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Transporting Airsoft Legally



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Old August 11th, 2015, 23:41   #16
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
So does like nobody in toronto own a car? or what's the deal?
If they do, they can't drive it...I've driven through TO, and have witnessed this.
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Old August 11th, 2015, 23:48   #17
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Originally Posted by Datawraith View Post
Pesto, I thought that it was still alright if we stuff it into a backpack or a case for musical instruments. It makes more sense to carry it discreetly especially on public transit rather than bringing aboard a visible gun case. It should be okay as long as it is transported in a safe and non-visible manner right? Let me know if I'm wrong on this.
Carrying "discreetly" is the same as concealing. You are hiding what it is, as f it isn't supposed to be there. I walk on the street with a gun case and nobody cares. If you have a soft guitar case with something possibly gun shaped and obviously not a guitar, you might get in shit. TTC has a bylaw that prohibits Airsoft guns. GRT didn't have one, so I used to carry them on the buses. One driver got scared, so I explained everything to her and she was okay with it. I called afterward to clarify, and the GRT decided to ban them. I actually wrote a thread on this a few years back.
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Old August 12th, 2015, 08:19   #18
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I'm pretty sure I read that thread. I disagree that discreetly = concealing though; I'm simply repurposing an old viola hard case. But yes... no more public transit I suppose :/
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Old August 15th, 2015, 23:45   #19
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Old August 16th, 2015, 00:18   #20
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Like using recreational drugs, concealing and unlawfully transporting a firearm is illegal. You may disagree with the law, you may think it's silly, you may find it inconvenient, but it's still illegal. If you choose to break the law, you have broken the law. If you don't get caught breaking the law, and especially if you're insulated by a group which also enjoys casually breaking the law, you're still breaking the law.

If you choose to break the law, as an adult, that's your choice.
HOWEVER, if you get caught breaking the law, you own it. You deserve whatever you get.
With unregulated firearms, you get the full brunt of criminal charges related to firearms. Or, you know, shot dead.
In addition, as with recreational drugs, bringing down heat on everyone around you by flashing your habit and taking unnecessary risks is both stupid and frowned upon.
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Old August 16th, 2015, 00:36   #21
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Originally Posted by Datawraith View Post
I'm pretty sure I read that thread. I disagree that discreetly = concealing though; I'm simply repurposing an old viola hard case. But yes... no more public transit I suppose :/
1. Your idea of discreet IS concealing/misleading. Repurposing an old viola case is an attempt to hide what you're carrying.

2. Would you rather be approached and have a gun in a misleading case, arousing suspicion? Or would you rather have it in a proper case and appear responsible with nothing to hide?

3. Your opinion doesn't matter, the law is the law.

Last edited by pestobanana; August 16th, 2015 at 00:41..
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Old August 16th, 2015, 06:04   #22
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The point remains that regardless of the case, the airsoft gun isn't being allowed in the first place.

Obviously, some people don't have a choice (when I started airsoft I didnt' have a car).

Now if you choose to break that by-law and take it upon yourself to face the possible consequences, a guitar case is much less likely to draw attention than a gun case. I rode the subway plenty of times with camo pants, combat boots, a heavy metal tshirt, a backpack and a guitar case and nobody gave me a second look because the "look" all fit together. Don't put Magpul stickers and shit on your guitar case like a fucking idiot.

By contrast, if you're dressed casually with a locked gun case and looking around nervously because you're afraid someone will notice, you WILL draw attention to yourself.
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Old August 16th, 2015, 11:57   #23
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
So does like nobody in toronto own a car? or what's the deal?
Yeah, works great when you are prohibited from street parking in front of your house, had to pay $6/hr parking, had no parking anywhere near where you needed to be and ended up storing your car at your uncle's place in Scarborough.

Or, you ride the TTC. Or leave Toronto for someplace better, which is very easy to do.
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Old August 16th, 2015, 13:29   #24
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You forgot the HOV lanes.
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Old August 16th, 2015, 14:08   #25
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I gotta say, I've always hated the whole "I don't have" or "I disagree, so I'll do it anyways" attitude. As stated, the law is the law, period, done, full-stop. The fact that they are inconvenient or inadequate is irrelevant. Don't like the law? Well, you live in a free country, you can change it. Though it will take considerable work and backing, but it can be done.

If you're not supposed to transport airsoft guns on transit, then don't!. Not being able to afford a car, or being able to live elsewhere, or to take a cab every day, etc, is your problem. Don't play or own airsoft if you can't be accountable for it.
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Old August 16th, 2015, 14:34   #26
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The only time it's ok to move an airsoft gun in a violin case is if it's a Tommy Gun, and then you've got to be wearing a pinstripe suit with a carnation in the lapel. And possibly a fedora.

But seriously though, having realistic looking assault weapons on public transit is a good way to get arrested or shot, or at least bring a lot of negative attention to airsoft. Take a taxi, pay gas money to your buddies, figure it out.
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Old August 16th, 2015, 16:36   #27
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