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Barrel Upgrades? Opinions welcome


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Old December 10th, 2016, 01:37   #16
Red Dot
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I might get some boos and hisses from the peanut gallery but I like the Angel 6.01 SS barrels from Evike. Run them on a couple of guns, definitely a step up in accuracy from stock barrels and not crazy expensive like Promy and PDI shits. Just looked on Evike and next year they are selling them with rhops pre-installed as well which is interesting.
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Old December 10th, 2016, 08:14   #17
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Originally Posted by Showe22 View Post
That's the problem I ran into, too much air volume for the barrel. I may try to turn it into a pistol barrel if I can modify the hop up window well enough.
What weight bbs?
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Old December 10th, 2016, 11:21   #18
Zeroroaster's Avatar
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In the 'boos and hisses' category, I've been using Lonex barrels and getting some terrific results. Yes, I clean them and polish them before use, but they are steel, rock steady, and they've been working fine for I doing something wrong?

Another barrel I keep my eye out for is the G&G brass 6.04's that a lot of people are ditching. Most of the time I end up modifying the hop window and r hopping them. Works awesome! Same thing...clean, polish, etc. I also have access to machine tools, so we can check for straightness, consistency, far, they've worked awesome...even the 509mm ones...

Just sayin...
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Old December 10th, 2016, 15:13   #19
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The lonex barrels are fine and not fine, the issue with them is the anti rust coating, once thats been taken off you have a fine steel barrel, the issue that arises next is now you have regular steel, which rusts. That said if you live in a dry place and clean regularly, totaly fine. My main gripe with them is the hop up window is oval and you cant use even a regular flat hop with them without a ton of modding, and they are only a teeny tiny bit cheaper then prometheus barrels which are much better.
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I think that's the direction I should have gone with this one though.
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Last edited by BenG; December 10th, 2016 at 15:24..
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Old December 11th, 2016, 10:40   #20
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Well, BenG, you know what Alberta's like! Dry as a popcorn fart...and yeah, I do clean my barrels pretty much after every game. The rest of the time they'd stored in a dry environment and cared for pretty much like the real ones. As for the Lonex windows, well, yeah...I get your point. I'm not on the clock with my guns so I reshape the windows anyways in prep for the r hop.

To be honest, I try and scoop as many used parts as I can...I save a few bucks and keep them out of the junk. I've got the tools to check them for consistency so it makes the scavenger hunt kinda fun, really. I scored an old top tech M16 the other week for 50 bucks. I'd bought it for parts, but the damned thing works!, onto the bench it goes and we'll see what kind of madness we can get out of it. It's got the 6.04 brass barrel, and it has zero wear on it (some guy getting out of airsoft and had never caught on to begin with) so we'll tweak that and see how we fare. If nothing else, I can fix it up and my kid will have a solid second.
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Old December 11th, 2016, 22:45   #21
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Prommy 6.03 for sure, if you know how to R-Hop do it, if not then id suggest stick to Flat Hop. Some techs prefer Rhop as they can do it in the same amount of time as R hop but if u dunno how to do it imo just stick to Flat hoping.

Flat Hopping a Prommy 6.03 is my go to and i get great performance from it
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