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Is the WE P08 luger gas pistol any good?


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Old September 30th, 2013, 01:21   #1
DI Sessa
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Is the WE P08 luger gas pistol any good?

How much do they go for?
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Old September 30th, 2013, 01:28   #2
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No, they're mostly a wall hanger. They don't perform well at all.

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Old September 30th, 2013, 11:27   #3
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I own one in the past, mostly for plinking and such, fired ok for a while then the mag started to leak from the bottem fix that, and then it started to leak from the top,>.<
if your into ww2 then yes there good for that.but other wise, its pertty wall hanger

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Old September 30th, 2013, 12:09   #4
Brian McIlmoyle
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Very low gas volume... you can get a realcap load out.. of 7 rounds out of it.. sometimes
it's an excellent replica, but a crap gun.

I have one.. and it sits in my holster 95% of the time.. the other 5% I wave it around menacingly .. but I can count on 1 hand the times I have actually shot it at anyone.
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Old September 30th, 2013, 18:30   #5
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If you're looking for a good WW2 German pistol, the Umarex P38 is incredibly reliable. 12+1 magazine capacity and you can get up to 2 mags out of a gas fill. Love mine. Gotten many a close kill with it after setting down the MP44 or running out of rounds in the Mauser.
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Old September 30th, 2013, 18:41   #6
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Part of the policy on this website is that we can't directly tell non-age verified people where to buy airsoft guns and how much they cost, however I can say you can usually find these things out yourself with a cursory search of Canadian airsoft retailers (there aren't that many).
As for the WE Luger, I'd love to own one (having shot a real one) but it seems that it's unreliable and totally impractical as a sidearm. As for the gas volume problem mentioned in above posts, I'd like to know if anybody has tested the drum mags and if they are any better in that regard.
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Old September 30th, 2013, 19:39   #7
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It's a WE clone of Tanaka, which has a complicate mechanicism that requires precise craftsmanship of the parts to make it work properly.
Obviously WE, like all their other clone guns, simply copies all parts with cheap pot metal, and does not care to fine tune them. It ends up you get a pretty useless full metal replica at a low price, which is not even up to a wall hanger standard, due to its easily chipped paint work.

My advice is you should stay away from this brand as much as you can.
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Old September 30th, 2013, 20:32   #8
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Swattiger, maybe you got a lemon or I got lucky with my 3 perfectly working WE GBBs.
I have:
Classic 1911: Paint job is crap, just like you said. Can be scratched off with a fingernail. Range is ok for a backup. Man sized target at around 20-25m, no problem. I had this gun for years, got it in 2007 or something like that so it's probably one of their first models but it still works...
P08: Got this one in 2013. Paint is holding fine, gun is "aging" itself just like any other GBB I handled. Fired 200-300 rounds through mine, pot metal internals are still holding, no full auto issues. Range is ok, 20-30m, gas capacity is ok, enough to fire off one mag on warm days which is perfectly acceptable for me. This version of P08 is easily obtainable unlike Tanaka and performs good as a back up during WW2 events/collecting purposes.
TT33: This is newest release. Hudson's clone that actually works. WE really stepped up their game with this one. Only 3 small pot metal parts I could find, aluminum body with steel/aluminum internals. Only parts with bad paint are barrel bushing, slide catch, trigger and butt of the mag but I cold blued those right away. For body they used some unusual black paint, can't say what exactly it is but it's strong as hell. Way stronger than what I had on my KJ M9 or KSC Glock with metal slide. Gun shoots at 350fps, kicks hard, has impressive range and gas capacity for a single stack. Hop up is not too consistent past 40m range. So yea, I wouldn't stay away from WE when it comes to WW2 guns and such unless I'm offered an alternative like TM or maybe KJ.
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Old October 1st, 2013, 15:49   #9
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I found a WE 1911 that was going full auto, pooping out gas. The usual problems. 50$ meh,

Decided to do a few tests. First I dropped it down a flight of THREE stairs. It hit the top stair on its side and bounced to the bottom clearing the other two. (wood deck stairs)

The slide snapped into 4 or 5 pieces. Front end went flying. The rear got caught on the hammer and stayed on.

I'll see if i can dig up the pictures I took.

Test complete, avoid that shit like the plague.
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you are going to die..

maybe not from this .. and probably not today... but I assure you, you will die
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Old October 1st, 2013, 16:10   #10
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I've had a WE Luger for quite a few years. I'm rather fond of it, but don't game it due to lack of a proper holster. Have put a few hundred rounds through it in target practice, runs fine so far. The paint on this one is weak. The mags tend to spring leaks easily, seems to be an issue with the valve internals. The gas capacity is low, but I've never had a problem firing a full mag if the mag was gassed properly. Biggest problem is the sights... they are authentic in design, and thus hard as heck to see if the light (or the shooter's eyesight) is in any way poor.
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Old October 1st, 2013, 16:22   #11
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Any pot metal gun will probably break if tossed from stairs like that. My first AEG was an MP5A4 with ICS "metal" body. Both hop up forks snapped off during game day at Wassaga Paintball. Thing wasn't dropped or abused beyond normal wear and tear at games.
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Old October 10th, 2013, 13:10   #12
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That's the fun with pot metal guns...they can fail horribly within a day, or outlive your grandchildren. It's a shot in the dark.
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Old October 12th, 2013, 22:21   #13
Random Fire
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I have the 8" chrome with 2 standard mags and a drum mag w/holster (still trying to get a shoulder stock). I had to do the mod to the gun to fix an issue that happen to some of these guns. I also find the drum mag works all the time and the regular mags tend to always have leakage issues, but a fun gun to shoot and pretty accurate. I will add that when you look at shot ratios comparisons of pistol vs. rifle you will be fixing pistols more often.
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Old October 14th, 2013, 18:11   #14
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I bought one and less than a few mags it started to fire full auto. I found a fix for the problem but lost a little spring in the process. Mine is a wall hanger now. Pretty dissapointed. I hope WE goes back and fixes the problems with this gun and comes out with a P08 V2.0 haha
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