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High torque/ low speed setup?


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Old July 20th, 2012, 00:31   #1
Bois Brule
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Alberta
High torque/ low speed setup?

I want to cut my ROF in half. From 900, to 450.

I'd like to hear your suggestions. I'd prefer to do it with a combination of gears and motor, as opposed to a MOSFET.

Its an ICS M3 gearbox.

I did search... tons of stuff regarding high speed setups, but can't find jack the other way. I'm not going to be running a high power spring, not looking for crazy FPS. Just a nice slow chugging ROF, close to a "real" ROF.

Thank you.
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Old July 20th, 2012, 00:38   #2
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Jg blue neo magnet motor with standard gears (18:1) on a high discharge 8.4. Maybe even a 7.4v lipo depending on the quality if the motor you get. There is a lot of variations in motor performance from motor to motor.
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Old July 20th, 2012, 01:13   #3
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Torque motor (slow compared to original or speed motors, try a Guarder Inf Torque), Torque gears (more revolutions of the bevel and spur gear to advance the sector gear, I have Element Helicals but maybe you can try something crazy like 22:1 gears or whatever you can find) and an 8.4V battery should do the trick.

However easiest way would be an AWS or Cheetah fet (PWM motor control!). The Cheetah is a pretty cool piece of technology with the ability to change the motor speed in 10% increments, or you could even ask that DonP's Trigger Master firmware be flashed onto the Cheetah.

EDIT: I use a TM EG700, Element Helicals, a 9.6V battery and a Modify S110+ spring and get 12.7 RPS which is a little more than 750 RPM. I'd suspect a Guarder Inf Torque to be slower than an EG700 and by using an 8.4V you're bringing down the voltage applied to the motor (amount of push you can push current to motor).
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Last edited by L473ncy; July 20th, 2012 at 01:18..
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Old July 20th, 2012, 03:22   #4
Sgt. Sparkles
Join Date: Nov 2008
torque motor doesn't necessary mean its "slow". i run a guarder torque motor on my M14 with toque up gears and 11.1V on m140 spring , it shoots just as fast as guns with stock motor/gears w/ 100-120 spring on 11.1V as the torque up gear lighten the load for the motor to spin freely . i use that set up co with mosfet trigger for instant trigger responds.
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Old July 20th, 2012, 07:54   #6
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^ that

Back in the day had my M249 on a 350fps spring, triple torque gears, G&P M120 motor, 7.2v 4200mah sub-C battery, around 700 or 800rpm as I recall. Went down to 600 for sure when the voltage dropped after 2000mah of use

I wouldn't go too low, remember the voltage drops on NiMH batts, so if you start at 450rpm, you'll have to change batteries when it's only half empty. I doubt you could even run an AEG off a 7.2v mini lol
I'd say LiPo is your best bet, but the 7.4v LiPo is still a lot of power.

Honestly the best way to accomplish your goal is with a MOSFET that has motor speed control and a 7.4v LiPo.
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Old July 20th, 2012, 10:26   #7
"bb bukakke" KING!
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computerized mosfet that can control rof (cheetah 2n or triggermaster) is around 100 bucks... if you don't have all motor, gears battery yet, then that's going to add up to pretty much what you'd pay for the fet unit.
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Old July 20th, 2012, 13:08   #8
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In addition, you'd ONLY have to buy the mosfet, no other batteries, gears, etc required
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Old July 20th, 2012, 22:37   #9
Bois Brule
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Alberta
Okay. You've convinced me.

Now... Suggestions for a Good 'fet for reducing ROF? Something I can install, set and not have to play with?

And, why a LiPo? Inform me. Could I not just use the 9.6v 3-2-3 batteries that I have? Using a MOSFET to reduce fire should prolong my battery life, correct?
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Old July 20th, 2012, 23:07   #10
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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LiPo is lower voltage with more amperage, they can operate AEG's more easily at low RPM, and it's better for your motor.

And any good mosfet will require you to rewire your gun
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Old July 20th, 2012, 23:55   #11
"bb bukakke" KING!
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rewiring is not so hard. what you need to figure out is how much space and where can you put a mosfet. they come in varying shapes and sizes... from replacing the trigger assembly in the gearbox to sitting in line with the battery wiring somewhere. That should help you determine what product you should get.

I run triggermaster/cheetah 2n from in my p90 and soon to be in my g36, which used to be in my m14. The extreme-fire units require you to run wires from the trigger separately to the unit and motor and 2 to the battery, so you end up having quite a bit more wire than say a aws raptor which replaces the trigger switch, which eliminates running wires from the trigger (I believe, since I've never installed one) With computerized units, once they are programmed with the settings you want, you just leave it alone, just don't leave batteries plugged in when you're storing the guns. They computerized units never turn off, since they are always monitoring the battery voltages.

I don't have any experience with the m3 so I can't help you with choosing a unit beyond telling you to have a look around inside the gun to see where you can put a unit and if it's possible to run wires to and from. I chose the cheetah based units because both the guns they are in are not standard gearboxes like a v2/v3 where the triggers are the same shape. You can't replace the trigger switch in my 2 guns with a fet unit, so I had to use an inline unit. For my g36, it's front wired v3, so all I need to do is snip and resolder a couple wires. A rear wired gun would be more difficult to run an inline since it has to hide in a buffer tube or in the stock, depending on the size of the unit it might get tricky to fit.

One of the bonus features we forgot to mention is that with a fet unit, you eliminate electrical arcing on the trigger contacts, so you'll probably never have to replace that part ever as long as you have the fet, and that's a common maintenance item in aegs.

Last edited by lurkingknight; July 21st, 2012 at 00:02..
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Old July 21st, 2012, 02:03   #12
Bois Brule
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Alberta
Ive rewired my motorcycles, I should be able to handle this.

There's a lot of room in the handle of the gun, an inline unit would probably be easiest...

Last edited by Bois Brule; July 21st, 2012 at 08:57.. Reason: To correct f*#^in' autocorrect.
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Old July 21st, 2012, 09:58   #13
Join Date: Feb 2009
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I use the Guarder Infinite Torque and a set of high torque gears for a sniper setup, but I use it in semi only. I never measured the change in ROF from the old standard motor and gears to torque, but the change is noticeable audibly when you hear it shoot auto.

Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
However easiest way would be an AWS or Cheetah fet (PWM motor control!). The Cheetah is a pretty cool piece of technology with the ability to change the motor speed in 10% increments, or you could even ask that DonP's Trigger Master firmware be flashed onto the Cheetah.
In a few months, you will be able to have the features of both AWS and Cheetah. The AWS Raptor is being combined with the Cheeta into a new trigger + MOSFET. (look up Black Talon Concepts.)
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