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longer outer barrel than inner barrel. make any big differences performance wise?


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Old September 3rd, 2016, 22:12   #1
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longer outer barrel than inner barrel. make any big differences performance wise?

first, I'm not looking for extreme performance. as far as shooting goes, it'll just be backyard shooting and will just be a wall-hanger.

I'm looking at an HK416 14.5". The only available variant in stores is the 10.5". it comes with a barrel extension to make it 14.5" but it's only for outer barrel.

so my question is if it makes a big difference that for the remaining 4", there is no inner barrel.
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Old September 3rd, 2016, 22:25   #2
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As far as I know, it shouldn't make a difference. The inner should have stablized the BB and as long as the BB doesn't touch the outer, it shouldn't affect performance in any way.
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Old September 3rd, 2016, 22:27   #3
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As long as there's nothing covering the inner barrel it will be fine? Maybe it will hit the inside of the outer barrel and shatter or throw your BBs off.

You could have figured that out though. If it's that big of a deal just...get a longer inner barrel.

Last edited by Sputmilk; September 3rd, 2016 at 22:29..
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Old September 3rd, 2016, 22:48   #4
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Originally Posted by Sputmilk View Post
As long as there's nothing covering the inner barrel it will be fine? Maybe it will hit the inside of the outer barrel and shatter or throw your BBs off.

You could have figured that out though. If it's that big of a deal just...get a longer inner barrel.
coz I'm nub and I'm tired of trying to acquire parts from online retailers. if I was looking for inner barrels I'd search for 14.5" inner barrel for VFC HK416 gbb but I can't find it at all (unless any 14.5" inner barrel works? derp IDK)

I'm not sure how it works.

Last edited by NAAZ; September 3rd, 2016 at 22:54..
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Old September 3rd, 2016, 22:57   #5
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It uses AEG inner barrels as far as I know. Got that info from a quick search on these forums. Decide what diameter you want then get the length you need.
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Old September 4th, 2016, 03:01   #6
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NAAZ, I used to own the VFC HK416 10.4" with the 4.5" extension. Shooting with the barrel extension on for looks did not affect the shorter inner barrel's performance at all. I eventually upgraded the inner barrel to a 363mm, but after tweaking the compression & hopup I never did see any significant different between the different inner barrels.
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Old September 4th, 2016, 03:06   #7
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Originally Posted by NAAZ View Post
coz I'm nub and I'm tired of trying to acquire parts from online retailers. if I was looking for inner barrels I'd search for 14.5" inner barrel for VFC HK416 gbb but I can't find it at all (unless any 14.5" inner barrel works? derp IDK)

I'm not sure how it works.
Inner barrels are usually measured by Millimeters. The appropriate length for the 14'5" is a 363mm barrel at least in AEG terms. I'm guessing it's pretty much the same for GBBR?
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Old September 4th, 2016, 13:55   #8
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It makes absolutely no difference and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

My M14 scout has an 8" suppressor on the end and I literally have more empty space between the end of the inner and end of the suppressor than I have actual barrel. 300mm barrel and 305mm of space to the end. And the suppressor has only an 8mm aperture.
As fast as I can swing the gun around, I cannot make a BB hit the wall of the suppressor.

So don't worry about it. You could be running a 6" inner barrel on a 20" barrel and not see any detrimental effect.
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Old September 5th, 2016, 19:45   #9
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Inner Barrel length means nothing once the BB has stabilized, proved that with a customer once by putting a 4" inner barrel inside a 13" outer. Shot just as far, and as accurate as the 10" outer I put in next. Having said that, your FPS will be different.

Both tests were performed with SS Barrels of the same make.

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Old September 5th, 2016, 21:18   #10
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you're looking for the most consistent/straightest bore you can find over the length of the barrel. You could argue that the longer the barrel/bore the higher chance you can have variances over the entire length.

The barrel length has no effect on range in airsoft. The air charge is the air charge. There's only so much energy to move the projectile.

Longer barrels have an effect if you have a non spherical projectile being twisted in flight to stabilize it, via rifling. There is no rifling in airsoft barrels nor would it do a BB any good to give it twist velocity.

Which makes those twist barrels BS. I have one on my bench that I ripped out of a gun because you could see BBs catch in it and get thrown all over the place, and the rifling would cut into the BBs and the material would build up inside and foul the barrel, making flight even more unpredictable. I replaced the damn thing with a stock brass barrel and it shot straighter.

In terms of length, my mp5 with a 229mm prommy shoots as straight as the 407 in my g36. The range is shorter because it shoots 25-30 fps less.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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