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Joules, FPS and upgrading your gun


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old January 8th, 2017, 20:10   #1
Join Date: Mar 2014
Joules, FPS and upgrading your gun

I am upgrading a VSR 10 G Spec extensively. Before I dump a huge chunk of money into a Novritsch tuning kit and buy a barrel, I have a few questions.

I have heard that heavier bbs benefit from a shorter barrel. The tuning kit allows me to choose the length of my 6.01 inner barrel. I want to stick with a shorter barrel, like the Gspec, but dont want to buy a barrel that will result in a gun shooting too hot.

I'll be signing up for a Level 1 certification this summer so I can run my gun at 500 fps.

If I buy a 330mm inner barrel, but find its shooting too hot, can I simply cut the spring down to compensate for muzzle velocity?
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Old January 8th, 2017, 21:42   #2
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Or just change springs.
Just beware of whether it's using 11mm OD or 13mm OD springs. But there are VSR-10 springs available all over.

Longer barrels increase joule creep, since heavier BBs are under acceleration for a longer period of time. Bolt actions are more prone to joule creep because they're over-volumed.
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Old January 8th, 2017, 22:54   #3
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Don't buy a Novritsch kit. They're just the EDGI kits with a brand slapped on them. You don't even get a 90 degree trigger sear... You're stuck with a 45 degree sear, which is a huge bitch to deal with on high FPS builds.
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Old January 8th, 2017, 23:50   #4
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Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Don't use barrel length or bore to control your FPS/velocity. Get the best, most appropriate barrel you can and go from there. As ThunderCactus said; "just change the spring". You don't need a long barrel or an overly tight barrel, 6.03 or 6.04 should be good and 430mm or less. Both of those dynamics will help you avoid barrel fouling.

Keep your stock TM hop, but get the arm modified and either get a good bucking like firefly, or get it R-hopped.

Look into the V-Trigger, it's worth the cash and get a proper cylinder kit like PDI, which should come with cylinder, spring guide, nozzle, etc.

After that you want to bring up your FPS high enough to run good quality, heavy ammo.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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