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First loadout, What do you think?



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Old December 14th, 2013, 16:12   #16
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Originally Posted by DeWee View Post
Thanks for the replies

I do have a fill face mask with mesh eye covering that is designed for airsoft
Sorry to break the bad news to you but you're not going to be allowed to use that at a paintball field. You're going to need an ASTM rated paintball mask (because typically the field is shared with paintballers and all it takes is 1 stray paintball and they could have a negligence case on their hands).

However you should be able to use it at other venues depending on if the admins allow it. However I highly recommend if you are allowed to use a mesh mask that you also wear some sort of shield underneath in case the BB shatters (doesn't have to be ballistic rated, just in case a BB shatters it needs to be able to shield your eyes from shards).

Other than that, boots that cover ankles are ideal (however low topped hikers are okay and better than runners that you can roll your ankle in easily).

Grab yourself a gun, and whatever you think looks cool. Doesn't need to be a PTW but on the other hand don't get a $50 Canadian Tire special. At minimum expect to spend $200 on a gun (includes battery, 1 mag, and whatever else comes in the box).

You could go for a "PMC" loadout (Private Military Contractor) which is pretty popular if you're on a budget. Basically tan, black, green or grey pants or khakis (or jeans), black or green t-shirt (under armour) or long sleeved button down shirt, and black, tan, or green hat. Feel free to mix and match as you need.

Here's just one of many reference pics;

Call of duty:

Toy action figure:

Hell, if you wanted you could even just wear some woodland camo, a black beret, and a ski mask and say you're a militiaman or whatever.

ie. http://ansionnachfionn.files.wordpre...eland-2012.jpg
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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Old December 14th, 2013, 16:23   #17
2 Cent Tactical
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You definitely do not need to choose a specific role. There are rarely, if not ever, roles that require a player to have a special load out. You do need to choose a base colour though, get both a set of green based camo and tan base camo. The vest and other gear do not matter for colour.

What you will need.
1-3 is pretty much the minimum to play small games, beyond that is the extra stuff needed for the more serious games.

1. Protection
Yout will need properly rates glasses or full seal goggles. Do not use mesh goggles, you will not be able to use them at most games.
You will find that most people do not run facepro at all. I personally just wear shooting glasses unless I find myself in a very tight quarters field where I would feel safer with full seal.
Get a good pair of foots with ankle support! Just as important as eyepro.
If you like your fingers, get gloves too.

2. Rifle and ancillaries
Most here will suggest you start in the $400+ range for a rifle. Lower cost rifles will likely break earlier and cost you more to fix.
Of course no matter the cost of a rifle it will eventually break, its when that matters, and for a new guy that only has 1 rifle, you want it to last for a long time.
The wall chargers that come with rifles are crap - don't ever use them. Get a smart charger such as the "Universal Smart Charger" (google it) to start, or jump right into an ImaxB6 or similar.
Get mags that don't rattle - HiCaps are bad, and actually do feel bad. Pick up 6 or so mid caps for your rifle.

Choosing your rifle is up to you. Find a design you like, then research the fuck out of it to find what brand of one to buy. It is ok to come to us with the question of what brand of XX style gun to buy, but don't ask us to compare say an M4 to a Scar, that kind of shit is up to YOU.

3. Basic Gear
Get a vest to carry mags and water in. It does not need to be some crazy expensive plate carrier or super navy seal rig. Find a design you like and try it out.
I have a lot of expensive kit, rifles, and gadgets, but I still run a $20 chest rig to hold mags and my radio. It works, fits well, and has stayed in one piece since I got it used 3 years ago.
Make sure you have the ability to carry water on the field with you.

4. The more expensive gear
Once you have your basic set up that will allow you to play games you can move onto the nicer, more expensive stuff that you will need for the big games.

-Radio - do not get a blister pack radio - there are plenty of threads on here that can guide you to what radio to get.
-Headset - Its up to you what to get, but keep in mind that you get what you pay for, and they do break, often. Do not be that dick that leaves his radio on speaker :P
-More guns!

5. Just fucking showing off, but useful shit
-Nightvision + IR lasers
-Digital Radios
-Real gear
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Old December 14th, 2013, 17:17   #18
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+1 on the PMC. Just a pretext to wear whatever you want, lol.

I played my first season with what a lot of people would call the essentials.

BBBastard/Elvex glasses
A good pair of boot from Military surplus
Tan/Digital BDU from Military surplus
Mechanix (Canadian Tire) gloves, can order directly from the website from cheap

180$ JG cheap rifle, stock, with a couple of midcaps

Battle belt which held EVERYTHING from mags to dump pouch (condor makes cheap stuff that should last until YOU decide to change your setup).

That's below 600$, not factoring taxes and shipping for applicable items. Not once did I not blend with everyone else, and I never felt undergeared.

** But trust me and everyone else, you will not stop there.

I now own two rifles, far from stock, two pistols, a lot of mags, a lot of costly gear, some real steel (mostly HSGI), stuff to carry all that, accessories (lights, optics), etc, etc.

I stopped counting after 2000, for this year.
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Old December 14th, 2013, 18:07   #19
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Thank for the replies everyone they are all really helpful

The reason I want a full face mask is because I dont want a bb in the teeth

Paintball masks are crap because you cant look through your sights properly

But ill look to invest in new eye/face protection that isnt mesh

From looking at the Canadian airsoft websites that do sell guns, I see what Cobrajr said. The stuff that I would go for are around $400

I dont have access to the classified section yet, would that likely give me the best bang for the buck?
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Old December 14th, 2013, 18:27   #20
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Classifieds, 90% of the time, aren't worth it, because people try to sell their used guns for the "new" price. But sometimes a real deal will pop, and those can be profitable. Especially discounted rifles with multiple mags (as long as the mags are good).

I'd suggest to either wait for ... certain retailers to announce their Christmas/boxing day deals, or wait to be age verified and check around. At this time of the year, there's no sense in rushing a rifle purchase.

For face protection, mesh lower with goggles/glasses is a good combo.
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Old December 14th, 2013, 18:47   #21
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Originally Posted by K3vX View Post
For face protection, mesh lower with goggles/glasses is a good combo.
And you can use micro tie-wraps to keep them together.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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Old December 14th, 2013, 18:55   #22
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You could just cut something down and create a mouth guard, it's a lot easier to run comms and shit without a full face guard.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Last edited by Gato; December 14th, 2013 at 20:52..
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Old December 14th, 2013, 18:56   #23
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Glasses under my mesh face mask?

Im liking G&P's rifles. From the m4's to the m14's that they sell
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Old December 14th, 2013, 19:09   #24
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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G&P's are great, but you need to shim or replace the gears before using the rifle, and they do have a small chance you might get a demon gun.
VFC is a safer option, they make great guns
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Old December 14th, 2013, 20:47   #25
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If you're looking at G&P, you're starting off with a better platform than most people's first AEG. But Stealth, a member/retailer around here would be glad to tell you it's not the best choice :P

Personally, they are really good, but incompatible with a lot of things externally if you want to change external in the future. Also, as said before, their internal gears can go wrong, so I'd suggest getting someone competent to open it and perform the usual first time maintenance, shimming the gears being one of those steps.

VFC is the step above, and hard to beat really. But I, personally, by far prefer the look of a G&P rifle.
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Old December 14th, 2013, 21:44   #26
2 Cent Tactical
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Originally Posted by DeWee View Post
Glasses under my mesh face mask?
He means something like this;

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Old December 15th, 2013, 11:16   #27
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Ill definetly take a look at VFC then

and I like that mesh mask a lot
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Old December 15th, 2013, 11:28   #28
formerly Contractor 6-8, CptPinard17eRAM
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Originally Posted by K3vX View Post

I stopped counting after 2000, for this year.

My first year ended maybe around 2,5K $ and I was far from hardcore then...

I owned more than 20 guns in 4 seasons

so yeah... it's an illness

I stick up with two rifles and a sidearm at least...
Retired chairsofter
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