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Old September 7th, 2012, 01:19   #196
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Originally Posted by Kozzie View Post
I've been saving my pennies and I'm excited to say I'm going to be joining the "ptw club" shortly. I've been talking with Chris from DTT and he's been great. I'm leaning towards getting the 2012 max DTT custom which comes with their a hop-up and motor mod.

From what I've come across the motor and waterproofing issues as well as a hop mod seem to be the most important issues to take care of off the bat.

So what I'm looking for is any additional advice you would give to a systema newbie. Any handy tips your experience has developed that would have like to have known as a brand new ptw owner.

-Are there any other mods or upgrades that you would recommend?
-What do you do on a regular basis to maintain your ptw?
-What mags would you recommend that will feed 28's & .3's. Has anyone had any experience with the DTT pmags?

Thanks, any advice is much appreciated
Bastard .25/.28 that is all I feed my TW, DTT mags whether it's the Systema or their Pmags are awesome I never have issue dealing with Chris. Make sure if you do choose to use LiPo make sure your battery is adequate if not get the FCC mini ECU, what ever you do don't put that AS ECU they are shit I burned through two, most important advice ENJOY IT! there will be plenty of wallet draining accesories to be added later on

Last edited by wildcard; September 7th, 2012 at 01:30..
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Old September 7th, 2012, 04:12   #197
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I agree with wildcard I purchased mine form dtt and chris has been great.Mine has been a promblem child from the get go but sometimes it happens and you have to deal with it.Its on the way back to dtt on monday for a few wallet draining upgrades ie. fcc motor,possibly a new torque gear set and a few other little upgrades.
would I buy another ptw hell yes,would I get it upgraded right from the start no I would buy a fcc upgraded rifle from dtt and have chris give it a complete work over to make sure it can handle what you want.Dtt is gold in my books so they get all my money LOL
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Old September 7th, 2012, 08:04   #198
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Get a sling, or you could javelin your PTW into concrete lol
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Old September 8th, 2012, 20:42   #199
a.k.a. Greedy
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Thanks for your input guys.

Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
Make sure if you do choose to use LiPo make sure your battery is adequate if not get the FCC mini ECU,
I'll be installing the FCC mini mosfet and putting an 11.1 LiPo in the buffer (no homo). Which LiPo would you recommend as being more than adequate?

Systema makes their own nickel batteries but is their anything stopping people from using a less expensive 9.6v intelect nunchuck assuming the spring and voltage match up?
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Old September 9th, 2012, 02:37   #200
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no, nothing at all. A battery is a battery is a battery.
You could run a PTW off a 10.8v mini battery, it's literally no different than an AEG with an SW-COMP.
The nanotech lipo's I find are excellent
And I would suggest using elite cells over intellect, and same type as the systema sanyo cells (sub-c I think?)
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Old September 9th, 2012, 02:39   #201
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Originally Posted by Kozzie View Post
Thanks for your input guys.

I'll be installing the FCC mini mosfet and putting an 11.1 LiPo in the buffer (no homo). Which LiPo would you recommend as being more than adequate?

Systema makes their own nickel batteries but is their anything stopping people from using a less expensive 9.6v intelect nunchuck assuming the spring and voltage match up?
Well if you are running a FCC ECU then you are good with a 11.1 15C I got my battery from either elite airsoft batteries or the ones from Duy at airsoftparts
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Old November 8th, 2012, 22:12   #202
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recently got my hands on used ptw. it supposed to a 2008 version with some change on the motor and ECU. The owner does not know much and the price was too good.

Anyways, here is the problem I have right now:
In semi, the rifle shoots double.
I am using a G&P 7.4 lipo 1000mAh 20C
it is fully charged

What do you guys think the issue is?

I don't have other battery at the moment.
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Old November 8th, 2012, 22:21   #203
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You need to supply more info, like cylinder being used.

7.4 is way too low, don't use it. Wait and get the correct battery.
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Old November 8th, 2012, 22:34   #204
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The cylinder appears to be the blue m110.

What voltage should I use if using lipo? Or should I stick with Systema battery?
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Old November 8th, 2012, 22:50   #205
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Originally Posted by faithless View Post
The cylinder appears to be the blue m110.

What voltage should I use if using lipo? Or should I stick with Systema battery?
You can use 11.1V, with conditions.

Once you increase the voltage respective to load, your motor will spin faster. This increased cycle rate sounds great in theory, but in practice, your mags will not be able to feed fast enough, and misfeeding and chopping may occur.

As far as shooting double, does that mean it shoots twice and stops, or it shoots more than once and you didn't hold the rigger down long enough to see if it shoots FA in semi mode.

Shooting twice is not a problem PTWs will exhibit. On the selector, one microswitch is for semi, and the other is for full/burst, depending which model you have. If you are able to close only one switch, you gun will fire semi. If you close both, it is full/burst. A failure of a switch may happen, and that mode will be locked out. Or both switches will show closed to the EL-001 and the gun will go full/burst in both modes. This has happened due to excessive water on that board, or when guys pull the gearbox in and out often and damage the solder joints at the selector board.

It is possible that your gun has parts from a cloner, like Celcius, which may have problems that Systema doesn't exhibit. I have heard rumours that the Celcius main board has faux IR sensors, and that cycling is deduced by motor inrush and cemf, like any AEG FET.
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Old November 8th, 2012, 22:55   #206
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Just to elaborate on why 7.4v is too low, the electronics in your PTW require a minimum voltage of 7.2v to operate.
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Old November 8th, 2012, 23:10   #207
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Thank you for the quick reply. I will try with a higher voltage battery.

What I meant it shoots twice is that: in semi, when I hold down the trigger, the "piston" sounds like it did two full cycle, as if I double tap on a rifle.

I bought this PTW as a fixer. It could have clone parts inside. Just want to locate the problems and get systema or FCC parts for it.
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Old November 8th, 2012, 23:35   #208
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Is Your optics on the board clean? And the holes on the sector gear clear of debris?
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Old November 26th, 2012, 01:53   #209
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Had some issues with my '07 PTW that I'm hoping you guys can help me out with. Aside from the 6 month old FCC 2.0 motor and some hop up mods, the gun is stock.

Some days the gun works flawlessly. However, on some days the gun will just die in the middle of the day and refuse to work; trigger pulls and switching from safe/semi/auto will do nothing. Disconnecting/reconnecting the battery will sometimes solve the problem, but only temporarily. When I get back home, more often than not it will work again.

I have a sneaking suspicion it's a problem with the rear chip (mosfet), as I've found threads on other forums with similar symptoms. I think it might also be that my lipos are unbalanced (Firefox 11.1v, 15C)... I will try it with some friends' lipos and I have a imax B6 balancer/charger on the way, so I can rule that out relatively soon.

Anyone have any thoughts? Motor? Electronics? I'm likely going to be purchasing a full set of FCC chips at the end of the month and I'm hoping that will solve the problem (incidentally, any issues with an '07 gearbox and FCC chips?).
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Old June 18th, 2013, 17:43   #210
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I searched this thread and all of the cylinder relubing talks about Systema Cylinder Grease, which is discontinued/out of stock everywhere.

Is there a source for this, or an alternative, that I can buy?

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