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Real Sword Type 56


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Old February 15th, 2009, 14:16   #1
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Real Sword Type 56

I'm about to pull the trigger on my first AEG, and I've pretty much decided on the real sword type 56 ak. I want something high quality that will last and is game worthy, that won't require much upgrading. It's expensive for me but I want to avoid getting something cheaper and getting burned with problems later on, can anyone tell me if it's a good choice? It's going to be my only AEG, not going to collect, this and my WA 1911 is what I'll keep to indefinitely. I've read reviews on here that have helped a lot, but if anyone's got advice I will gladly take it, thanks.
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Old February 15th, 2009, 14:21   #2
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It is most certainly an outstanding choice. Just swap the spring for one that pulls off 400fps, and you're good to go.
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Old February 15th, 2009, 14:21   #3
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i have heard nothing but good from RS products. The gun you mention is an excellent piece of work, though you might find that it shoots a bit too low (i have been told), it performs VERY nicely. I believe Crunchmeister on these forums owns one. He might have a review of it up here. Just use the search feature or contact him if you have specific questions. I distinctly remember him saying that the range and accuracy on the gun were ridiculous and as for exterior quality, it was exquisite.
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Old February 15th, 2009, 14:28   #4
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Dont buy it as a first gun. Go with a TM AK

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Old February 15th, 2009, 14:30   #5
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Originally Posted by Koopa View Post
Dont buy it as a first gun. Go with a TM AK
Why not? TM AK's are plastic aren't they? I'd insist on something metal.
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Old February 15th, 2009, 14:38   #6
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Originally Posted by Koopa View Post
Dont buy it as a first gun. Go with a TM AK
I disagree. While TM have years of reliability under their belt, and are great guns, most people feel the need to upgrade them a lot: New internals, metal bodies, wood kits, new electrical wiring... Until there isn't much TM left. With the RS 56, it's got TM reliability even with upgraded internals, but with the best externals found in an AK variant.

Personally, when I get back to Canada in Sept, I'll be buying a Type 56-1 so I can use the gun both outdoors and for CQB.

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Old February 15th, 2009, 14:38   #7
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Maybe Koopa means that unless you're sure that you'll enjoy airsoft, you might want to seek a cheaper first gun to test the hobby out first.
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Old February 15th, 2009, 14:45   #8
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
Maybe Koopa means that unless you're sure that you'll enjoy airsoft, you might want to seek a cheaper first gun to test the hobby out first.
Yeah, and that is good advice. I'm coming from paintball though, and I know this is something I'll be into for a long time.

Thing is, TM isn't exactly cheap either here in Canada, so I'd rather pony up some more for something that's as close as it gets to the real steel. My rationale is that either way I'll be spending quite a bit, might as well go for the best if it's my only gun.
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Old February 15th, 2009, 15:01   #9
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
With the RS 56, it's got TM reliability even with upgraded internals, but with the best externals found in an AK variant.
It looks good on paper and pictures but when you actually get it, and you embarrass yourself at several games cause it doesn't work or it shoots all over the place, you'll know it's not reliable. Despite that, its a decent gun but nothing like a TM AK.

Also, Im finding on these forums people are quick to only praise guns and never to criticize. I remember the commendation the new CAs got back a couple years and when a bunch of people on my team bought them, they found out the true POSs they are

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Last edited by Koopa; February 15th, 2009 at 15:04..
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Old February 15th, 2009, 15:11   #10
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Originally Posted by Koopa View Post
It looks good on paper and pictures but when you actually get it, and you embarrass yourself at several games cause it doesn't work or it shoots all over the place, you'll know it's not reliable. Despite that, its a decent gun but nothing like a TM AK.

Also, Im finding on these forums people are quick to only praise guns and never to criticize. I remember the commendation the new CAs got back a couple years and when a bunch of people on my team bought them, they found out the true POSs they are
Two members on my team have the RS Type 56 and have nothing but praise for them. I've fielded a TM AK, and I liked it, but I'd still buy a Type 56 for the reasons I've stated above, and that's my opinion.

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Old February 15th, 2009, 15:18   #11
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My Type 56 is by far the best AEG I've ever laid hands on. It's tough, has insane range (even with the stock 310 fps spring) and is basically a nail driver. Seems to be what the majority of RS owners have had to say about their so far, although a few people have some minor accuracy problems with them out of the box (hopup related). Fixes on these are easy and cheap. I haven't had such and issue and no one who's bought one that I spoke to has had this issue.

The internals are all reinforced and of top quality, and it comes with a tightbore barrel out of the box. The extrenals are real steel grade and will withstand almost any punishment a real AK would. The only "down side" is the low power out of the box. Overall I still rank them as the best AEG available of any model.
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Old February 15th, 2009, 15:19   #12
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Koopa View Post
Also, Im finding on these forums people are quick to only praise guns and never to criticize.
....Are we talking about the same ASC?

I've never heard a single bad thing about RS anywhere, and I spend a good amount of time over at Arnies.
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Old February 15th, 2009, 15:26   #13
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i own ones of these, I have absouletly no regrets on purchasing this gun.
they are very nice. Like cruchmeister said in his review. EVEN THE SMELL OF THIS GUN IS AWESOME. although the price tag on it is pretty steep.

Gun still performs fairly well at stock. it shoots about 300 fps and is fairly accurate. (from what i understand the stock hopup rubber is not meant for its stock spring, putting a stiffer spring should remedy that, or switching out the hopup rubber if your leaving the spring as is).

I own several AEGS and the RS is still my Fav...
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Old February 15th, 2009, 15:33   #14
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BTW, I should specify that the issue with the hopup rubber is that it's very hard - designed for 380+ fps velocities. Make no mistake about it - this gun was designed for 400+ fps velocities out of the box. They just installed a soft spring. I just barely nudge my hopup setting on a hair to get all the hop I need shooting .28g BBs. I find that with .2, even with minimal to no hopup some shots can over-hop and lead to accuracy problems. There are 3 easy fixes for this if it happens to be an issue on your gun -

1. Only use quality .25g+ BBs (cheapest and easiest "fix")

2. Upgrade to a more powerful spring that will yield 375-400 fps (this will likely be most peoples' solution)

3. Switch the hopup rubber and bucking to a softer type if you plan of leaving the mechbox stock or install a sub-350 fps spring.

So I would hardly consider that to be a "problem" with the gun. The only problem I've encountered is the shitty mini connector for the batttery under the dust cover. The wires tend to pull out of it easily. I'm eventually going to switch that to deans connectors anyway, so not an issue. Otherwise, this is as good as it gets and I would recommend this gun over anything else on the market if you like AKs. No other AK, even upgraded, can touch this thing.

Last edited by Crunchmeister; February 15th, 2009 at 15:41..
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Old February 16th, 2009, 19:14   #15
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Great gun. Out of the 9 56s my team got all 9 had to have the hop up rubber replaced. Do that and you should be good to go. Should be getting my SVD soon and cant wait!
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