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What is the best gun???


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old November 18th, 2008, 00:42   #1
Killer_Hammerhead's Avatar
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What is the best gun???

I know that i'm gonig to buy them all but I dont have moeny to do that all at once so I was wondering on which gun I should buy first???

1.Full Auto FAMAS
2.Lycaon Submachine Gun
3.Sig Sauer S-552

Which one do you think is the best???
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Old November 18th, 2008, 05:11   #2
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Welcome new user.

You could have been a little more descriptive in regards to your inquiry. You also initially posted your thread in the section for buying and selling. That section is reserved for the buying and selling of items only and has its reply functions dissabled. Please take the time to find the appropriate section to post next time.

Anyways, I shall attempt to give you as much info as I can in regards to your selection.
The TM Famas (TM being the only brand I know that makes the FAMAS) was one of the first modern day electric airsoft guns we know of today. It uses a version 1 mechbox. Some have stated its durability can be questionable as well some have also stated that its upgradeability is difficult. I have personally never handled one so all information I give you is only from what I have heard from others.

The Lycaon submachine gun or MP5, atleast I assume you meant the MP5. Here is a review written by another member of this website.

As for the Sig, sorry I cant do everything for you, reviews are plentiful on the internet for the few brands that make the Sig 552.

Moving along, here is some additional information I would like you to consider.

Today’s airsoft guns are nothing more than a motor driven gear set that cranks back a piston which is then released to push and compress air in a cylinder which is then directed out the nozzle to propel the BB down the barrel. How you want it to look is up to you.

As an addendum to that statement you may wish to consider a few of the following points.

1. Cost, is the airsoft gun you desire in your price range? Is it in your price range in the future if you save. Is it the brand you want? Its not just about the looks of the gun, each and every company has their own little take and twist. An example of this is that ICS M4 have a different threading on the upper receiver than that of say a Classic Army M4. Taking that into consideration you would be limited to front ends made specifically for ICS guns if you choose to change out your front end eventually. Unless however you choose to purchase a rethreading tool to change the threading of your upper receiver. Which brings me to my next point.

2. Cost + availability or parts and your own ability to do upgrades. So you have chosen your airsoft gun. Now you want to do some modifications and upgrades. Do you know what you’re looking for in terms of compatible parts? Do you know where to acquire them easily and do you have the know how to do the work yourself or are in a situation where you know someone who can do it for you. If your not mechanically inclined and do not have access to an airsoft gun doc, I would recommend that you purchase something that has already been preupgraded or at least something that has already had the standard preventative maintenance performed on it be it used or new. Preventative upgrades are simple upgrades that will keep the airsoft gun running longer (maybe not forever but defiantly longer). Most airsoft guns come with nylon bushings; the bushings are what help hold the gears in the mechbox. Most people believe that under heavy stress they bushings can melt and warp, it is recommended that they be replaced with metal bushings. Another example of a preventative maintenance upgrade would be a spring guide. A tokyo marui M4 comes with its stock plastic TM V2 spring guide, while this maybe all fine and dandy for the time being with its stock spring, attempting to run a spring with to high a strength rating may cause that spring guide to break. Over time even with its stock spring the spring guide can weaken. It is suggested that this be an item that you do replace if performing preventative maintenance, usually with something along the lines of a bearing spring guide.

3. Is it available in Canada through one of our retailers. It’s a well known fact that attempting to import an airsoft gun from outside of Canada is equal to that of tossing your money in the toilet, lighting the toilet on fire and then pushing it out of the back of a moving school bus. It maybe have seemed like a good idea at the time, but now you are out a bunch of money and you also ruined a perfectly good toilet.

4. Magazines, you have your airsoft gun and you only have one magazine well that’s all fine and dandy but I’m certain there may come a day where you will require more than one magazine. You may wish to look into the different brands and manufactures out there to see what is compatible with what and how much it costs.

5. Other. You may wish to consider cost and availability of other items you may want in the future and their availability. For example lets say you bought some form of armalite variant and wanted to go the SR 47 look. Well unfortunately at this time do the Canadian law you would be unable to bring the parts in required since they are prohibited, even if it were possible it is en extremely rare mod to find and even more expensive to buy. Another example would be an under barrel grenade launcher. Hope you can someone in Canada because importing is a no no. Other things you may wish to consider are the cost of a sling, maybe some gear and optics.

In closing, I guess buying an airsoft gun is more than just how you want it to look, its a commitment to an investment. So choose wisely.

Plan B. Pick whatever you want.

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Last edited by TokyoSeven; November 18th, 2008 at 05:14..
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Old November 18th, 2008, 05:14   #3
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1. sucks...
2. if its made from aftermath hope your a good gun doc....
3. probly the best desion....

but really MY GUNS are the best.....

playing with my kid!
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Old November 18th, 2008, 09:31   #4
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1. Good, depending where u get it from, and the brand of it.
2. Trash, money waste unless you're willing to upgrade it (I bought one for coolness and it came broken)
3. I wouldn't recommend it to start, rare to find replacement parts and/or mags.

Last edited by gmds44; November 18th, 2008 at 10:52..
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Old November 18th, 2008, 09:39   #5
Captain Sunshine
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Originally Posted by Killer_Hammerhead View Post
I know that i'm gonig to buy them all but I dont have moeny to do that all at once so I was wondering on which gun I should buy first???

1.Full Auto FAMAS
2.Lycaon Submachine Gun
3.Sig Sauer S-552

Which one do you think is the best???

Originally Posted by gmds44 View Post
1. Good, depending where u get it from, and the brand of it.
2. Trash, money waste unless you're willing to upgrade it (I bought one for coolness and it came broken)
3. I wouldn't recommend a pistol to start, but I guess its the best choice.

A Sig 552 isn't a pistol mate =D
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Old November 18th, 2008, 09:40   #6
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Originally Posted by Killer_Hammerhead View Post
I know that i'm gonig to buy them all but I dont have moeny to do that all at once so I was wondering on which gun I should buy first???

1.Full Auto FAMAS
2.Lycaon Submachine Gun
3.Sig Sauer S-552

Which one do you think is the best???
Which one do you like the looks of best?

1. Good gun. Loved my FA-MAS (it was a TM).
2. Heard it's crap, do some reading.
3. Which brand?

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Old November 18th, 2008, 10:35   #7
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1. The TM FAMAS is probably the most reliable AEG there is. Expect Japan-standard performance (about 1J). We've had a few running here since the Hop-up version came along and they still keep going. Theres's barely any customization possible, though. Oh, and it's likely a good idea to avoid the Jin Peng (chinese copy)

2. Wot?

3. TM or JG, both are good, expect JG to shoot hotter and have lesser quality control. The TM one is pretty affordable, both are 100% compatible with each other.
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Old November 18th, 2008, 10:51   #8
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Originally Posted by daiviet View Post
A Sig 552 isn't a pistol mate =D
my bad! misread p226 xD

well anyway, if that sig sauer 522 is the clear version from, don't get it!
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Old November 18th, 2008, 22:27   #9
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I don't get it...was this thread posted when the standard noob-welcoming contingent was asleep or something???

I's a "which gun is better thread" started by an unverified poster and people are actually giving guy buying advice...

Not to mention he included a lycaon in the list...and a gun that a basic google search would have removed from the list in about 3 seconds.
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Old November 18th, 2008, 22:31   #10
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lol the same jackass posted the same thread in the gear for sale section so no one could light him up for it as there's no replies in the classifieds
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Old November 18th, 2008, 22:55   #11
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Its the same thread that was in the gear section it was simply moved to the appropriate location.

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Old November 18th, 2008, 23:03   #12
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Originally Posted by tycho View Post
I don't get it...was this thread posted when the standard noob-welcoming contingent was asleep or something???

I's a "which gun is better thread" started by an unverified poster and people are actually giving guy buying advice...

Not to mention he included a lycaon in the list...and a gun that a basic google search would have removed from the list in about 3 seconds.
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Old November 18th, 2008, 23:06   #13
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Originally Posted by tycho View Post
I don't get it...was this thread posted when the standard noob-welcoming contingent was asleep or something???

I's a "which gun is better thread" started by an unverified poster and people are actually giving guy buying advice...

Not to mention he included a lycaon in the list...and a gun that a basic google search would have removed from the list in about 3 seconds.
9 out of 10, the first posted reply in a forum thread usually sets the tone for the rest of the replies.

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Old November 18th, 2008, 23:14   #14
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Originally Posted by surebet View Post
I could post some more erotic pants stories if it would make you feel better...

I have a feeling it will help me sleep better (2 or 3 minutes from now, that is)
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Old November 19th, 2008, 01:54   #15
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Originally Posted by Killer_Hammerhead View Post

Which one do you think is the best???
This one right here

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