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Issue with battery/cords? I think


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old April 1st, 2015, 17:32   #1
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Mississauga, ON
Issue with battery/cords? I think

Hey guys. I'm going to be uploading some photos to show my issues. I brought out my gun today, attached a perfectly recharged battery and....nothing. The gun makes a weird "tick" sound when I pull the trigger but nothing else happens. When I hold down the trigger, the battery, cords attached to the battery, and the connector gets SUPER hot. I seriously have no idea what's up and I'm looking for some help.

The first pic is the gun apart where I think the issue might be.

Second picture is of the connector looking normal.

This picture is where it gets weird. I don't know if this is normal. When I pull the trigger this happens.

My thoughts are either that it has something to do with this or the motor. Please help!
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Old April 1st, 2015, 18:00   #2
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That is resistance in action.

Heavy spring and a battery without too much shove?
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Old April 1st, 2015, 18:24   #3
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Was it working ok before? sounds like either too much resistance or a short somewhere. Could be a seized motor since you're not getting anything that happens when you pull the trigger. if the spring was too heavy you'd get something happening not just a click.

While I'm nowhere near a gun doc, could be seized motor, short in the system or seized gears.
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Old April 1st, 2015, 18:46   #4
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Sounds like the motor is fried. Take off the pistol grip and carefully pull the trigger while holding the motor with an insulated glove. If you see sparks fly, you've got a burnt motor. If not, check that the motor height is properly adjusted so that it isn't seizing. Do NOT mix the red wire and black wire on the motor.
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Old April 2nd, 2015, 09:01   #5
EOD Steve
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Gearbox may be seized, meaning that something might be broken inside.
OR you reversed the red/black on the motor.

The Steve has spoken.
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Old April 2nd, 2015, 09:47   #6
ccyg8774's Avatar
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That is certainly not normal, the red fuse is not the problem, it indicates there is a problem. And I think your fuse probably has too high Amp for your setup because it didn't burnt when it should.

First check if the two motor terminals are pluged in wrong. There may be a red spot somewhere on the motor to indicate the red wire should be on this side. If that is fine, either the motor is shorted or it is stuck by something in the gearbox. A quick way to tell would be: remove the battery, remove the grip cap, unplug the motor terminals.

If you have a multimeter, plug in the battery and take a measurement of the voltage across the two motor terminals when the motor terminals are unpluged and the trigger being pulled.

Then take the motor out. If it visually looks fine, keep it out, plug in the motor terminals, pull the trigger to see if the motor turns without a gearbox. Make sure you don't mix the two terminals.

If the motor turns fine outside and the voltage is normal (about 11.5V to 12V when the battery in picture is fully charged), you have a problem inside the gearbox. Otherwise, you have a problem in the circuit.

Did you bought it new or used?

Last edited by ccyg8774; April 2nd, 2015 at 09:58..
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Old April 2nd, 2015, 11:06   #7
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Most likely, the gearbox ended it's cycle with the piston cocked, and the battery simply doesn't deliver enough power to get the motor to turn it over.
Try taking just one shot in semi with a 7.4v or 11.1v lipo.
If the gearbox really IS jammed, it'll still make that "tick" sound, which indicates there's an issue (but a single trigger pull won't break anything on an 11.1v lipo). If it frees up, it means you need a better battery.

Glass fuses don't necessarily trip instantly. They heat up then fail. If it glows like that, it means there's a dead short (if your motor won't turn, or simply doesn't have enough power to turn, it becomes a dead short), and your battery simply doesn't have enough power to burn the fuse out instantly. You don't get very much amperage from those small NiMH batteries.
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