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Newbie Tank

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Old February 18th, 2015, 13:22   #1
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Stouffville / Markham / Ottawa
New to the game....

Known about airsoft for some time.... but never really got into... Purchased the RA TECH WE M4 GBB AAC 300 as my first gun... Opinions
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Old February 18th, 2015, 13:33   #2
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what opinions are you looking for?
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Old February 18th, 2015, 13:36   #3
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1 mag... good luck. You going to need at least 5 more if you wanna start gaming.

Last edited by Sequential; February 18th, 2015 at 13:38..
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Old February 18th, 2015, 13:38   #4
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Waiting on a friend, gonna make a big mag purchase... opinion on gear, like what else to get.... I have an idea, but not to sure
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Old February 18th, 2015, 14:19   #5
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yeah GBB is gonna chew on your wallet for only get like 30 per a mag so you need yeah 6 mags probably. Cause if you are playing outdoors, a lot of the shots gets blown away by wind and also if you are in cold parts of Canada..GBB is not that great...indoors i love GBBs.(RIP we don't have a indoor place no more )

of course you need:
good eye pro - rated
good shoes - ankle protection
good clothing..just comfortable
Plate Carrier - Molle
Mag Pouch
Muzzle sock for safe zone

not TOOOOOooooo improtant, but more of milsim stuff
Camo if you are going to milsim
Bag/Blader? - store food, drink, tools, medkit, gas , bb in a milsim game..

I'm more of a drop in player just to play once every now and then, so the basic stuff served me well...careful buying online for I'm usually a M in Canada, I ordered a jacket from USA in's huge...I had to exchange for a S
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Old February 18th, 2015, 14:27   #6
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Is that the level 1 or level 2? If you got the lvl1 you'll need to upgrade internals at some point since it's stock WE.

JT Paintball face mask is a good beginner mask, and protects your mouth and doesn't fog.

If you want googles/face mesh, you'll need a decent pair of googles that are pretty pricey.

Shoes - If you play indoor you can wear whatever you want, good ankle support isn't a bad idea. Outdoors you'll need some decent boots that aren't to heavy and water proof.

BB's - make sure you run quality bb in GBB, preferably not bios.

Clothing - If you play CQB just buy some cheap walmart pants and t-shirt/sweater, under $20 for everything. If you are more budgeted, get ventilated clothing (underwear, shirts, etc) -> Under armor.

Gloves - Mechanix gloves are a big hit, you can buy them at Canadian tire, get the thin pair, around $20-30.

BDU - Don't need unless you play out doors really.

Plate carrier, or chest rig - look up condor stuff, relatively cheap and can be found locally. Great quality (MCR6) comes to my mind - easy beginner vest, holds 6 mags and can add additional pouches to it if needed. Around $45-50.

Knee pads - a must.
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Old February 18th, 2015, 20:45   #7
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Your first mistake was asking for reviews AFTER buying your gun.
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Old February 18th, 2015, 21:30   #8
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Originally Posted by Slodin View Post
yeah GBB is gonna chew on your wallet for only get like 30 per a mag so you need yeah 6 mags probably. Cause if you are playing outdoors, a lot of the shots gets blown away by wind and also if you are in cold parts of Canada..GBB is not that great...indoors i love GBBs.(RIP we don't have a indoor place no more )

of course you need:
good eye pro - rated
good shoes - ankle protection
good clothing..just comfortable
Plate Carrier - Molle
Mag Pouch
Muzzle sock for safe zone

not TOOOOOooooo improtant, but more of milsim stuff
Camo if you are going to milsim
Bag/Blader? - store food, drink, tools, medkit, gas , bb in a milsim game..

I'm more of a drop in player just to play once every now and then, so the basic stuff served me well...careful buying online for I'm usually a M in Canada, I ordered a jacket from USA in's huge...I had to exchange for a S
Nice... Thanks... I'm probably going to be a drop in type as well... I got work and real life stuff that keeps me busy, LOL
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Old February 18th, 2015, 21:35   #9
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Your first mistake was asking for reviews AFTER buying your gun.
Understood, but thanks... I had a friend help me pick this gun out, as one shop put it (not the one I bought this gun from), WE TECH guns are like the Honda Civics of airsoft, lots of aftermarket parts and easily upgraded and repaired...

I'm not a big fan of AEG's... I'm not going to get into this TOO seriously... Something to do to relax, considering what I do for work is stressful enough
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Old February 18th, 2015, 21:37   #10
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Is that the level 1 or level 2? If you got the lvl1 you'll need to upgrade internals at some point since it's stock WE.

JT Paintball face mask is a good beginner mask, and protects your mouth and doesn't fog.

If you want googles/face mesh, you'll need a decent pair of googles that are pretty pricey.

Shoes - If you play indoor you can wear whatever you want, good ankle support isn't a bad idea. Outdoors you'll need some decent boots that aren't to heavy and water proof.

BB's - make sure you run quality bb in GBB, preferably not bios.

Clothing - If you play CQB just buy some cheap walmart pants and t-shirt/sweater, under $20 for everything. If you are more budgeted, get ventilated clothing (underwear, shirts, etc) -> Under armor.

Gloves - Mechanix gloves are a big hit, you can buy them at Canadian tire, get the thin pair, around $20-30.

BDU - Don't need unless you play out doors really.

Plate carrier, or chest rig - look up condor stuff, relatively cheap and can be found locally. Great quality (MCR6) comes to my mind - easy beginner vest, holds 6 mags and can add additional pouches to it if needed. Around $45-50.

Knee pads - a must.
Good thing I'm a big fan of 5.11 (few pairs of Stryke Pants and Taclite Pro's and ATAC 8" boots I use for work) and I use Mechanix gloves already for work as well...

Thanks for the list tho...
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Old February 18th, 2015, 22:15   #11
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Originally Posted by SuperN35 View Post
Nice... Thanks... I'm probably going to be a drop in type as well... I got work and real life stuff that keeps me busy, LOL
If you're going to be a drop in then run whatever you want. One of the guys I was playing with last weekend showed up in jeans and a hoodie, literally and he's an admin on the forums.

I'm going to assume you have a propane adaptor, if not then it's something I highly recommend. Get the Airsoft Innovations one with the silicone pump if you can.

Other than that, just have fun, it's not really supposed to be a super serious game or anything (but safety is important and everyone's responsibility). Yes there are "serious" milsims but you don't need to go to them if you don't want to, if your fix is coming out once a month and playing short skirmishes then all the power to you.
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Old February 18th, 2015, 23:03   #12
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
If you're going to be a drop in then run whatever you want. One of the guys I was playing with last weekend showed up in jeans and a hoodie, literally and he's an admin on the forums.

I'm going to assume you have a propane adaptor, if not then it's something I highly recommend. Get the Airsoft Innovations one with the silicone pump if you can.

Other than that, just have fun, it's not really supposed to be a super serious game or anything (but safety is important and everyone's responsibility). Yes there are "serious" milsims but you don't need to go to them if you don't want to, if your fix is coming out once a month and playing short skirmishes then all the power to you.
Thanks, was looking into getting the AI propane adapter actually.... that's exactly it, I just wasn't to go out once in a while and have fun... reliving my childhood playing with guns....
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Old February 19th, 2015, 00:21   #13
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Apply liberal amounts of quality lube.

That is all.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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Old February 19th, 2015, 14:24   #14
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
Apply liberal amounts of quality lube.

That is all.
Only apply as much lube as you need to coat the surfaces (bolt carrier group and buffer tube, for the most part). Otherwise, you wind up with a gun full of gunk that cannot perform. Aside from the lube itself gunking everything up, lube holds onto dirt, so you'll have dirty gunk, gunking your gunky internals that work best when not gunked.

You only need a couple of drops of silicone oil in the propane adapter every few fills as well. You don't need to create a pool of oil in the propane tank head. :P
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Old February 19th, 2015, 15:43   #15
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Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
Only apply as much lube as you need to coat the surfaces (bolt carrier group and buffer tube, for the most part). Otherwise, you wind up with a gun full of gunk that cannot perform. Aside from the lube itself gunking everything up, lube holds onto dirt, so you'll have dirty gunk, gunking your gunky internals that work best when not gunked.

You only need a couple of drops of silicone oil in the propane adapter every few fills as well. You don't need to create a pool of oil in the propane tank head. :P
Obviously you shouldn't be putting on globs of lube, I'm sure he's smart enough to realize that. Just a coat of the good stuff on moving metal to metal parts. Lube upper, charging handle, bcg, buffer, buffer spring (really not neccessary to lube buffer tube tbh), I like adding a very small amount of heavy weigh silicon oil to the trigger group after oiling nozzle o-rings, but that's about all the parts you need to go over on an AR patterned GBBR.

That said, I've never had a GBBR "gunk" up... maintenance wise, after every game or use, you should be cleaning it out completely, doing a quick inspection of all consumable parts, replace any if neccessary, relube with the quality synthetic stuff, then store it in a clean environment until the next game or use.

If you're the type of guy who never cleans your GBBR's, or does it infrequently, then obviously you'll be accumulating dirt and debris, or "gunk" in your gun. I've seen numerous examples of it happening and it pretty much breaks down to people being lazy. Lube properly, clean frequently, and you'll never have "gunk" in your guns.

Magazines should be inspected regularly as well, and seals redone properly as most come fairly crap from factory.

As for adding oil, if he gets the AI oil pump kit, then he only needs to oil it once for the life of the tank. Saves you the hassle of putting drops of silicon oil in an adapter head and getting it everywhere if you're not careful.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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