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Very good information



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Old March 20th, 2006, 20:58   #1
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Vancouver
Very good information

Found ths link today when i was looking around the web during some spare time before i start homeworlk. Personally, i think it is a very good find.. lots of informative information, and stuff even some regular players may not know.

HeL is another name i go by
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Old March 20th, 2006, 21:53   #2
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That's actually some really good info. Too bad basic firearm safety and 'common' sense aren't really that common.
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Old March 20th, 2006, 22:02   #3
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Upon arrival, the police surrounded the suspect and when he did not drop the gun, shot him with a 12-gauge shotgun. He lost a portion of one arm and was paralyzed from the waist down.

In 2001, he filed a lawsuit against the Officer who shot him and the City of Minneapolis. HE LOST. The court found that the Officer objectively and reasonably believed his Airsoft gun was a deadly weapon.

Yay that the court didn't pussy out.
Nothing to see here
May you live in interesting times.
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Old March 20th, 2006, 23:23   #4
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Natural selection... Its just unfortunate he wasnt killed.
You know, there's like a butt-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bo staff.
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Old March 21st, 2006, 00:11   #5
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Originally Posted by Lisa
Upon arrival, the police surrounded the suspect and when he did not drop the gun, shot him with a 12-gauge shotgun. He lost a portion of one arm and was paralyzed from the waist down.

In 2001, he filed a lawsuit against the Officer who shot him and the City of Minneapolis. HE LOST. The court found that the Officer objectively and reasonably believed his Airsoft gun was a deadly weapon.

Yay that the court didn't pussy out.
Tell me about it.. cant have people be too lenient on idiots who pull stupid crap like that.

HeL is another name i go by
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Old March 21st, 2006, 17:07   #6
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That was interesting and very well written, ive learned more actually.
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Old March 21st, 2006, 17:41   #7
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Hmm... what would dry firing a GBB with no mag in it accomplish if there IS a BB in the chamber?
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Old March 22nd, 2006, 12:16   #8
Awesome read, except the golden rule isn't really true. The color of your urine all depends on how many toxins are being cleared out of your system. Darker yellow = More. That explains the smell also.
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Old March 22nd, 2006, 12:36   #9
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Originally Posted by Noops`
Awesome read, except the golden rule isn't really true. The color of your urine all depends on how many toxins are being cleared out of your system. Darker yellow = More. That explains the smell also.
Yeah thats true more of just an indication. One way i was told by my sister to know if one is dehydrated is to pinch you skin, say on top of you hand, it should go back to normal instantly. However if your dehydrated it'll be slower in flattening out, I say like a second.
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Old March 22nd, 2006, 12:54   #10
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Originally Posted by Noops`
Awesome read, except the golden rule isn't really true. The color of your urine all depends on how many toxins are being cleared out of your system. Darker yellow = More. That explains the smell also.

True though that may be, It is still a very good indicator of how much your system is needing water. Dilution is the solution to pollution. Something every good chemistry and biology teacher should have tought you in highschool. If your body is getting rid of toxins, you deffently need to drink more water.

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Old March 22nd, 2006, 16:58   #11
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Ive heard of the pinch method also, if it sags then goes back, you could be dehydrated. If it goes back to normal like he said then your fine.
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Old March 22nd, 2006, 21:03   #12
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I found this and thought it would be a bit intresting too. It's about health and nutrition. Although it is for breakdancing some of the nutritional tips can be adapted to airsoft such as first aid, lack of calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. taken from

First Aid
Remember this:
If you miss one minute of primal supply after an injury has occured, you will suffer one more day from the injury!

Always cool any injury for the first. Best you grind an ice-cube directly on the skin. But don't stay on the same place, always move around as you risk to burn and destroy your skin (cells)! If you don't have any ice around you, you can hold the affected part of your body under flowing cold water.


You can recognize an inflammation if the injury is causing pain as long as the muscles are cold and if the pain gets (mostly) less after a warm up.

If the pain isn't really acute anymore, you should still cool the affected area after the practice. Further it is recommended to use a salve (like "Voltaren", "Sportusal",..) or even a tablet (like "Voltaren", "Ponstan", ..) which is embarrassing inflammations. But pay attention: Mostly such tablets are also pain killers.This shouldn't mislead you to suppress the pain for practicing!!

If you continue to practice with such an injury you have to take care that it doesn't get chronic. Because a chronic inflammation can induce fractures! That's why you should take a rest, treat the injury with care and medicate it, if necessary.

When and how should/can you start practicing again? If you don't feel pain anymore also in cold condition. Try to practice motion sequences and exercises that don't stress the affected area too much.

Pulled tendon

If it is just a hardening you can easily massage it out and you shouldn't cool but warm the affected area. The difference between a hardening and a pulled tendon is sometimes not so easy to realise. A hardening you feel mostly not until the end of the workout whereas a pulled tendon occurs suddenly and acute.

If it is a pulled tendon first you should do the same things like you would have an inflammation: cool, treat the injury with care and medicate it, if necessary. And you really should avoid stretching and doing any kind of massage for the first (you shouldn't push your thumb in the affected area..) as this would cause an extension of the "microtraumata" and thus would lead to an even longer convalescence.

For the second (according to the intensity of the pulled tendon about 3-4 days after it has occured) you should start to warm the affected area and slightly massage it. For the warming it is recommended to use a strong rheumatic plaster or a rheumatic salve.

If the pulled tendon isn't causing pain anymore the affected musculature should be worked out with isolated and only slighty with more complex motion sequences and exercises again.


Also a contusion should be cooled for the first and you can use a salve which is blood purging.

You shouldn't do any massage for the first 3-4 days. After that you can slightly rub the area.

The workout isn't affected by a contusion as long as the musculature is intact.
Most common injuries

You force your body to nonnatural, enforced and abrupt postures. Because of that your body experience extreme strain caused by incredible rotation- and speedup-strenghts. If your body is not used to such strain and you stress it more than it can bear, it can (seriously) get hurt!

How Injuries Arise

Most injuries arise when you are just starting out Breaking or are practicing a "new" move. Because you don't know exactly how to do it (maybe you "know" how you should do it but your body doesn't have the feeling for doing it) and thus you can't really bring much drive into it. So you will do it in a way that the technique isn't correct and that you need a lot of strength.

Another thing is that almost every move needs different muscles somehow. So if you haven't done a move before you also haven't enough muscles and thus you force your body maybe to more than it can bear. That's how and why people frequently get injured.

The moves you can master in a really "good" form with the right technique aren't so "dangerous" anymore. Because you know how to do them, on what you have to pay attention and also you have the muscles for doing them. Most injuries in that case arise because of not having warmed up properly.

What Injuries Arise
The following short-dated and middle-dated injuries are quite frequent:
(they take between some days and some weeks to heal)

bumps (very frequent, depends also on the surface / floor you break on).

combustions (quite frequent on linoleum).

The most susceptible parts are the joints:
wrist (capsules are inflamed, overexpanded or even broken).
shoulder (problems with the joint, the muscles and/or the ligaments).
knee (ligaments, water in it from hitting the floor too hard and/or too often).
ankle (ligaments).
elbow (nerves, ligaments).

Also the fingers, thumbs and toes are endangered:
fingers/thumbs (overexpanded or broken ligaments).
toes (broken).

A very frequent injury caused by windmills or headspins:
problems with the groin (the worst case is that it is broken, then you have to let it operated).

Acrobatical moves like windmill, flare, .. can cause problems with:
femoral (shortened or tugged muscles).

Any injury can lead to a long dated injury if you do not take care of it and if you ignore the messages of your body:
the wrist can suddenly broke one day if you always feel pain in it (even if it didn't perturb you before).
bumps and pulled tendons can lead to fractures or cracked ligaments if you keep on stressing them.

And the worst things:
permanent pains can lead to chronical pains that you will have for the rest of your life!
because of the constant stress you can get athrosis in your hip!
your backbone is a really complex part of your body which contains all nerves, the spinal marrow and many vertebras. Only one bad move and you can damage it very seriously and you can get problems for your whole life!
also the cervical can seriously get hurt and it can even cause paralysis appearances or even more worse it can cause total paralysis!

If you are injured and not totally sure about what is wrong with your body, always go and see a doctor to prevent worse consequences!
Accurate Nutrition

Always drink enough (not only because of your perfomance but mainly also because of preventing diseases) and pay attention to a balanced nutrition that you don't get defects:


The human body consists of about 60% water!
Thus it is clear that water plays an important role..

Always drink enough! Because of sweating your body loses a lot of water and mineral salts, thus you get an imbalanced aquatic- and mineral salt- household.
For correcting this loss of mineral salts again you should drink mineral water or isotonic drinks. Don't drink stuff with only few mineral salts like coke, lemonade or tea, because they cause a further decrease of mineral salts in the cells! Optimally the drink shouldn't be colder than 25°C, else it stays longer in your stomach and thus the liquid absorption is delayed.

Drink before you are thursty!
At the time when you feel thursty your body already sends signals and thus it reminds you of a lack.

Pay attention that your body don't get drained!
Insufficiency of liquid causes that the metabolism processes don't work with the necessary efficiency anymore or at all. Because of that your performance gets reduced (2% aquatic lost causes a 20% reduction of the performance).

If you don't drink enough over a longer time you can even get diseases!
Decrease of the total aquatic household:
3%: reduction of spittle excretion and urine production.
5%: temperatur increasing, problems with the heart.
10%: among other things perplexity.
20%: death!
Because of the reduced urine production toxicities aren't excreted anymore. This causes the building of sediments like nephritic and urinary stones.


Wait at least for about 1 hour after a big meal before you practice.

Pay attention to a balanced nutrition!

Pay attention not to get a lack of certain important elements!
This happens when your nutrition isn't balanced enough or when your body needs more of an element (because of the extreme performances) than you feed.

The most common insufficiency appearances:

lack of Calcium:
recognition: white dot(s) in the fingernail(s) (which can also be caused by zinc deficiency), uncontrollable muscle-shrugging, cramps.
consequences: problems with skeleton/structure of the bones, with contraction of muscles, with your capacity, with coagulation of the blood. Further it can cause a failure in the hormone and enzyme household.
adjustment: consume more milk/milk-products; eat more vegetable, fruits and cereal.

lack of Magnesium:
recognition: cramp appearances (also during sleep).
consequences: muscle flaccidities, tremblement, failure in the enzyme household (ATP-cycle).
adjustment: consume more milk/milk-products.

lack of Potassium:
recognition: musculature feebleness (even near paralysis), apathy, sleepiness caused by heavy sudation.
consequences: perturbed enzyme activation, bioelectrical performance of the cells and intracellular osmotic pressure.
adjustment: eat more meat, boletus, brewer´s yeast, soja, cocoa.

lack of Iron:
recognition: exhausted, feebleness.
consequences: bad recovery, frequently sick.
adjustment: eat more liver, brewer´s yeast, chive, wheat germs, wholemeal products, leguminous plants.

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