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Upgrading ROF on JG G36K any suggestions?


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Old February 9th, 2012, 09:33   #1
Join Date: Jun 2011
Upgrading ROF on JG G36K any suggestions?

Hey guys, I've been doing a lot of research on upgrades for my jg g36k...I came to the conclusion that it would be best to ask on some forums and have an upgrade schematic personalized for me. I would like to increase my ROF primarily and maybe upgrade my FPS just a bit. The spring would probably be the last thing I upgrade but im looking to get some NICE bushings and a GOOD hopup. Along with that, im looking to get an inner barrel. Are there any suggestions concerning any other upgrades? Or even better, can some of you put together some upgrades? My budget would probably be 150$ maybe a bit more depending on how I feel

Ps. If possible please have it come from one site and not many different sites (shipping kinda ruins the budget)

Thanks in advance!!

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Old February 9th, 2012, 12:01   #2
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Faster ROF ? Easiest way is to get a higher voltage battery. IE, if you have a 8.4v, then a 9.6v will make it run faster. A high speed motor is another option, as the high speed gears, but these are for 330 and lower fps, otherwise you'll have trouble in the gearbox.
As for the FPS, the main thing is the spring. Changing the piston head will mostly give you more consistency on the FPS variations, from 10fps stock let's say, to 3-4 fps variations from shot to shot. The FPS is really determined by the speed inducted to the piston, so the spring is THE part to swap to change the FPS.
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Old February 9th, 2012, 12:14   #3
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Agreed, but id like to make sure my gearbox can handle a stronger spring therefore id like to upgrade some internals...a lot can go wrong with an AEG and I don't plan on having to figure out the problem if you know what I mean

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Old February 9th, 2012, 12:23   #4
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And I forgot to mention but I have a 9.6v battery already...also would you be so kind as to recommend me a good motor for high ROF...I don't need an exagerated ROF but something that will make my willy tingle!

Thanks in advance

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Old February 9th, 2012, 17:00   #5
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i have an excellent a vfc....... :P
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Old February 9th, 2012, 17:06   #6
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Unfortunately I didn't ask for a suggestion to buy a brand new gun considering I just received mine a week ago...I just want to upgrade mine...why? Because its a new hobby of mine

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Old February 9th, 2012, 18:41   #7
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Install a MOSFET switch and upgrade your wiring. It'll be way easier on your trigger contacts, increase your ROF by an audible amount, and open the door for you to run a LiPo if you wanted to go in that direction.

As for internals, just get the mosfet going, shim your gears properly, put either guarder/systema/kanzen bushings or bearings in your mechbox and set your motor height properly.
Other than that, just run it till something breaks. Once the piston eventually strips, upgrade to a systema piston and possibly systema gears if it's in the budget. Either torque or standard ratio. No use going high speed unless you wanna be up at 1400rpm.

Honestly a JG is not one to do any $200+ upgrades to. It can be made to do what you want it to do, but don't sink too much money into it!
If you read reviews, I'm sure you already know, it's not a high performance tuner machine, just an entry level gun.
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Old February 9th, 2012, 19:08   #8
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wow that's exactly the type of response I wanted to hear...very nice...ill do some more research based on your suggestions. Also id like to keep this gun for a while considering its a BEAUTY...what would be your suggestion for a high end G36x ?


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Old February 9th, 2012, 19:14   #9
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TM makes a pretty Bad-@$$ G36, as does CA.
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Old February 9th, 2012, 19:17   #10
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I disagree with a lot of the advice above, especially the "buy a VFC" comment, given your budget of $150.

Firstly, this is a fine gun to do upgrades to, and you can get pretty far with $150. I have my JG significantly upgraded with fat new wiring, a stronger spring, a better motor, and it works great.

Secondly, if you have the 8mm gearbox version, there's absolutely no reason why you can't make this thing a beast.

As for the upgrades, do them in this order:

1) If you have plastic or nylon bushings, you will need to upgrade them to metal ones. This upgrade will be no more than 10-20 bucks.

2) Upgrade your wiring and switch your battery connectors to Deans. (Skip the MOSFET for now. You can get this gun to fire much faster with only 7.4V LiPos and you can leave the advanced MOSFET stuff till later.)

3) Install a G&P M120 short-type motor. Reshim your gears (get the Advanced shim set for $4 or whatever from until they and the motor sound reasonably quiet and don't make a crazy whining noise.

That's pretty much it. I have a Modify S110+ spring in mine and it fires 17rps at 400fps, so if you want higher RoF than that you can easily get it quite a bit higher just by popping in a lighter spring.
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Old February 9th, 2012, 19:18   #11
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Originally Posted by JLiang View Post
TM makes a pretty Bad-@$$ G36, as does CA.
There are many examples of people who consider the JG G36, especially the newer updated versions with the 8mm gearbox, to be superior to the TM. He already said his budget is $150.

To the OP: Please do NOT throw out this gun, you can upgrade it for your budget very easily. Ignore the naysayers.
"Mah check"

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Old February 9th, 2012, 19:21   #12
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Yes I know for a fact that I can upgrade this gun like noones business that's the reason I bought it...but considering my budget at the moment I would jjust like to get peoples opinions on what I should upgrade first (or what's more important in the long run)

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Old February 9th, 2012, 19:22   #13
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Originally Posted by illuminati45 View Post
Yes I know for a fact that I can upgrade this gun like noones business that's the reason I bought it...but considering my budget at the moment I would jjust like to get peoples opinions on what I should upgrade first (or what's more important in the long run)

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See my post above
"Mah check"

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Old February 9th, 2012, 19:55   #14
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Don't get it lol...I think im gonna start with a mosfet...did my research and I like what im hearing

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Old February 10th, 2012, 00:13   #15
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I wouldn't recommend using LiPos unless you've already reached the maximum electrical efficiency in your gun. The only reason you should be using LiPo is if you need the extra amperage, want to run really high ROF, or really need higher energy density.

It's safer, more economical, and more beneficial to upgrade your wiring and install a MOSFET than it is to just plug in a 7.4v LiPo. But you can always upgrade to them later on.
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