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Which Friggen brand to get? (Yes i've done my research) $300-400 range


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Old May 17th, 2016, 21:07   #1
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Which Friggen brand to get? (Yes i've done my research) $300-400 range

Hey! So. Yes, I've read the stickies here, and have done searching after searching TRYING to choose a gun. But it seems like everything about every manufacture has some contradiction and its making it extremely hard trying to find a trustworthy manufacture to dump my money into.

G&G Is a good starter weapon some people say, but then others say the CM line is utter crap and you better go look for a different gun. Same with VFC, everythings good except for the self shimming (I am considering the Vr-16 Combat Machine except i would need to buy new gears and fix the shim, then a better piston, etc etc.) Then there is G&P, which are good but have utter embarrasing internals. "Well", i should stay away from, Tokyo Mauri is way to expensive for my budget, And other than that, I'm clueless. Classic Army tends to get alot of lemons.. and yeah. :/

So, my real question is. I'm looking for a reliable, starter M4, and a decent company that follows along with that. Something that won't break in the first year of use. (IF that's possible) Oh, and something decently accurate, and as close as possible to 80-100% compatible with TM parts, all of this for around $300-400 if possible. I don't want a crap shooter though, I've played some games of airsoft with a cheap Co2 pistol and am willing to invest in the hobby.


Last edited by J.Naw; May 17th, 2016 at 21:16..
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Old May 17th, 2016, 21:19   #2
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For $300-$400 grab a G&G. Then you'll have some cash left over for batteries, a charger, mags, ammo, a sight, some minor upgrades (start with an R-Hop), etc.

There's no perfect gun in that price range, but this is a good start.
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Old May 17th, 2016, 21:39   #3
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My very first m4 is a lancer tactical plastic body and metal gearbox. I personally do not recommend it as it needed opening it right off the bat.

If you are planning to by new vfc g&g valken are good starts. Don't forget to budget for a good charger and other side stuff you want on it.

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Old May 17th, 2016, 23:06   #4
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
For $300-$400 grab a G&G. Then you'll have some cash left over for batteries, a charger, mags, ammo, a sight, some minor upgrades (start with an R-Hop), etc.

There's no perfect gun in that price range, but this is a good start.
Alright, Could you recommend something besides the Combat machines? Like how are the GR16's, GC16's, GC1-46's, TR4-18, CM18 (unless its Combat Machine) GC12's, etc?

I've already got myself a redot, angled foregrip and a smart charger (use it for my RC car) so I should be alright in that department. I'm setting aside another $150 for BDU, goggles, and other small things like AMMO and partial upgrades if needed.

The VFC might end up being the best choice as everyone say's they're pretty good except for the auto-shimming gears. Thoughts? I'm trying to stay away from G&G Combat Machines just due to how unreliable they are...

Last edited by J.Naw; May 17th, 2016 at 23:31..
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Old May 17th, 2016, 23:42   #5
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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If you have the cash, grab a VFC. Internally though, there isn't much difference from one model to the next within a brand, so get what you want.
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Old May 17th, 2016, 23:59   #6
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
If you have the cash, grab a VFC. Internally though, there isn't much difference from one model to the next within a brand, so get what you want.
Alright. I would've thought there would be major differences from different model lines but I guess not. Thanks!
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Old May 18th, 2016, 00:20   #7
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Originally Posted by J.Naw View Post
Alright. I would've thought there would be major differences from different model lines but I guess not. Thanks!
This, don't bother with G&G and other low end junk if you have the funds to get in on a good brand. There's a few things you need to work on down the road when they go, with VFC, it's usually the Hop Up that goes first, but it's better than fixing multiple issues on cheap guns.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old May 18th, 2016, 00:22   #8
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If you are looking at VFC and consider something cheaper - save up some money and get VFC. I have one of DX versions of AK74SU and it's yet to fail. I treat airsoft same way as real firearms when I go out and my rifle takes a beating every time I do blank fire. It gets dragged through everything and anything. Only difference between the two is that battery died and airsoft AEG stopped shooting last weekend.

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Old May 18th, 2016, 08:02   #9
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My honest opinion. I've held a few G&Gs. CMs just feel all wobbly, I held someone's top tech G&G and that felt a bit better, but once you get into that price range go with any VFC. The self-shimming gears are not THAT big of an issue. Both of my VFCs still have their self-shimming gears. The one noticeable difference I've found is the gearbox tends to be a tad noisier. If you go VFC just stick with the stock gears until something fails. You'd be ripping out at 90% good system to put in at 99% good system, or at least that's the way I look at it.

I'll definitly change the gears in the future, but for now they work just fine for me.

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Old May 18th, 2016, 08:25   #10
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Originally Posted by AnthonyG View Post
My honest opinion. I've held a few G&Gs. CMs just feel all wobbly, I held someone's top tech G&G and that felt a bit better, but once you get into that price range go with any VFC. The self-shimming gears are not THAT big of an issue. Both of my VFCs still have their self-shimming gears. The one noticeable difference I've found is the gearbox tends to be a tad noisier. If you go VFC just stick with the stock gears until something fails. You'd be ripping out at 90% good system to put in at 99% good system, or at least that's the way I look at it.

I'll definitly change the gears in the future, but for now they work just fine for me.

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1+ All my VFC M16's still have the stock gear set's in them. I would Highly Recommend VFC as the brand to go with. Also now as the VR16 Line has come out if you shop around you could get a VFC E series at good price.

Best of luck
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Old May 18th, 2016, 09:18   #11
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^ E series became VR16 for those that didn't know (op)

Swear I say* this weekly lol... Upper Canada Tactical has some great deals on the VR16s from VFC.

On sale for 309+

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Old May 18th, 2016, 10:15   #12
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Alright sweet thanks guys. Will check out upper canada tactical. Another store to add to my list
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Old May 18th, 2016, 10:39   #13
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Originally Posted by J.Naw View Post
Alright sweet thanks guys. Will check out upper canada tactical. Another store to add to my list
All you need is the base vr16, because I'm sure you'll end up switching the front rail and stock eventually.

They are all internally the same, just the "external" parts (rail, stock, iron sights, etc.)
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Old May 18th, 2016, 21:30   #14
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I know this may sound a little off the beaten path from the previous answers but every single ics m4 /m16 has lasted me a good 4 years before i had to fix anything on it the main differences between them and g&g is the split gearbox rather than the solid one and it has an added on gear release function if the gun manages to jam up
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Old May 20th, 2016, 02:22   #15
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Get a G&G for your first gun, durabul, long lasting and friendly to aftermarket parts, if you want something great out of the box and wont have to mess with until your really invested in the sport get a krytac, durabul and they come with many features that are considered upgrades, although they wont match a hand built gun they are more then a match for any stock gun on the market, and I think the price is also fairly reasonable
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I think that's the direction I should have gone with this one though.
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