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Upper receiver/metal slides with serial numbers


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Old January 23rd, 2015, 17:28   #1
Flawless's Avatar
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Upper receiver/metal slides with serial numbers

Hey guys. I read the rules of importing parts for airsoft. I know that you aren't allowed to import the lower receiver or lower frame of the gun because it has the serial number on it.

Will the same apply for upper receivers or slides that have the serial number on it? Such as the PX4 Custom or the PDI L96 upper receiver?

And would this work vice versa? Lowers that have no serial number on it?

Or am I completely off? Anything to clear up my confusion would be greatly appreciated.
Please be nice to me.

Thank you.
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Old January 23rd, 2015, 18:27   #2
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Upper receiver/metal slides with serial numbers

A lot of airsoft receivers will have no serial numbers. SN's aren't why they might be iffy, but their perceived potential to be lobbed in with real firearms is. There doesn't seem to be a plethora of logic used; read these forums about CBSA issues with importing gearboxes. Yah! Gearboxes, for Pete's sake!
You'll find frames and receivers without SNs online for lower prix, but you still risk CBSA pointing and wagging their fingers at you. Same for airsoft mags with fake rounds in them. Same for silencers.
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Off topic, do you play Unreal Tournament 99 a lot?

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Last edited by siggypoo; January 23rd, 2015 at 18:41..
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Old January 23rd, 2015, 19:49   #3
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Originally Posted by siggypoo View Post
A lot of airsoft receivers will have no serial numbers. SN's aren't why they might be iffy, but their perceived potential to be lobbed in with real firearms is. There doesn't seem to be a plethora of logic used; read these forums about CBSA issues with importing gearboxes. Yah! Gearboxes, for Pete's sake!
You'll find frames and receivers without SNs online for lower prix, but you still risk CBSA pointing and wagging their fingers at you. Same for airsoft mags with fake rounds in them. Same for silencers.
A lot will get through, some won't.
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Off topic, do you play Unreal Tournament 99 a lot?

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Hahaha I did used to play Unreal Tournament a lot back in the day. But that's not why my name is Flawless. haha It's such an old name. I want to change it but I don't know how. I think I made this account when I was like 17. I'm now 29.

Thanks for the info. I know a few private retailers that live close to me. But it would be nice to be age verified. I tried to get age verified a while ago but it was such a hassle. I went to a bunch of airsoft games and asked around and couldn't find the guy to age verify me but I got close with retailers at games and they helped me get things I wanted.

Some of my airsoft buddies were able to import slides with no troubles but couldn't customs assume they could be modified to fire real ammunition?. The laws are so weird in Canada. Such weird specifics to it. If one detail is off it can be seized.

So I'm guessing a Detonator PX4 slide and outer barrel will be fine then even though it has a SN on it.

Last edited by Flawless; January 23rd, 2015 at 19:52..
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Old January 23rd, 2015, 19:56   #4
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Talk to Ricochet if you have time. I think he's the only guy who is actually active in the GVRD. AFAIK Optix quit, and Kampfer is overseas and the other guys who used to do it live in other provinces now.

I think Ricochet is living in Maple Ridge now though. TBH the retailers in GVRD aren't the greatest on price but if you mean those guys who go down to Blaine and such to pickup packages that's the best.
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Old January 23rd, 2015, 20:36   #5
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Upper receiver/metal slides with serial numbers

Aye, Flawless, I asked because I used to play UT with a player named Flawless in the House of Fools clan. He was an amazing player, I hated him, lol.
And be patient with the age verification, and try again. If you ever glean one piece of advice for ASC, get AV'd! The classifieds will have you drooling, as well as the AV only sections that provide even more insights into airsoft.

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Last edited by siggypoo; January 23rd, 2015 at 20:39..
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Old January 23rd, 2015, 21:17   #6
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Taken from Wikipedia Under United States law, the receiver is the actual firearm itself,[2] and as such it is the controlled part (without which operation is impossible). Generally, the law views the receiver as that part of a firearm housing that has the serial number upon it. Thus, in the case of a firearm that has multiple receivers (such as the AR-15, which has an upper and lower receiver), the legally controlled part is the one that is serialized (the lower, in the AR-15's case).

Basically if the part on the real steel gun is supposed to have the serial # on it, that part is most likely restricted for importation
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Old January 23rd, 2015, 21:33   #7
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Pistol slides and barrels are fine.

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Old January 23rd, 2015, 22:42   #8
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Straight out of the FAQ section:

Examples of things you CANNOT import:
AEG magazines with fake cartridges (i.e. P90, G36, SG 552 mags)
Frames, receivers, and metal bodies
Suppressors and silencers
Prohibited-length outer handgun barrels (i.e. USP Compact, Glock 26)
Hand and 40mm grenades that look real
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Old January 24th, 2015, 01:45   #9
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Originally Posted by apilar View Post
Straight out of the FAQ section:

Examples of things you CANNOT import:
AEG magazines with fake cartridges (i.e. P90, G36, SG 552 mags)
Frames, receivers, and metal bodies
Suppressors and silencers
Prohibited-length outer handgun barrels (i.e. USP Compact, Glock 26)
Hand and 40mm grenades that look real
That's actually old info and should be updated. Mags with fake cartridges are only iffy. It just depends on how the agent feels that day. Suppressors are OK as long as they don't have foam in them (it's just a rube after all) however some do have foam or ballasts in them. As for the outer barrels you should be able to import them but it's also iffy.

As for frames and recievers yes those aren't good to import.
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Old January 24th, 2015, 01:48   #10
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Talk to Ricochet if you have time. I think he's the only guy who is actually active in the GVRD. AFAIK Optix quit, and Kampfer is overseas and the other guys who used to do it live in other provinces now.

I think Ricochet is living in Maple Ridge now though. TBH the retailers in GVRD aren't the greatest on price but if you mean those guys who go down to Blaine and such to pickup packages that's the best.
Oh no way. Kampfer as in Jasper? I am friends with him. He is in Taiwan right now for work. Is that the same Kampfer? I didn't know he was an AVer. I was actually on his airsoft team. Ravens.
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Old January 24th, 2015, 01:51   #11
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Originally Posted by apilar View Post
Straight out of the FAQ section:

Examples of things you CANNOT import:
AEG magazines with fake cartridges (i.e. P90, G36, SG 552 mags)
Frames, receivers, and metal bodies
Suppressors and silencers
Prohibited-length outer handgun barrels (i.e. USP Compact, Glock 26)
Hand and 40mm grenades that look real
Yeah I read through that a while ago. Just was curious if a slide has a serial number on it, would it be restricted or an upper receiver.
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Old January 24th, 2015, 01:53   #12
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
That's actually old info and should be updated. Mags with fake cartridges are only iffy. It just depends on how the agent feels that day. Suppressors are OK as long as they don't have foam in them (it's just a rube after all) however some do have foam or ballasts in them. As for the outer barrels you should be able to import them but it's also iffy.

As for frames and recievers yes those aren't good to import.
Oh crap. Outer barrels are iffy? I ordered a P226 outer barrel and it should be arriving soon. I hope.

In the past I ordered a M1A1 Thompson outer barrel from the States and it got through.
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Old January 24th, 2015, 08:56   #13
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To my understanding the prohibited length barrels are less then 5 inches. That being said I would assume slides for gun using barrels less than 5 inches are also prohibited.

A 226 barrel - full size I'm pretty sure is well over 5 inches.

2 piece barrels like the chamber and 'barrel' are fine because it's just a chamber (useless on its own) and the 'barrel' is just a tube
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Old January 24th, 2015, 11:25   #14
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No, pistol barrels are not restricted since they're not real barrels.

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Old January 24th, 2015, 12:52   #15
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Well then I certainly over paid for a certain item... the faq's let me down
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