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Grenades and CQB



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Old December 14th, 2012, 17:55   #61
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
And never call yourself out prematurely, unless your absolutely SOL.
I don't necessarily just see a grenade go by and say "whelp, I'd better walk out with my hands raised" =P
If, like in Coach's example, I would have obviously survived the airsoft grenade, I'll just keep shooting. But if the grenade does more-or-less what the tosser intended it to do, and I happen to be missed by all the BBs from the grenade (eg, someone is standing between me and the grenade), I'll still call myself. I didn't mean to make it sound like I'll call myself out if someone so much as asks me politely. =P

Originally Posted by Dirtbag View Post
Just one question why call grenade in the 1st place, we only allow actual tornado grenades to be used as grenades.
My understanding is that it's mostly for safety. You could say "heads up, there's a heavy projectile being lobbed in your direction", but specifying that it's a grenade has the added effect of letting newbies know what's going on.
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Old December 14th, 2012, 18:05   #62
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Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post

My understanding is that it's mostly for safety. You could say "heads up, there's a heavy projectile being lobbed in your direction", but specifying that it's a grenade has the added effect of letting newbies know what's going on.
Neg, it's so your team mates don't go rushing in after what might have been a DD.

And it makes the enemy react.

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Old December 14th, 2012, 18:14   #63
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
Neg, it's so your team mates don't go rushing in after what might have been a DD.
Well that's why everyone should do it, but some places (like Ultimate Airsoft) have a rule that you have to call your grenades when you throw them. I thought Dirtbag was asking "why do fields have rules like that".
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Old December 14th, 2012, 18:55   #64
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- Most places require a grenade that actually sprays BBs and goes "BANG" to be legit.

- if your caught in the open with ten feet, most fields rule that you are dead wether a BB hit you or not.

- a grenade cannot kill you through solid cover. If your behind a wall, or something that would stop a full auto AEG, then that is usually considered sufficient cover ...I guess that includes people? Although I consider it a risk off the game, I'd hate to intentionally bust up someone's tornado by jumping on it.
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Old December 14th, 2012, 20:47   #65
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In my opinion, it's the players responsibility to identify threats as they see them, if I call grenade, and then proceed to throw something that is not a grenade, it is the enemies responsibility to identify it as such, should they treat it as a real grenade and leave cover its easy shooting for me. That's their choice, it's the same thing as me sitting in a observation post where I know the enemy will pass and then shooting them when they enter into range, it's the opponents liability to ensure that the path is clear and free of enemy lines of fire. It is not the shooters liability so he is at a position of advantage, if Someone calls grenade and throws something toward you, it is a legitimate practise because it could be a real or fake grenade or a dud and it is not the throwers responsibility to identify it as such. It is a valid distraction device. An example of this in a military stipulation would be the American soldiers of world war 2 who knew they're German counterparts would leave cover If they faked the ejection of m1 garand magazines, the Americans deployed a distraction device to make it seem they were out of ammo, the Germans made the choice to break cover, and were shot promptly.
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Old December 14th, 2012, 20:51   #66
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Although I consider it a risk off the game, I'd hate to intentionally bust up someone's tornado by jumping on it.
You can probably run one over with a car and it won't harm it.

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Old December 14th, 2012, 20:57   #67
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
Neg, it's so your team mates don't go rushing in after what might have been a DD.

And it makes the enemy react.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
My understanding is that it's mostly for safety. You could say "heads up, there's a heavy projectile being lobbed in your direction", but specifying that it's a grenade has the added effect of letting newbies know what's going on.
The way it seems to be being taught and the way I and most people I know were taught is as follows

Grenade = incoming
Frag out = outgoing

Regardless, Shelled is on the ball, it's communication, so that your guys know what you're doing and you know what they're doing.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old December 14th, 2012, 22:06   #68
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Yah I don't understand the whole "wah it wasn't a real grenade, you shouldn't be able to use it to flush me out of cover" debacle.

If someone yells grenade and throws something at you....if its actually a grenade your usually 90% of the time dead to rights. Why bother trying to get out of the way in a cqb scenario? If you get out of the way of the grenade, you make a hell of a lot of noise and there is usually at least one guy waiting for you to move and he WILL subsequently shoot your stupid ass.

Most of the time you will end up getting dud grenades or otherwise "fake" grenades that are used for distraction purposes.

And yes...please keep your hands on your own gear and off others. If you see a grenade or other persons kit, don't pick it up and take it with might think your being a good guy but then that person comes looking for their gear and freaks out because its gone.
Originally Posted by Janus View Post
Is he a spambot or is he a francophone? I really can't tell the difference sometimes.
Originally Posted by Latvian291 View Post
This is one of the funniest things I've read.
Commandment 1 of LMGesus: Fuck getting kills. That's the job of your teammates, otherwise known as the cannon fodder. Your job is to be scary.
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