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trying to buy a pistol but no one has it


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Old January 20th, 2012, 14:02   #1
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trying to buy a pistol but no one has it

i been looking for awhile now to try and buy a we hicapa 7.1 dragon however all the locations ive found that sell it dont have any, i reside in the west coast of canada and no store has it i can find them easily outside of canada i noticed but cause of the canadian custom laws to airsoft i cant import them and i want to know if anyone knows where to get this gun in canada that will have it in stock for a good reasonable price(from what i have seen of the prices $250-300)
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Old January 20th, 2012, 14:04   #2
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Could be that WE doesn't make a smoked lower for the particular pistol in accordance with Canadian laws.

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Old January 20th, 2012, 14:09   #3
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Well, since you're not age-verified, it's against the forum rules to tell you where to find stuff just as it's against the rules for you to ask where to get stuff outside of an AV area.

But to be specific, I haven't seen any "Canadian" versions of the Dragon. And the 1 site that MIGHT have it (the official Canadian WE distributor) is down right now, so I can't see if it's in his product lineup or not.
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Old January 20th, 2012, 14:13   #4
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yep. Get AV'ed, and then we can help you. until then... We can't do anything for you!

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Old January 20th, 2012, 14:23   #5
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Dont bother with clearsoft.... You'll hate yourself afterwards...

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Old January 20th, 2012, 14:30   #6
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well ive met optix from airsoft gear out here in vancouver bc but recently as of the new year the places that play airsoft now have a mandetory cqc sidearm as well for the style im playing so i cant start as far as i know o.o

im starting the way of the sniper(dont go bashign me ive researched and looked long into all posts on multiple boards explaining bout it not being a first choice and doing my own research about sniping just need to do a bcac sniper course) and have my rifle but yea now there new rules emplace to have a cqc pistol to play so for me i rather have it to start and play and i just dont like the looks of other pistols compared to the we 7.1 dragon o.o
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Old January 20th, 2012, 14:54   #7
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step 1:
go to the airsoft facility where the game is played
step 2:
get age-verified
wait a few weeks for the information to get back to the ASC board
access the classifieds
buy the pistol you want
use the comma key, use paragraphs so people enjoy reading your prose.
discover that playing as a sniper can be achieved with a basic AEG
sell sniper rifle, get another AEG
the opposite of profit
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Old January 20th, 2012, 14:59   #8
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
step 1:
go to the airsoft facility where the game is played
step 2:
get age-verified
wait a few weeks for the information to get back to the ASC board
access the classifieds
buy the pistol you want
use the comma key, use paragraphs so people enjoy reading your prose.
discover that playing as a sniper can be achieved with a basic AEG
sell sniper rifle, get another AEG
the opposite of profit
+1. If you want to "snipe" get a firearm license and go shoot real guns.
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Old January 20th, 2012, 15:18   #9
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Well, since you're not age-verified, it's against the forum rules to tell you where to find stuff just as it's against the rules for you to ask where to get stuff outside of an AV area.

But to be specific, I haven't seen any "Canadian" versions of the Dragon. And the 1 site that MIGHT have it (the official Canadian WE distributor) is down right now, so I can't see if it's in his product lineup or not.
I do know of a retailer that sells them (7.0A/B) at least according to their listing - don't know if they keep stock of these but I saw the 5.1s in stock last summer. So they ARE available but probly hard to find.

To OP:
Do as the guys said (getting age verified), and we'll be allowed to tell you where and what and how much. And just don't bother asking in PM I won't tell you where, sorry about that (and no this is not a subtle invitation to PM me to ask for the location :P)
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old January 20th, 2012, 15:50   #10
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Originally Posted by MultipleParadox View Post
I do know of a retailer that sells them (7.0A/B) at least according to their listing - don't know if they keep stock of these but I saw the 5.1s in stock last summer. So they ARE available but probly hard to find.
The 5.1 is available. I know that. But the OP is looking for the 7.1 Dragon. That one, I'm not sure about. I haven't seen any of those with smoked frames. But I could be mistaken, as I haven't paid much attention to WE pistols because they're junk.
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Old January 20th, 2012, 16:04   #11
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i have a 5.1 and that website you guys are talking about almost always have them. (i look every so often because i think they are a very cool looking gun). their price is roughly 270 plus tax and free shipping for orders over 200.
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Old January 20th, 2012, 16:10   #12
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Just stay away from WE pistols.....
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old January 20th, 2012, 16:14   #13
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The other guys already touched on the details about where to buy and how to gain access.

What I'll touch on is what a bad idea that particular pistol is. From the photos on the net it appears to be some sort of cross breed IPSC pistol with a meat tenderizer on the front.

What kind of holster are you going to put that in?

As a sniper I'd think something more compact like at Glock 19 would stand a much better chance of not falling out of the holster, clonking into something so folks hear where you are, ejecting it's magazine while in the holster (I've seen players with Hi Capas in soft holsters do that so many times it is funny) and so on. If you aren't a Glock fan there are other less elaborate but compact and reliable pistols to use as a backup.

As for WE, I've had a few. A Hi Capa I dumped since I didn't like the plastic grip and a 1911 that I got to see if I could acquire a taste for the single stack Colt. It works fine, it's the Socom Gear version so it may have had extra care in it's build vs. a regular WE.
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Old January 20th, 2012, 16:18   #14
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I know where to get a Hi-Capa 7.1 Dragon. It's in Ontario.

However, I will warn you not to get it. I bought my Hi-Capa 4.3 from the same place, and I had to replace the crappy Cansoft frame TWICE. It is made of crappy tinted plastic which actually looks ok, but in terms of durability, I give it a 1. Lasted me maybe 4 mags before it cracked.

I don't think that you would want to ship it back and forth and back and forth replacing frame after frame.

Also, the price they have it for it quite high and I don't think it is really worth it.
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Old January 20th, 2012, 22:09   #15
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well to make simple ive held some aegs and dont like the feel of them, i find they just to heavy and clunky for me, secondly no ride to get out to the fields im near and 3rdly where i live they just put in a new mandatory rule that if using bolt rifle a cqc is a must to play and i dont really like the look or feel of the pistols ive seen and or tried holding in my hands(i gotz large fingered hands) o.o
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