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First loadout, What do you think?



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Old December 14th, 2013, 12:33   #1
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First loadout, What do you think?

Hey guys im brand new to the forum

Im not new to the idea of airsoft, but im new to the idea of "serious" airsoft

Im 18 (19 next month ) , and im working on getting age verified very soon.

From sitting back and watching around the forum, I can see that people can be reluctant to allowing younger guys to games. So I want to find a role in the game that guys would be comfortable with to get me into the community as smoothly as possible.

So what kind loadout do you see fit? I know that anything too hot (n00b sniper) is completely frowned upon.

Im not a money pit, so I want a full loadout that can cross over as much as possible (indoors and out)

Conclusion: If you were going to purchase one full single loadout (gun, clothing, etc etc) for your airsoft career, what would you go for?

Last edited by DeWee; February 21st, 2015 at 11:26..
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Old December 14th, 2013, 13:10   #2
formerly Contractor 6-8, CptPinard17eRAM
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that is try and see if you like it buddy

Ar platforms are all around the most used as it is highly customisable and can switch CQB upper receiver to a long range upper receiver.

as for clothing, go with what you like, games are often based on green vs tan or digital vs analog camo. so go with whatever you like but please no ACU crap ... it is refered as '' I see U''

gear? need good ocular protection don't cheap on that, good boots too. Vest is like you want... chest rig are colder and less bulky but plate carrier often have more space to put shit on if you are like me and like to carry a lot of useless stuff just for the show.

Remember, you need room to fit extra magazines, a good radio and water... nothing more unless you are on a milsim scenario and need to carry more stuff.

basically, you will make your mind by trying it... I changed like 4 times my setup in 4 years. also, don't bring around 14 magazines on your vest... been there done that, useless, bulky and heavy believe me.

cheers and welcome aboard
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Old December 14th, 2013, 13:28   #3
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Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
that is try and see if you like it buddy

Ar platforms are all around the most used as it is highly customisable and can switch CQB upper receiver to a long range upper receiver.

as for clothing, go with what you like, games are often based on green vs tan or digital vs analog camo. so go with whatever you like but please no ACU crap ... it is refered as '' I see U''

gear? need good ocular protection don't cheap on that, good boots too. Vest is like you want... chest rig are colder and less bulky but plate carrier often have more space to put shit on if you are like me and like to carry a lot of useless stuff just for the show.

Remember, you need room to fit extra magazines, a good radio and water... nothing more unless you are on a milsim scenario and need to carry more stuff.

basically, you will make your mind by trying it... I changed like 4 times my setup in 4 years. also, don't bring around 14 magazines on your vest... been there done that, useless, bulky and heavy believe me.

cheers and welcome aboard
Thanks for the reply

Is there a minimum equipment requirement that is kind of standard?

For instance... you mentioned that I need room for a radio

Is that commonly needed?
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Old December 14th, 2013, 13:32   #4
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It purely depends on what you want to go with in terms of your load out.
Going with SOF or western world's soldier is almost guaranteed money pit.
LE loadout are generally poor choice because they tend to use black (atleast the commonly associated ones) black stands out.
PMC loadout are pretty much whatever you like.

If you are into representing a particular conflict nothing beats being bad guys

A 7.62mm AKM will fit in almost every scenario outside of WWII and earlier.
Gears are cheap;
Load bearing device: A chicom chest rig or Russian Lifchik
Clothing: Civilian work fantastically (T shirt plus jeans) with either 3/6 coloured desert or M81 woodland jacket works extremely well
Headgear: balaclava or Shemagh depending on which area of baddie you're representing

If AK isn't your thing, go with a M16A2 and use LBV-88 chest rig instead and keep the rest as is.

One thing is for sure, make sure you get good hiking boots and military rated eye protection
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Old December 14th, 2013, 14:01   #5
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Honestly if you want to build an affordable load out without breaking your bank for it, look up the emerson stuff. the new Emerson series fabrics are really nice for what you can call "chinese made". Make sure you get Emerson, and not TMC.

TMC uses a lower quality of fabric and the colors are all wrong so if you end up getting legit shit later on in the future it won't match.

For a BDU/Uniform you can look for some Gen 2 multicam pants from Emerson, they already have the knee inserts and the material is real solid.

Get all that stuff, try the sport. See if you like it, then start spending more money into it.
No point in buying all legit shit when you end up not liking the sport.
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Old December 14th, 2013, 14:08   #6
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So is picking a pure role essential?

A civilian with an AR or Mp5 not going to make sense to the hardcore crowd?
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Old December 14th, 2013, 14:15   #7
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Originally Posted by DeWee View Post
So is picking a pure role essential?

A civilian with an AR or Mp5 not going to make sense to the hardcore crowd?
No. I play whatever role is required of me. Typically you'll just be an "infantryman".

Safety gear first then fill in the rest with whatever. Ask around your local area what works best with them and what you think looks cool.
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Old December 14th, 2013, 14:22   #8
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I think you need baggy jeans, a glock and a green hoodie and green bandana.

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Honestly, what works for me might not work for you, you'll have to experiment to find whats best for you
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old December 14th, 2013, 14:27   #9
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Would you recommend going to games and not participating?

Thats seems like the best way to find what I want
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Old December 14th, 2013, 14:45   #10
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If you want to go a little easy on the budget, I would recommend a Green kit vs a Tan one.
The reason being, at least here, that the Green side often represent the OPFOR: terrorists, extremists, civilians, militias; so you need less gear to finish your kit.
The Tan side, who represent all the modern military units, have a lot more strict gear requirements for an authentic looking kit: vest, bdu, backpack, radio, helmet, patches, headset, taclight, etc.
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Old December 14th, 2013, 14:53   #11
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Spend money on your eye-pro first, then your rifle+mags/batteries/parts, THEN your kit. Start off simple, and build up to what you NEED, not what looks gucci. If you don't need it in the game, then don't have it on your kit. Trust me, the weight adds up fast.
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Old December 14th, 2013, 15:24   #12
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+1 on really good eye protection, thats something I would never cheap out on...
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Old December 14th, 2013, 15:31   #13
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Thanks for the replies

I do have a fill face mask with mesh eye covering that is designed for airsoft
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Old December 14th, 2013, 16:02   #14
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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Originally Posted by DeWee View Post
Thanks for the replies

I do have a fill face mask with mesh eye covering that is designed for airsoft
The issues with mesh arise with some of the players who cheap out on ammo. A lot of the cheaper ammo or bio ammo will fragment on impact, which presents the risk of debris getting in your eyes with a mesh covering, althoug the tighter the mesh, the less risky.

As far as gear goes, my last post was from my phone, what I meant was you'll need to try some different rigs.

For example, I love the look of assault oriented plate carriers but for airsoft, they're not ideal. In reality they're meant for quick, high intensity bouts of action, not sustained conflict or patrolling. In the end, I'm now running light with some old CF webbing. I'm currently looking at a Shellback Banshee PC.

Don't just buy what other people recommend, try it on if you can, if you have a buddy or something with some gear kicking around, ask to try it at a game, get a feel for your kit. When you find what works for you, train like a mother fucker with it.

By train, I don't mean be like certain members here who watch magpul videos, over exaggerate the stances and do stupid shit, both in Airsoft and Real Steel ranges based off their "Knowledge". I mean practice reloads, re position bits of kit until the movements are comfortable, then do them until they become natural. You never finish training, but the ideal position to get to is to begin your drills or actions, such as a reload, without even thinking to do it or consciously be directing your hands. Everything you practice at home is then tested on the field, and if it's all fucked up and doesn't work, modify it or alter it as needed.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old December 14th, 2013, 16:02   #15
formerly Contractor 6-8, CptPinard17eRAM
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Originally Posted by DeWee View Post
Thanks for the replies

I do have a fill face mask with mesh eye covering that is designed for airsoft
Mesh is not what I would recommand most, I use it but know the risk of it. BBs can and will break impacting the mesh and some debris could and will pass through eventually.

best bang for the buck is full paintball mask, add fans if you don't like fog.

first thing first is eye pro, boots, gun, battery, mags, good quality bbs and go try the sport. if you like it (and you probably will), invest in whatever you like
Retired chairsofter
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