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Is sniping for me?



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Old March 17th, 2006, 19:53   #1
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Is sniping for me?

I have never sniped before, and I'm selling an old AEG soon, so I'll have the extra cash, but I don't know if it's worth starting to spend money on, and if I should keep with what I've got, and just get upgrades and gear.

I'm a patient guy, I've been known to sit in the bushes or tall grass just to get one kill, most of the times not even one. I don't care much about how many kills I get, I'm out there to have fun, but my kind of fun is not in unloading an unrealistic hicap on an enemy to get a kill or two, or 7. My fun, is in drilling, in field survival, in realism, in accurate military simulation, in airsofting no matter the conditions, hot and sunny, cold and cloudy, snowy, or raining. I like using 30 rds up to midcaps, but I have recently tried to make all my shots count. I'm dedicated. I will go outside in the rain and if it's 30 degrees, just to get my daily practice in. I will go outside even when I've got a pile of homework to do, and have to go out for the rest of the day.

However, my downsides are, I don't have all the cash needed. I will get about $200 from these sales, barely enough for a VSR sniper, which is what I was planning on getting anyway. I could sell my TM M4 for about $200 or so hopefully, very lightly used, but thats about it. I'd need to start my job again next year to get a income, and from what I've heard of, $200 isn't enough for gear and upgrades.

Another downside, is that even though I like using very little shots, and aiming, my shots never seem to hit where I want them to. I do the best I can, even if I'm lieing prone, controlling my breathing, my shots never want to go where I want them to. I do not know if somewhere it's user error, or if it's airsoft error, possibly need heavier BB's for groupings, or more FPS for range and thump.

I've tried most other jobs in airsoft, rifleman, recon, support. Support is much to expensive, I like it, I like giving proper fire to supress, tactical spraying. I don't care much for being a rifleman, as my shots don't seem to be accurate enough. I like recon, but my team doesn't see much use in it, although it could be incorporated if I become a sniper.
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Old March 17th, 2006, 20:04   #2
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I have no proir sniping experience, but maybe renting a VSR-10 (or any sniper type rifle) would help you to better grasp whether you fit the role. Because words and descriptions of your "airsoft personality" can only take us so far this solution might present minimal financial loss.


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Okay, I recently went to art show. One of exhibit had huge panoramic canvas pictures of landscape photos taken with a digital camera. These pictures were nice and huge. The canvas was attached to a wooden stretcher frame for direct hanging on a wall without need for a frame. Do you know any more on this subject? Where can I go for additional information on this subject?
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Old March 17th, 2006, 20:07   #3
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I would, but there are no other snipers or renters in the area.
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Old March 17th, 2006, 20:12   #4
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Go for it, only you can tell. Buy a KJW M700 for dirt cheap, use only duster in it and use 0.29g or 0.30g for ammo. Good start to airsoft, maintain a minimum 80ft distance between those that you shoot and and you, etc.

Sounds like you can do the sniper role, but not much limits you to it. I am fully capable and expereinced in the sniper role in airsoft, but it's only a tool/skill for me to help my team in the best way. Why limit yourself being only a sniper when you can run the day with an AEG in your hands, and lug a sniper rifle on your back and be a DSM. That in itself is 100x more useful than just a sniper, and will keep you more interested in sniping, instead of sneaking around in a ghillie all day long and taking only a couple shots and a kill or two. I spend 95% of my time hunting with my MP5, and when shots can be taken safely with my M24 or M700, I'll unsling it and use it. When attacking bases I'll start with my sniper rifle, harrass most and take out a few in the base, then move in with my MP5 and G19 when things are close indoors. Don't limit yourself, use all your skills and tools to their maximum potential, and have fun!!! , Sniper's Range, if you want info and to ask questions. And on MSN Messenger, if you want to talk to me. Also try to get ahold of ShaDo and SniperChic on here for added advice.

And, seing as how you are in the US, in the Snipers Perch, LOADS of good info and good people! (I'm Canadian_Stalker there.)
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Old March 17th, 2006, 21:00   #5
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I agree with Stalker. I know funds are tight for you but
I wouldn't limit myself to one role. Keep your AEG and save up for a bolt action if you want. I tend to take on an assualter's role for shorter games and when there is no use for a sniper but take on the sniping role for longer games. You need to figure out why you're not hitting your targets. Is your barrel clean, hop up set up properly, etc? Practice, practice, practice using a paper target at different ranges starting from 25 feet and working your way back. See where your accuracy drops off and adjust for it.
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Old March 17th, 2006, 21:05   #6
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Old March 17th, 2006, 21:23   #7
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You know what I love best about sniping?

Being well hidden, patiently waiting for an unexpecting airsofter to get within range, letting off a single accurate shot, hitting your target ... only to have them look around and since they don't see you they continue on playing. Then you have to blow your own cover and go full auto on their ass just to make sure that they know you saw them cheating. Then with your cover blown you probably get taken out aswell.

Oh wait, that's what I hate about sniping ... my bad. Sniping is not worth it unless your playing with honest and respectable players. I find that a disgusting percentage of players just keep on playing as if nothing ever happened making the whole sniping routine absolutely pointless.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old March 17th, 2006, 21:45   #8
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On the other hand, I was rarely involved with a cheater not calling his hits. Most of the time, when shooting people in wooded erea, the BB wacking them in the chest is so loud that they know they are hit. I play with honest and respectfull people but I'v come across people that are lacking those quality. The resulting course of action are: A: Shoot them in the face (well.. that's mean, but at a distance, can be ok) or B: Ignor them, walk on your pride and move along.

I resort to option B most of the time, since I know I hitted the guy and that's enough for me. I'll make sure he knows I know after the game 8)

If you want to snipe but don't have the money for 2 specialised weapons, The M14 upgraded to 400 fps (or maximum AEG limit for your field) is a good option. It's a damn good AEG for sniping and fighting with the crowd.

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Old March 17th, 2006, 21:50   #9
The Saint
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Originally Posted by FOX_111
If you want to snipe but don't have the money for 2 specialised weapons, The M14 upgraded to 400 fps (or maximum AEG limit for your field) is a good option. It's a damn good AEG for sniping and fighting with the crowd.
You're talking about Red Tiger's boomstick-of-doom, aren't you? I'm sure glad he was on SGC rather than Calrand.
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Old March 17th, 2006, 21:52   #10
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Originally Posted by The Saint
Originally Posted by FOX_111
If you want to snipe but don't have the money for 2 specialised weapons, The M14 upgraded to 400 fps (or maximum AEG limit for your field) is a good option. It's a damn good AEG for sniping and fighting with the crowd.
You're talking about Red Tiger's boomstick-of-doom, aren't you? I'm sure glad he was on SGC rather than Calrand.
His gun sure come to mind when I think about M14!
It's a beast!

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Old March 18th, 2006, 00:15   #11
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Thanks! You all have been a great help!

I've been considering the M14, but decided against it. I'm about to read up on the reviews of the VSR's and the KJW's, but right now I've got a general idea of a loadout if I enjoy the sniper role.

This loadout would be used in both short and long games ranging from an hour long game, to a 48 hour survival weekend.

At a long game, when sniping, I would use my sniper rifle, ghille suit, and a backpack on my back. When needed to help on the front lines, I'd fall back to a safe position, and pull out my M4 and M9, along with my ALICE gear, M16 pouches, buttpack, and hydration pack, and store my rifle and ghille suit in my backpack. (Just came to mind, that my rifle probably wouldn't fit in a backpack comfortably, possibly have a 3 point sling, and have the rifle on my back, with the ghille in the backpack ontop of the rifle.)

(Don't mind all this planning, I'm very anal about decisions and planning)
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Old March 18th, 2006, 08:28   #12
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Sniping in airsoft is not limited to bolt action guns (but it's more realistic). I normally used my AK47 on single shot and it had plenty of good range. If folks ignored the hit (it happened), I'd simply flip the switch to full auto. Trust me, they never ignored that.

Unfortunately some of the worst offenders happened to be among the most 'experienced'.

Sniping is a technique. What you use only needs to have some decent range and accuracy. I strongly suggest you listen to Stalker's advice, he knows his stuff.
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Old March 18th, 2006, 14:18   #13
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get an all-around rifle...BA guns are bad if your playing with CROWDS...not a good m14,m4 or an AK would be nice EVERYWHERE at ANYTIME...for me i use my m4 for sniping..single shot..TEARS OF THE SUN..BABY!!!!!...yeah...thats my
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Old March 18th, 2006, 15:57   #14
Snake Eyes
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Well, Ski, FF n FOX brought up good points n i agree with them on most. I like snipin, but sum times u cant always do it, so u gotta hunt. Counter snipin is jus as fun if not more fun (learned that from CRASH).
Keep ur AEG, u will always hav a use for it. Creep for a distance, set up n ambush, if u hav a good spotter u can stay a little longer, move along after 1 or 2 kills. Ive mercied more then shot wen i do this (god i luv my MK23).
im not great but ppl r always like "WTF! WHERE THE HELL DID U COME FROM!?!" that there makes me really enjoy the day.
try a few roles n see wut u prefer, then commit. i like sniping cuz im as slow as poop slidin uphill. lol!

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Old March 18th, 2006, 16:29   #15
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you would know about good spotters me being the

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