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Airsoft "Pet Peeves", time to vent guys!



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Old July 18th, 2012, 07:22   #1246
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
That's why you get a deposit. Even $50 or $100.
Good idea. Didn't think about that.
HellRanger 1969-2007 LRRP FOREVER

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Old July 18th, 2012, 11:45   #1247
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Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber View Post
And people who don't pack. I went to pick up someone once and when I knocked on there door they literally said "Oh god your here? I uhh, I just started packing."
I hate those people

when I was in middle school. I rode in school bus(small bus and only 12 students so it pick up each student at their home).

I am third last person to pick because I live close to school. And second last person, friend and I suspect would get up then get dress up after school bus arrive at his home because we always wait 20 min for this shithead guy and result always 10-15 min late for my school.

quit school bus to use public transit was best thing I done in middle school.
my english is bad. however, It don't make up different on your ignorance.
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Old July 24th, 2012, 10:32   #1248
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1. Trying to return to airsoft, only to find out that some AEGs of a certain brand and type have not gone down in price from 7 years ago. In some cases the price has actually gone up despite the increased competative market.

2. When an airsoft m14 costs more than a real one. I might as well forget about airsoft and shell out for a Hornady reloading press with 45 ACP and .308 dies.

3. Finding out that Hi-Caps arent extinct. Games should limit mags to realistic loadouts with the exception to new gamers who may not have full kit. 30-35 round limit per mag. Anyone running highcaps should remove the mag after 30 rounds and reinsert it.

4. Going to an airsoft store only to be treated like a complete newb when asking for an AEG or gbb that isnt carried in store. No I dont want your overpriced King Arms and Jing Gong stuff thank you very much. Bring the price down a couple hundred and maybe we'll continue to talk.

5. Realizing that the airsoft scene has become more elitest and condescending than ever (on and off the field), especially from people who have no actual experience. Its not about your gear, its not about your kit. It's about the comradery, communication, teamwork, strategy, problem solving in any given scenario, and above all sportsmanship. This problem isnt exclusive to just airsoft. I guess its just a different generation. Good soldiers don't just mock other troops who mess up. They train and mentor those with less experience.
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Old July 24th, 2012, 11:47   #1249
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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You must have been away for awhile.

While most guns are cheaper and more easily attainable now, exciting things have been done with technology. Open bolt systems, stainless steel parts, and the combination of real steel parts just to name an extreme few. So, some weapons do cost an arm and a leg, but are very much worth the money. Better engineering and sterner stuff always drives the cost up. Luckily for you, there are several decent versions of the "M14".

High Caps unfortunately haven't gone the way of the dodo. In many countries, high caps are actually a standard of the game, and will continue to be given out with new guns. However; many "elitist" teams such as ours, do not allow them, and use a low cap standard. Some teams do real caps, and others limit the amount of mid caps you can carry to a few. Which brings me to my next point. The elitism thing has grown, but it depends on where you stand. Some people claim groups are elitist because they aren't allowed to use high caps. The truth is, is that airsoft has evolved into many different games/sports. You have groups that want the competitive nature of all real steel modern military gear, night vision, and military style training, then there are reinactors, clearsofters (jeans, t-shirts, and walmart guns), and everything in between. There are still many places/games that are still open to everyone, but most of these groups are starting to stick with their own people and game styles. It's not at all a bad thing though.

My suggestion, is find a group who shares you ideals, and is your speed. I'm certain you will find Airsoft is better than ever. But if the existence of these little things bother you, Airsoft isn't for you.

Good for you for returning. More airsofters are always needed.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old July 24th, 2012, 12:21   #1250
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by TKO-Wildcard View Post
1. Trying to return to airsoft, only to find out that some AEGs of a certain brand and type have not gone down in price from 7 years ago. In some cases the price has actually gone up despite the increased competative market.

2. When an airsoft m14 costs more than a real one. I might as well forget about airsoft and shell out for a Hornady reloading press with 45 ACP and .308 dies.

3. Finding out that Hi-Caps arent extinct. Games should limit mags to realistic loadouts with the exception to new gamers who may not have full kit. 30-35 round limit per mag. Anyone running highcaps should remove the mag after 30 rounds and reinsert it.

4. Going to an airsoft store only to be treated like a complete newb when asking for an AEG or gbb that isnt carried in store. No I dont want your overpriced King Arms and Jing Gong stuff thank you very much. Bring the price down a couple hundred and maybe we'll continue to talk.

5. Realizing that the airsoft scene has become more elitest and condescending than ever (on and off the field), especially from people who have no actual experience. Its not about your gear, its not about your kit. It's about the comradery, communication, teamwork, strategy, problem solving in any given scenario, and above all sportsmanship. This problem isnt exclusive to just airsoft. I guess its just a different generation. Good soldiers don't just mock other troops who mess up. They train and mentor those with less experience.
methinks you are moving in the wrong circles
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old July 26th, 2012, 13:30   #1251
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I see MANY forums where a general discussion becomes an attack on people..and most usually from the experienced members (who should know better) Like the WE SCAR discussion thread where **** was attacking **** called him a "sniveling, lazy, twerp"... it was a discussion thread! Why attack?! (And thats only one thread from MANY) Why waste your time and energy to attack someone for asking for help.....Think about that for a second..... I'm SO TIRED of reading threads just turn into people attacking each other for asking simple questions. As far as I'm concerned. Don't embarrasse the community by commenting. There is no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid answers. Grow the f*** up people. If I'm reading a forum, its because I'm trying to learn something, or because I'd like to get help. I don't want to read some childish arguement over "oooh.. go look it up"?!?!?!!! Don't comment. Theres nothing wrong with the answer being written down twice somewhere. (I googled the question, and instead of getting an answer, I find an arguement?! Come on guys....really now.) Help or click the close tab and move on with your life. We don't need your advise if its not productive. Admin should be deleting comments that arent productive to the conversation. And give a tap on the knuckles to those who should know better. Thats my airsoft "Pet Peeve"
You walk through the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord is your sheppard. I am

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Old July 26th, 2012, 13:38   #1252
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If I have any typos there... I don't need to be told about it either. Correcting each other is not necessary. (This is not grammar class) You get the general idea. I wrote it fast and because I was in a hurry. (I see too much little arguement crap about that too.....) Pet Peeve #2.
You walk through the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord is your sheppard. I am
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Old July 26th, 2012, 14:11   #1253
Cpt- Lovegrove
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People who agree to a deal then back out last min
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Old July 26th, 2012, 14:22   #1254
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Thumbs up Well said

Originally Posted by tko-wildcard View Post
5. Realizing that the airsoft scene has become more elitest and condescending than ever (on and off the field), especially from people who have no actual experience. Its not about your gear, its not about your kit. It's about the comradery, communication, teamwork, strategy, problem solving in any given scenario, and above all sportsmanship. This problem isnt exclusive to just airsoft. I guess its just a different generation. good soldiers don't just mock other troops who mess up. They train and mentor those with less experience.
well said
You walk through the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord is your sheppard. I am
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Old July 26th, 2012, 16:31   #1255
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A player that does NOT wear face or head protection and warns the players before the game not to shoot him in the face.
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Old July 26th, 2012, 17:07   #1256
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Originally Posted by SuperHog View Post
A player that does NOT wear face or head protection and warns the players before the game not to shoot him in the face.
It's a courtesy not to shoot players in the head when they provide other locations for a hit.

Protection is up to the player, so long as their eye pro is validated by the field. Ear, mouth, cheek guards and helmets are all player choice. Personally I only wear a helmet if I'm FIBUA or it's night and I have my NODs. Ear guards block your situational awareness, and too much shit on your face causes a lot of fogging with goggles.

My pet peeve is when a player comes out armored to the tits. And I don't just mean those few players in full Crye (repro) armor, but when I see "that guy" with knee pads on his shoulders and forearms and half a goalies armor on the legs, and a wire mesh fencing helmet, there is a certain point where they are taking the piss and just don't like to call/feel hits. I've played in a rich CQB environment (at <350 and 400+ fps) and I'll be honest, it doesn't hurt that bad; grow up.

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Old July 26th, 2012, 17:11   #1257
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Beards that look like pubic hair.

Not limited to Airsoft. Just a general pet peeve.
"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor, and I would have her loved for her memory, her ancientry, her beauty, and her present wisdom. Not feared, save as men may fear the dignity of a man, old and wise." - J.R.R. Tolkien
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Old July 26th, 2012, 17:16   #1258
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Plus 1 to Superhog.

- If you choose not to wear face/head protection, it's your own fault. 100%

- If someone does shoot you in the face, after your already dead, or carelessly (even at close range); you have no right to lose your temper. Either give a calm reminder to the individual, or report it to the game admins. Maybe they are new, or just plain made a mistake. Even if it's the hundreth time it's happened that day.

That's definate Pet Peeve of mine; people who can't control their temper. If you can't leave it at home, stay at home!

Another I observed lately, is people who get involved in a situation they have nothing to do with. Keep your mouth shut! If you have valid information, calmly pass it to the admins, then walk away. Otherwise, your making the situation worse, and you look like an ass doing it.

I support the use of good grammar on ASC, and think it should "continue" to be a standard. Take your time to properly say what your thinking. Don't lash a guy for making a mistake, but it should enforced for someone who looks like they have no care. This is a source of communication, discussion, organization, and information; not a a collection of horrid text messages...
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...

Last edited by Ricochet; July 26th, 2012 at 17:21..
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Old July 26th, 2012, 17:21   #1259
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by SuperHog View Post
A player that does NOT wear face or head protection and warns the players before the game not to shoot him in the face.
Not that I have ever requested that or ever will...

...the player who shoots at me from 30-45 feet, while I stand, facing them, wearing just a t-shirt and bdu pants, with both my free hand and gun in the air shouting "hit", then shoots another unnecessary long burst of a minimum of 10-15 rounds at my face and head! not a single round managed to hit me anywhere else!

Last edited by coach; July 26th, 2012 at 17:35..
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Old July 26th, 2012, 17:30   #1260
Brian McIlmoyle
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people who complain about getting wet when they go swimming
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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