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Using a plate carrier with custom-made plates as a form of protection from knives & needles?


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Old January 20th, 2016, 09:26   #16
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stabbing is the least of your concern... getting your arms filleted and muscles/tendons severed is far less appealing than being punctured. Also stabbed with needles? dirty needles don't need to hit center mass to give you hep or aids.

a vest is a bad idea. Find a safer way home. A visible vest will also only encourage a challenge. If you're going to do it, do it right and get the proper armor rated vest that goes under clothing, though it won't matter if any part of you is unprotected.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old January 20th, 2016, 09:30   #17
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Originally Posted by Cliffradical View Post
Are you trolling? It's an unbelievably bad idea.
And I don't mean a kevlar vest, I mean a stab vest. The kind you'll actually have to go to the right store to buy. Yes it will be expensive. No, it won't be too expensive if it's something you really need.

Find a safer way home.

If you DO in fact need this kind of vest, you'd better shell out the cash for a good one that will work and that is PROVEN to work. Seriously... how much is your life worth to you OP?
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Old January 20th, 2016, 09:49   #18
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I suggest you don't, as the law stand, if you have a stab vest on, you are asking for trouble. Should you get in an incident, they find that you are wearing protective equipment, you will get charged.
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Old January 20th, 2016, 10:24   #19
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Buy a bunch of old Nokia phones and tape them together like scales.
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Old January 20th, 2016, 10:49   #20
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Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
I suggest you don't, as the law stand, if you have a stab vest on, you are asking for trouble. Should you get in an incident, they find that you are wearing protective equipment, you will get charged.
Why would that be? In Alberta we have the Body Armour Control Act which restricts who can own and wear body armour but there is no such Act in Saskatchewan.
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Old January 20th, 2016, 11:18   #21
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The whole point of me coming up with this idea is about the vest being CONCEALED. So can all those whom appear to have aspergers or anti-social disorder perhaps read the whole thread before throwing in their useless two cents?

I would rather wear a (hidden) vest that's capable of stopping knife and needle attacks then NOT wear one. Those who shot my idea down but didn't offer any real advice really need to be moderated. Am I trolling? wow. You're a goof buddy. Sorry my safety is an actual concern and I am looking for a cheap and CONCEALABLE form of armour.

As for "lolol u cant just put cutting boards in a vest and expect it to work" - you're simply a fool and I urge you to read the thread before posting and making yourself seem ignorant and douchy for no reason other than your own self-satisfaction of a thread well shit-on. I have a cutting board right now and I just tried stabbing it and slashing it with a fresh exacto knife. NO PENETRATION. That's only 1 layer of 3 I intend on using. So clearly the idea is more than plausible? It's not like an attacker is gonna take his time and wind up and use all his force anyways - it'll likely be a fast slashing and as many stabbing motions as he can do in the smallest amount of time. So far as far materials go for preventing knife attacks - It's looking good.

For all those people out there who aren't important in real life and so they go around the internet shitting on peoples topics and what not - can you please refrain from posting if you have nothing to help? I think if i see another retarded and useless troll-post like cliffradical I'll wind up just going to a forum where it doesn't allow shit-posts like cliffradicals' without being moderated. I can't believe how nobody even bothered to stick up for the thread and some even agreed with can you agree to someone that's being a troll? Give me a break...

to all those that offered legitimate, logical and reasonable & helpful responses: I thank you! =]
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Old January 20th, 2016, 11:20   #22
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Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
I suggest you don't, as the law stand, if you have a stab vest on, you are asking for trouble. Should you get in an incident, they find that you are wearing protective equipment, you will get charged.
This is the epitome of ignorance. Thanks for contributing nothing.
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Old January 20th, 2016, 11:24   #23
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Originally Posted by Desmodus View Post

Find a safer way home.

If you DO in fact need this kind of vest, you'd better shell out the cash for a good one that will work and that is PROVEN to work. Seriously... how much is your life worth to you OP?
Oh sure I'll just find a safer way to go EAST. ?????????

Either way I have to travel through a rough area to get to my destination. it's inevitable. I can't just "go around" - it doesn't work like that.

And if I can create a vest that stops knives and needles and I do a series of quality-tests by myself (e.g. stabbing slashing and trying to cut through the vest) and it works out WHY would I go spend MORE MONEY on a legitimate vest? If it works through the trial and testing period then IT WORKS. there's no other way of looking at it.

Would you tell me that putting no-name shoes on my feet is pointless and if i want to protect my feet I should go by nike's? No. If it works and gets the job done and is concealable then the entire idea will be a success
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Old January 20th, 2016, 11:45   #24
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OP, you're a whiny petulant little bitch. You come on here asking for advice and then reject it when it's given? Get atta here. You've already made up your mind about your cutting board stab vest and we say it's a bad idea. And then you have the temerity to get pissy at us? Good luck with your venture and let us know how it goes.

Last edited by pugs144; January 20th, 2016 at 11:55..
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Old January 20th, 2016, 11:57   #25
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OP you have serious issues... If you actually thought your life was on the line, you'd probably take a less sketchy route, or have a better idea than using cutting boards. If my life were on the line, I'd spend the money on proper equipment.

On a half serious note, have you looked into a surplus flak jacket?
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Old January 20th, 2016, 12:03   #26
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I work at a indoor range and I get a decent amount of rcmp and police officers and they told me that if you wear any protective equipment for self defense, the courts will see it as if you were out to look for trouble and cause trouble
Take advices here with a gran of salt, if you don't like the advices given, then why bother making a thread if you plan to do anyways?
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Old January 20th, 2016, 12:05   #27
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Originally Posted by pugs144 View Post
OP, you're a whiny petulant little bitch. You come on here asking for advice and then reject it when it's given? Get atta here. You've already made up your mind about your cutting board stab vest and we say it's a bad idea. And then you have the temerity to get pissy at us? Good luck with your venture and let us know how it goes.
The only pissiness I'm outputting into this thread is to those who decided to make ignorant and pointless posts just to shit on the topic. I appreciate all those whom actually offered advice; rather than just shit all over the thread and insult my character and intelligence because I figured this would be an interesting endeavour to experiment with... But so much negativity.

I'm not pissy with anyone except those who have nothing better to do than to judge, insult and irritate me because they value their OPINION more than finding out the facts.
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Old January 20th, 2016, 12:07   #28
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Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
I work at a indoor range and I get a decent amount of rcmp and police officers and they told me that if you wear any protective equipment for self defense, the courts will see it as if you were out to look for trouble and cause trouble
Take advices here with a gran of salt, if you don't like the advices given, then why bother making a thread if you plan to do anyways?
Oh friggen COME ON. I already talked this over with an ACTUAL REAL-LIFE lawyer so please keep this perpetual ignorance the fuk outta here. I live in Saskatchewan, and no judge would assume that because someone was legally wearing protection that they were out to cause trouble. That's like saying "oh he walks around with a condom in his wallet - hes just looking for a young woman to force himself on"... Utter ignorance.
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Old January 20th, 2016, 12:09   #29
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Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
OP you have serious issues... If you actually thought your life was on the line, you'd probably take a less sketchy route, or have a better idea than using cutting boards. If my life were on the line, I'd spend the money on proper equipment.

On a half serious note, have you looked into a surplus flak jacket?
Lmao. I'm not even sure if this post is sincere or if you're just trolling me?

Why don't you tell me where I said my life was on the line? tell me where i said I'm facing an immediate threat? Can you tell me anything other than the obvious (which is that you post stupid shit without reading the thread first)
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Old January 20th, 2016, 12:16   #30
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Could a mod please lock this thread?

I haven't posted on forums for a looong time and I forgot how some people think by conversing with one another like an egotistical yet ignorant bafoon is how people keep up their online persona's. Everyone's gotta try and sound witty yet insultingly arrogant at the same time..

Once again - to those that actually did something OTHER than judge, shit all over and insult this thread by making useful posts, I thank you!

This is the most hostile discussion board ever. Makes me sad that this is the general character of airsofters in Canada. Despicable. Ignorance. Arrogance. Judgements. Insults. Assumptions. Accusations. Etc.. This is plain embarrassing. I sincerely hope the poor quality of responses doesn't represent the members of this forum on a whole. Because this is just shameful.

I'll make a new thread with pics and video's once I get it constructed. I guess I was ignorant for thinking I could find some fellow creative people that found intrigue in idea's such as this.. To all the trolls: Go hard cuz I give up...Fighting with children is pointless and I'm not gonna lower myself just to keep up with all the idiots-
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