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"I don't know what I'm doing" thread #2109


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Old September 13th, 2012, 18:24   #1
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"I don't know what I'm doing" thread #2109

First post on the forums aside from the introduction. Now, I've already got a general idea of what type of gun to look for*, however I'm at a loss when it comes to apparel. I see a lot of people using full combats while the closest thing I've got is a random camo jacket from the 70's. Is it just a personal preference, or do some events require you to dress to a certain standard?

*By that, I mean manufacturers and such. As far as actually acquiring the weapon... yeah, I've got no idea. From reading the forums a year back, it seems like a good option to get age-verified and purchase a used gun from a local member. Any tips?
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Old September 13th, 2012, 18:34   #2
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Some games are green camo (which include solid clothes of that colour) vs. tan camo, others require specific camo for each side, some have one team that is supposed to wear civilian clothing only.

The More milsim events you plan on attending the larger you're camo closet will grow, I've got so many BDUs I'm actually not entirely sure which camos I own. For gear, it's not always necessary, but after a few games you'll want equipment to assist with carrying ammo/equipment.

For you're gun, get age verified, we can't dirrect you to any retailers till then. But you can get new guns now pretty cheap.
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Old September 13th, 2012, 18:34   #3
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Find this guy on here. baker_Jeff.

He can age verify you and answer your other Q's too.
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Old September 13th, 2012, 18:43   #4
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Originally Posted by Crossfire034 View Post
First post on the forums aside from the introduction. Now, I've already got a general idea of what type of gun to look for*, however I'm at a loss when it comes to apparel. I see a lot of people using full combats while the closest thing I've got is a random camo jacket from the 70's. Is it just a personal preference, or do some events require you to dress to a certain standard?

It depends on the event - whether a skirmish, scenario day, or a full on Milsim event.

For skirmish events - it's generally come as you are - wear darker colored clothing that you don't mind getting grass/paint stained or randomly ripped or torn (potentially), a good pair of ankle supporting boots, along with your required eye-pro/face-protection, and you are generally good to go.
There will be people there with gear, so you can start out by participating, and observing what others are using, to get an idea of what you might wish to purchase in terms of a basic setup.

For scenario type events - you generally want to start to try fitting in - at least a chest-rig type setup, and some sort of camo clothing setup.

Milsim takes it to another level. There will be standards of gear/equipment/BDU involved in terms of a uniform look and functionality, unless you happen to play an insurgent/civilian type role - in which case, there is generally standards for that also.

It's advisable to get at least some sort of chest-rig/vest/plate-carrier from the start, appropriate to the primary weapon that you've chosen. It's no fun carrying, and potentially losing magazines out of pockets on the field, without one.
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Old September 13th, 2012, 18:49   #5
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Thanks for the advice everyone. Looks like I'll have to invest in some new gear after I finish moving.
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Old September 13th, 2012, 19:56   #6
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most games are predominantly tan based vs green based camos, so if you keep that in mind when shopping, you should easily be able to fit into one or the other. When you start getting into more eccentric patterns is when it gets tricky, but to start, just keep it simple.

Also pick a color of rig/vest that suits either tan or green so you don't have to get 2 sets of everything.
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Old September 13th, 2012, 20:12   #7
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Might as well keep the questions in this thread. I was searching around the net and came across this. A "Lancer M4A1 Carbine"... from what I can tell it's made of plastic with the exception of a V2 metal gearbox. I know most people would say to avoid low-priced AEGs like the plague, but for someone like me who's on a budget this kit looks pretty attractive. Is there any reason why I shouldn't start out the hobby with a gun such as this?
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Old September 13th, 2012, 20:16   #8
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Originally Posted by Crossfire034 View Post
Might as well keep the questions in this thread. I was searching around the net and came across this. A "Lancer M4A1 Carbine", from what I can tell it's made of plastic with the exception of a V2 metal gearbox. I know most people would say to avoid low-priced AEGs like the plague, but for someone like me who's on a budget this kit looks pretty attractive. Is there any reason why I shouldn't start out the hobby with a gun such as this?
Save your money. Buy quality the first time, and avoid repeating the need to buy twice. Airsoft is NOT a cheap hobby by any means. You need to save up your cash, get a reputable, quality brand-name of a weapon as a base, and go from there. If you don't have around $1000.00 for guns, gear/BDU's and protective equipment, to start - then you don't have a good financial base to start off with in this sport.
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Old September 13th, 2012, 20:21   #9
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Duly noted. Guess I'll start looking for a weapon once I get AV'd.
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Old September 13th, 2012, 20:23   #10
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Most people will till you buy cheap, buy twice. Go quality the first time and you will be happy you did so down the road.
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Old September 14th, 2012, 15:38   #11
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I apologize for reviving this thread, but as it turns out I've got another question to ask. Lets say you buy a weapon with clear/smokey plastic, after dissembling the bits is it advisable to do anything before spraying paint on it? I've heard of sanding the pieces down for a "smoother" coat, but I'm not so sure of that.
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Old September 14th, 2012, 16:04   #12
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Originally Posted by Crossfire034 View Post
I apologize for reviving this thread, but as it turns out I've got another question to ask. Lets say you buy a weapon with clear/smokey plastic, after dissembling the bits is it advisable to do anything before spraying paint on it? I've heard of sanding the pieces down for a "smoother" coat, but I'm not so sure of that.
I wouldn't even disassemble it. Cover the ejection port, tape over the front sight post and the rear peep sight, and then spray light coats of krylon camo on it.

results as shown:

Takes about 5 minutes. *Note: this is not a clear receiver, the effect is similar, though paint does wear eventually and the clear will start to show through instead of the ultra 1337 black metal bodies... which is what you should be buying anyways.

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Old September 14th, 2012, 16:17   #13
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Originally Posted by Crossfire034 View Post
Duly noted. Guess I'll start looking for a weapon once I get AV'd.
For not too much more, you can get a quality piece that will at least retain SOME value... that lancer gun is like throwing 150 bucks down the shitter if it doesn't hold up, and if it does, well you got lucky. In reality I think if you buy something like a KA m4 at 300~, you can still likely sell it for 150-200 next year if you decide you don't want to continue playing. Yes you still lose the same cash as the lancer, but it probably won't fail catastrophically between now and next year.
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Old September 15th, 2012, 16:22   #14
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Its a preference.
I personally like marpat and multicam. both cool camos. But unless you plan on getting two different kinds of camo, I recommend getting something good for CQB and field.
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Old September 16th, 2012, 20:23   #15
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
For not too much more, you can get a quality piece that will at least retain SOME value... that lancer gun is like throwing 150 bucks down the shitter if it doesn't hold up, and if it does, well you got lucky. In reality I think if you buy something like a KA m4 at 300~, you can still likely sell it for 150-200 next year if you decide you don't want to continue playing. Yes you still lose the same cash as the lancer, but it probably won't fail catastrophically between now and next year.
...which brings me to my next question.

I just received a late "graduation present" from a family member, a check for $270. As to be expected, I started looking at the more expensive guns and took a fancy to Cybergun's Galil SAR. Virtually full-metal, good internals, the only issue is that the magazines are apparently rather hard to find. I can probably get, say, a King Arms M4 for the same price, but I absolutely love the design of the IWI weapon. I guess my question is if there are any significant advantages or disadvantages to the M4/AK frames.
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