Airsoft Canada

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Jaozin92 May 3rd, 2010 17:37

Thinking of starting the sport
Hello everyone on my first post.

I am currently looking foward of participating in airsoft events close to the GTA, I've been trying to get some info before I start( which is only able after june when I turn 18) I hope you guys can help. to get a weapon to play like Jing Gong or Tokyo Marui do I need a license like in the UK? and if I get a Jing Gong SVD Dragunov which is the one I want to get as a first weapon does it come ready to play or do i need to get other equipment for the weapon that does not come with the gun itself? is there anyway I can get a dragunov here in Canada or do I have to ask to be shipped from China?

thank you everyone in advance:P

Sportco May 3rd, 2010 17:48

It's illegal for us to give you any info on airsoft launcher purchase until you have been age verified... period!!! under the risk of being banned for good (you and us) this community has a good memory!

Sorry my friend, airsoft will still be there when you turn 18



Brian McIlmoyle May 3rd, 2010 17:56


Originally Posted by Jaozin92 (Post 1225805)
Hello everyone on my first post.

I am currently looking foward of participating in airsoft events close to the GTA, I've been trying to get some info before I start( which is only able after june when I turn 18) I hope you guys can help. to get a weapon to play like Jing Gong or Tokyo Marui do I need a license like in the UK? and if I get a Jing Gong SVD Dragunov which is the one I want to get as a first weapon does it come ready to play or do i need to get other equipment for the weapon that does not come with the gun itself? is there anyway I can get a dragunov here in Canada or do I have to ask to be shipped from China?

thank you everyone in advance:P

It's not Illegal for you to receive information.. but your are restricted from buying Airsoft guns through this forum until you are 18 and are verified as being so.

You can't purchase airsoft guns off shore .. you need to buy from a retailer dealing with a legal Canadian Distributor .. ..

Good luck and welcome to ASC

Jaozin92 May 3rd, 2010 19:07

Thanks Brian for the Info. But when I turn 18 can I aks the canadian distribuitor to get a gun shipped for me or it's not possible?

HeadlessChicken May 3rd, 2010 19:37


Originally Posted by Jaozin92 (Post 1225878)
Thanks Brian for the Info. But when I turn 18 can I aks the canadian distribuitor to get a gun shipped for me or it's not possible?

Some retailers may or may not be able to, it sometimes depends on who they deal with, and a few may have some in stock. You can only contact these retailers after being age verified here. Be prepared to spend close to $800 on a good Dragunov (Classic Army) if that is what you fancy though I'm sure most people here would advise you against going sniper but I won't get into that.

Best thing you can do right now is to hit a few local games (I think you can see games posted here without AV status), check out other players, see what they sport, their loadouts, ask questions, most guys may even let you try out their airsofts. Welcome to ASC.

Kid May 3rd, 2010 19:55


Originally Posted by Sportco (Post 1225811)
It's illegal for us to give you any info on airsoft launcher purchase until you have been age verified...


They have licenses in the UK now? I've never heard of that...

Also, check out the RS Dragunov before settling on the CA one.

Edit: Also, it may be wise to start with a regular AEG. Airsoft sniping isn't usually recommended for new players. However, that's not to say you can't do it (as long as the field agrees), and if you find out it's not for you, you can always sell and try something else.

TokyoSeven May 3rd, 2010 20:11


Originally Posted by Sportco (Post 1225811)
It's illegal for us to give you any info on airsoft launcher purchase until you have been age verified... period!!! under the risk of being banned for good (you and us) this community has a good memory! please don't spread misinformation like that. Its not illegal at all.

Unlike in the UK, Canada does not have any specific government recognized group that assists players in acquiring airsoft guns. Airsoft may exist in Canada at this time but people are restricted from importing anything on their own without the correct expensive hard to get legal documentation. Retailers exist in this country but only in small numbers. The majority of them do business online and a few even have stores. Unfortunately I cannot share any more information on that topic at this time.

This website has a buy and sell forum as well as a retailer section that can be accessed if you are interested in acquiring this websites age verification. Its free, it can take a little time to set up and have put in place but in the end it can open up more doors when it comes to purchasing certain items. For example the JG SVD you wish to purchase.

To answer the latter half of your question in regards to what you feel you will require. I suggest additional magazines, a spare high quality battery, a good pair of protective goggles or paintball mask. That would be the extreme bare minimum. Appropriate footwear a hydration system and perhaps some form of rig that could carry anything you need should also be considered.

Jaozin92 May 4th, 2010 01:53


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 1225938) please don't spread misinformation like that. Its not illegal at all.

Unlike in the UK, Canada does not have any specific government recognized group that assists players in acquiring airsoft guns. Airsoft may exist in Canada at this time but people are restricted from importing anything on their own without the correct expensive hard to get legal documentation. Retailers exist in this country but only in small numbers. The majority of them do business online and a few even have stores. Unfortunately I cannot share any more information on that topic at this time.

This website has a buy and sell forum as well as a retailer section that can be accessed if you are interested in acquiring this websites age verification. Its free, it can take a little time to set up and have put in place but in the end it can open up more doors when it comes to purchasing certain items. For example the JG SVD you wish to purchase.

To answer the latter half of your question in regards to what you feel you will require. I suggest additional magazines, a spare high quality battery, a good pair of protective goggles or paintball mask. That would be the extreme bare minimum. Appropriate footwear a hydration system and perhaps some form of rig that could carry anything you need should also be considered.

I Use glasses though is that enough? Cuz without them I am blind.

Kid May 4th, 2010 01:55

You're not ready for airsoft sniping. Get a regular AEG.

lanepratt May 4th, 2010 02:05


Originally Posted by Jaozin92 (Post 1226201)
I Use glasses though is that enough? Cuz without them I am blind.

I also wear glasses, if u get paintball googles depending on how big your glasses are they will fit under the goggles if you do not have eye protection that completly encloses your eyes u wont be able to play anywear...other then that if u want somthing smaller you could always go with contacts

pusangani May 4th, 2010 02:07


Originally Posted by Kid (Post 1226203)
You're not ready for airsoft.


and yes, in the UK they have a registration system for owning airsoft :) look up UKARA.

TokyoSeven May 4th, 2010 02:27


Originally Posted by Jaozin92 (Post 1226201)
I Use glasses though is that enough? Cuz without them I am blind.

I dont see glasses as an issue, some paintball goggle companies create models to work with frames. Some ballistic goggle companies even offer RX attachment inserts, however that is a little more expensive than buying a paintball mask.

Some fields that people play on require users to have paintball masks, no mask no play. It all depends on the rules of your local field.

Rugger_can May 4th, 2010 02:36

Here's some simple free advice.

Don't buy anything until you've been to a game. Wait until your 18, attend a local game (there are tonnes in to) and rent. You will gain a first hand understanding of the sport and the dynamics of it, this will also give you the chance to meet players and talk in person with them as well as see what kit is used and how.

First hand experience is key. Also, with airsoft start off with a bone stock AEG from a reputable company, use that gun to build your soft skills and understanding.

Cheers and welcome.

VooDooPeteK May 4th, 2010 03:55

I agree with Rugger with everything he mentioned but the wait till your 18 part to attend.

You will be 18 soon so I would suggest getting out to some games now and just talking with people and looking at the guns/gear.

this way when you are 18 you will have had some time before hand to talk and maybe handle a few guns (not play with, just handle) to see what feels good.

Jaozin92 May 4th, 2010 09:50

Thanks guys I completely agree with the last few posts and I appreciate your help guys. I think I will wait a month and I will begin to participate on these events

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