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So much pistol brand. LOST


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Old March 14th, 2015, 10:28   #46
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Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
I've heard that green gas is overpriced propane, similar to how duster is overpriced compressed air, so i keep grouping them together. I mean, 8-12 dollars for 1 can is pretty expensive vs 5 dollars for a propane cylinder.
Ah, OK I see. It basically is overpriced propane and also technically not in a rated container for transportation. I recall there was some research done into it and the conclusion was it basically was propane without odorants added in, and that's how the AI propane adapter was invented. Also if you actually took the time to read one of the labels (at least on cans back in the day) it actually had a chemical formula that I think was supposed to be physically impossible to synthesize/produce. FYI in case you ever wanted to research it, it was CH2FCF3CH3 (tetraflourethane is CH2FCF3)

Originally Posted by Slono View Post
I thought green gas was basically propane with a scent additive. I never researched green gas though so I could be completely mistaken.
That's actually true, either scented or neutral (without the bitterants that industry adds to propane). Back in the day green gas (or maybe it was Top Gas or Red Gas which are all basically the same thing, although I have a feeling Red Gas was actually MAPP) used to sometimes be referred to as "girl farts". Basically not smelly propane.
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Last edited by L473ncy; March 14th, 2015 at 10:31..
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Old March 14th, 2015, 11:52   #47
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First off ill say a pistol is like a watch, yes it can be pretty, shiny and functional however at the end of the day it's just an accessory. Say I'm wrong but I've owned 1000$ pistols and 200$ pistols, buy something of decent quality parts and you will be fine. Your biggest desision is gas or Co2 if you live in canada and your indoor fields have resonable limits buy Co2.

Now green gas vs propane, the same guys who use propane are the same guys that use the shittiest gas and oil in their cars because its cheaper. Why spend the money gas is gas right.... WRONG! Propane contains water, water is bad for metal. Green gas contains oils are good for metals... Still with me?

Your pistols breaks or the internals look like shit and you wonder why it's because your Cheap and lazy. Your pistol functions properly and is nice and shiny your not cheap and you actually give a crap.
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Old March 14th, 2015, 11:55   #48
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Originally Posted by warplane95 View Post
The 1911 is double stack also

I ask this question because I found a clearance sale of the les baer for 200$ new (taxe include)
The hi capa is based on the 2011 pistol by sti, the popular feature was a double stacking stacking magazine however it still retains the comfortness of a single stacking 1911. Although this May be airsoft, almost everything double stacks, with the exception of some, and double stacking magazines mainly determines how much gas you have before a refill. Take for example, the 1911, in my case, it has the capacity for 10-12 shot then it's empty, while a we Glock has triple amount before a refill
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Old March 14th, 2015, 12:06   #49
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So much pistol brand. LOST

I really enjoyed We. Had a number of different pistols from them, and had no serious hiccups with any. However, since getting two KJWs (KP05 and KP02), I can't see myself buying a We again unless a really special deal.

Last edited by siggypoo; March 14th, 2015 at 17:11..
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Old March 14th, 2015, 13:06   #50
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Paging MadMax. Time for a refresher course in gas.
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Old March 14th, 2015, 13:31   #51
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Originally Posted by Foxer2373 View Post
First off ill say a pistol is like a watch, yes it can be pretty, shiny and functional however at the end of the day it's just an accessory. Say I'm wrong but I've owned 1000$ pistols and 200$ pistols, buy something of decent quality parts and you will be fine. Your biggest desision is gas or Co2 if you live in canada and your indoor fields have resonable limits buy Co2.

Now green gas vs propane, the same guys who use propane are the same guys that use the shittiest gas and oil in their cars because its cheaper. Why spend the money gas is gas right.... WRONG! Propane contains water, water is bad for metal. Green gas contains oils are good for metals... Still with me?

Your pistols breaks or the internals look like shit and you wonder why it's because your Cheap and lazy. Your pistol functions properly and is nice and shiny your not cheap and you actually give a crap.
no, propane contain hydrogen (C3H8). Water is H2O plus a lot of mineral. The mineral conduct electricity, not H2O. So propane is ok for metal. Propane doesn't conduct eletricity

Last edited by warplane95; March 14th, 2015 at 13:43..
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Old March 14th, 2015, 13:42   #52
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Originally Posted by Foxer2373 View Post

Now green gas vs propane, the same guys who use propane are the same guys that use the shittiest gas and oil in their cars because its cheaper. Why spend the money gas is gas right.... WRONG! Propane contains water, water is bad for metal. Green gas contains oils are good for metals... Still with me?

Your pistols breaks or the internals look like shit and you wonder why it's because your Cheap and lazy. Your pistol functions properly and is nice and shiny your not cheap and you actually give a crap.
You sound like the kind of guy who goes to a McDonalds just to order a salad.
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Old March 14th, 2015, 14:48   #53
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My girlfriend bought me the Socom Les Baer for my birthday present in two month. Best girlfriend EVER!!
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Old March 14th, 2015, 15:10   #54
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Lucky bastard; good pistol + good gf. Have fun with both.
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Old March 14th, 2015, 15:12   #55
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yeah, 220$ shipping and tax included
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Old March 14th, 2015, 15:42   #56
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My WE Glock with its CO2 mags is the most reliable, consistent and weather-adaptable pistol I've had.

Never owned TM pistols, so I can't compare, but I do not believe the TM-or-nothing crowd at all.
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Old March 14th, 2015, 15:55   #57
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Never had a WE, but Ive had KJW Glocks and TM Glocks. If you dont count the plastic slide, TM is way better.. Looks better, feels better, shoots better..

TM mags seem to be Godlike! Never had issues with TM Glock mags, while 3 out of 4 KJW mags started to leak..
I've left 4 fully filled TM 5-7 mags for about 8 months, never leaked. No leaks at all! Still full of gas, I emptied the whole mag..

KWA mags seems to be really good too, but I've only had KWA CZ75.
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Old March 14th, 2015, 17:15   #58
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So much pistol brand. LOST

Originally Posted by Datawraith View Post
Lucky bastard; good pistol + good gf. Have fun with both.

Haha, how I feel about my fiancée. I leave my gunz to hang out on the couch and on tables. Katie says company's coming, I say I'll clean up the BB throwers, she says nvm; fuk em if they can't handle paintball without the mess, lol.

Now to convincer her to bless me with a Hero's gift card, hehe.

Last edited by siggypoo; March 14th, 2015 at 17:17..
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Old March 14th, 2015, 17:20   #59
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Paging MadMax. Time for a refresher course in gas.
I would love to have MadMax's input on this. Tell people that need telling how gasses work.

BTW: I've heard the 20 lb propane you get from CT/Costco isn't 100% propane but rather 90% and 10% other gasses (butane, propene, etc) while the 1lb coleman ones are more "pure" propane. Which you probably can't get 100% propane without extreme expense so accept it (anyone who's an operator at a downstream processing plant will know that sometimes you get "shitty gas" in your product and the frac towers won't always do a perfect process).

Airsoft is nothing new. It uses tried and true principles that have always held true usually copying from other places. If it's in airsoft chances are it's not anything novel. RC guys were using Lipo's for the longest time before airsoft even started to consider starting to use Lipo's (and then we have that "Lipo ready" marketing BS). Not to mention, you can't break the laws of physics, thermodynamics, or the conservation of energy/mass (looking at you Polarstar/WolverineSMP users).
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Last edited by L473ncy; March 14th, 2015 at 17:22..
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Old March 14th, 2015, 17:54   #60
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post
My WE Glock with its CO2 mags is the most reliable, consistent and weather-adaptable pistol I've had.

Never owned TM pistols, so I can't compare, but I do not believe the TM-or-nothing crowd at all.
So you are admitting you have no clue what you are talking about...
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