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KC02 Owners, Help for build!


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Old September 3rd, 2017, 15:36   #1
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KC02 Owners, Help for build!

I am wondering what parts list/builds you guys have been running, with pictures!
Currently clocked at 460 fps on .2 Stock.

This is what I was thinking, what could I add or swap out?
Rifle stock look, hogue or wood. has to be bull barrel correct?
TNT System
Rogueworx internals
Scope, I have no idea yet! suggestions would be great!
Possibly Npas,
What else should I grab, for a more effective all around rifle?
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Old September 3rd, 2017, 15:57   #2
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No pics cause mine's still giving me headaches and it's in pieces everywhere, but I can give you some suggestions.

Yes, stock has to be bull barrel.
Are you referring to the TNT system for the barrel grouping? I've been meaning to get one of those sometime as I've heard it works better than the FE70/RA-Tech combo and my current setup with the Shapeways VSR chamber isn't playing nice with my aluminum bolt carrier.
Rogueworx has really good stuff, so get all of their parts (piston and bolt carrier).
Scope suggestions... depends on how you want to use your KC. I've got a Bushnell Banner 1-4x scope on it that I like a lot. Vortex makes really nice short dots but they're out of my budget right now.
NPAS is a must if you're getting Rogueworx internals; the light weight of the parts really bump up your FPS. Make sure you loctite the NPAS before you install it as it's prone to adjusting by itself.

Other than that, that's a pretty complete build and parts list. There's the MAG 150% hammer kit from that you could get, and there also exists a MAG CNC'd trigger grouping if you want to go wild.
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Old September 5th, 2017, 11:45   #3
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Hmm, what issues are you having data? I have a rogue worxs aluminum bolt and a 3d printed vsr chamber as well which is working fine.

The tnt barrel group should perform great based on the performance from ghk tnt barrel kits.

Here's something to consider as well, flute valves designed for the kwa mp7 and guns that run on the same system work for the kc02. I didn't bother replacing my broken npas with another as i felt that the npas was quite fragile and once you locktite it you lose adjustability anyways. So I use a dangerworx low fps valve in my kc02 right now. Cronos around 300 fps on .3. Keep in mind I am running a rogueworxs piston as well and a orga Magnus 6.23 363 mm widebore barrel, so there is fps loss from the widebore. You don't need to look at the dangerworx valve but the fact that ns2 system valves are all available widens the choices you have.

If you have a 10/22 wooden or sythetic stock some parts would need to be sanded down to fit the kc02. Reatively easy job with some sandpaper and something round about the same size as the bull barrel. If you have a real steel stock made for a bull barrel, some parts still need to be sanded down but the barrel area should be fine. When fiting a rs stock you have to decide weither to cut a slot for the kc02 tang on the back of the receiver onto the stock or cut off the tang. I personally kept the tang and cut a slot into the stock and placed a brass insert into the slot so I could use socket head screws instead of a wood screw.
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Old September 5th, 2017, 14:44   #4
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The VSR chamber and the nozzle don't play nice. I'm using a first generation Aaron Logue aluminum bolt together with a KF piston and the setup is too light to slam the nozzle into the chamber. I'll probably sand down the chamber a bit more to see if that'll help, but then that'll cause an air leak -_-
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Old September 6th, 2017, 01:46   #5
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If you want to run HPA, check out the KC02 HPA Mag Adapter by TanukiWork. Takes MP5 mags and sits in the magwell where the hammer strikes. Be wary as it can cause some issues with the VSR Hop-Up. Waiting on my pre-order for V2. It's possible to route the air line through to the back of the gun with a dremmel and some creative work.

x22 Builders have rocket valves to increase or decrease your FPS. They also have upgraded mag gaskets that are more durable for cheap.

Magpul x22 Hunter Stock fits with little modification. Usually most stocks you will have to modify a little bit or modify your KC02 tang to fit a default stock; the choice is yours. RA Tech has full kits with outer barrels but are pretty expensive.

There's some metal 3d printed metal cocking handles and if you do some digging people make custom ones.

And finally for convenience, being a couple different ones out there, you can get a mag release that rests flush with the trigger guard for easy mag releasing. x22 builders seem to be the only one in stock but it's not as long as others.

If you want to go wild there are full auto conversion kits with safe/semi/full selectors that only require a tiny bit of grinding on the gun itself to fit properly. Have to order from china they've just been released in the last 2 weeks or so. Rougeworx has the best internals right now for piston and bolt carrier.

Last edited by ViRUS; September 6th, 2017 at 01:50..
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Old October 6th, 2017, 14:50   #6
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Originally Posted by ViRUS View Post
If you want to run HPA, check out the KC02 HPA Mag Adapter by TanukiWork. Takes MP5 mags and sits in the magwell where the hammer strikes. Be wary as it can cause some issues with the VSR Hop-Up. Waiting on my pre-order for V2. It's possible to route the air line through to the back of the gun with a dremmel and some creative work.

x22 Builders have rocket valves to increase or decrease your FPS. They also have upgraded mag gaskets that are more durable for cheap.

Magpul x22 Hunter Stock fits with little modification. Usually most stocks you will have to modify a little bit or modify your KC02 tang to fit a default stock; the choice is yours. RA Tech has full kits with outer barrels but are pretty expensive.

There's some metal 3d printed metal cocking handles and if you do some digging people make custom ones.

And finally for convenience, being a couple different ones out there, you can get a mag release that rests flush with the trigger guard for easy mag releasing. x22 builders seem to be the only one in stock but it's not as long as others.

If you want to go wild there are full auto conversion kits with safe/semi/full selectors that only require a tiny bit of grinding on the gun itself to fit properly. Have to order from china they've just been released in the last 2 weeks or so. Rougeworx has the best internals right now for piston and bolt carrier.
The tanuki works hpa converter has its own mag release right? Should I keep my stock barrel/hop up? What is the most likely part to break on this gun?
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Old October 6th, 2017, 15:03   #7
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Originally Posted by tylamarre View Post
The tanuki works hpa converter has its own mag release right? Should I keep my stock barrel/hop up? What is the most likely part to break on this gun?
Not sure about the HPA system cause I'm not a fan of HPA.

The stock barrel/hopup on the KC isn't great... I'd just wait a bit as I think some people are starting to design proper hopup chambers that can take VSR buckings without modification (I'm having bad experiences with the Shapeways one). I've heard mixed reviews on the TNT APS-X hopup and barrel. The standard used to be FE70 bucking paired with a RA-Tech barrel but the FE70 buckings are unicorns and are discontinued.

It depends; stock parts that break are the bolt carrier, the charging handle, and nozzle. Not much we can do about the nozzle, but there's the Rogueworx bolt carriers, Shapeways or custom charging handles, and the nozzle can have a more extended life by swapping out the stock piston for a KF/RW piston.
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Old October 11th, 2017, 00:00   #8
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you'll lose alot of fps with the mp5 mag adaptor(v1) . Im sitting at 320 fps with 150psi with a ra tech 6.01 and kfpiston and rouge carrier. Also the TNT bucking sucks ass and needs to be cut flush to function better unless you have the short screw hop adjustment. im getting roughly 175 effective-250 ft range when i use to get 300 ish
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Old October 11th, 2017, 00:38   #9
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Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
you'll lose alot of fps with the mp5 mag adaptor(v1) . Im sitting at 320 fps with 150psi with a ra tech 6.01 and kfpiston and rouge carrier. Also the TNT bucking sucks ass and needs to be cut flush to function better unless you have the short screw hop adjustment. im getting roughly 175 effective-250 ft range when i use to get 300 ish
It looks like the adapter just takes the stock kjw valve recycled from the original mag. Could you replace that with a high flow valve? Or perhaps the supply air line is bottlenecking your pressure. Apparently v2 uses a thicker line but the reason was to prevent kinks. I'm working on a similar adapter for the WE G39 so I'm open to ideas.
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Old October 11th, 2017, 23:34   #10
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Originally Posted by tylamarre View Post
It looks like the adapter just takes the stock kjw valve recycled from the original mag. Could you replace that with a high flow valve? Or perhaps the supply air line is bottlenecking your pressure. Apparently v2 uses a thicker line but the reason was to prevent kinks. I'm working on a similar adapter for the WE G39 so I'm open to ideas.
There's not enough space for the gas to expand/build volume pressure in the cnc chamber. a 6mm line helps and you can use a high flow valve but the gas chamber is the root issue. i was at 430fps with green gas before the conversion, i suspect a high flow valve, different npas valve might increase it by a bit. I also think the 150% trigger might help with keeping the valve a bit more open initially might also increase.

Last edited by NoGear; October 11th, 2017 at 23:38..
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