for school, a car and other things). Probably going to use an RS Type 56 as a base. I've loved that gun ever since the game Army Ops (Yes I was playing when it was still known as Army Ops).

As for the AK 101, I believe VFC/GB-Tech may make one, I know they have a line of AK and AK variants but maybe not that specific model. GHK may have one as well but I'm told it's not that great since it's a clone and supposedly a subsidiary of D-Boys or something (a clone company that isn't the greatest) BUT it's a GBBR which might be your thing, BUT then again because it's a clone may need parts replaced quickly and may not be the most reliable.

Other than that get the players you meet at the games to answer more in depth about this kind of stuff, there's a lot of stuff and I don't really feel like typing up a whole essay what can be explained in 10-15 mins of your time.
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Old May 5th, 2010, 12:48   #27
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I am 28 but how does one get age verified ? I have been invited to a airsoft game may 14 with guys that told me about this site.
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Old May 5th, 2010, 12:55   #28
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Here you go.

This website has a frequently asked question section that has many answers to well...frequently asked questions.
There is also a search function in the upper right hand corner that you may find useful.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old May 5th, 2010, 14:01   #29
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Thank you very much !
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Old May 7th, 2010, 11:26   #30
Join Date: Apr 2010
Its best to not get a sniper rifle when sniping, and no, you cannot buy any dragunovs in canada(from what ive seen) best bet is to go with an AEG. when you can turn 18.

Last edited by jpr363; May 7th, 2010 at 11:33..
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