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G&G UMP MAX battery type?


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Old January 18th, 2012, 20:28   #1
smitty564's Avatar
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G&G UMP MAX battery type?

What is the type of battery used in the ump series? I know it uses a 9.6v 1600mah stick, but i was told its also not a standard 8 cell AK style stick. The guy i talked to said the battery has smaller cells then your standard Intellect 9.6. The only time I have ever seen that kind of battery is when my friend opened up his new aftermath kraken AK.

If anyone owns one of these guns or can confirm forsure what it uses for a battery that would be great. I'm thinking about getting one in a few days and i would like to know before hand if any of my battery's are going to work with the thing.
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Old January 18th, 2012, 21:44   #2
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I use a Li-poly in mine; never tried anything else so I cant say. I would suggest you get a li-poly too
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Old January 18th, 2012, 21:51   #3
SuperCriollo's Avatar
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you can use a standard 8.4 stick type if you remove the cover of the battery compartment. Although if you do so, the wires would be exposed when you fold the stock.

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Old January 19th, 2012, 00:12   #4
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I personally use these in my UMP, tricky to get in and plug in, but it works nicely!

I extended the wires on mine and just leave it in the gun, but you can also remove the lower to get at the plug to charge for quicker easier charging.
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Old January 19th, 2012, 01:21   #5
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There is a special battery for them, its kind of like two thinner longer rows of cells. Instead of being a 9.6 single row stick its two rows of four long skinny cells that make it a little shorter than an 8.2 stick, and narrower than a regular battery. Still a bit of a bitch to get into the gun
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Old January 27th, 2012, 10:22   #6
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Correct me if i'm wrong but I belive the name of the smaller cells double row battery is "nunchuck"

I have the same thing in my g&g commando max
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Old January 27th, 2012, 12:47   #7
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Yeah, I have one as well, and there are 2 rows of small cells, it makes it a thinner profile to fit in the top of the receiver.
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Old January 27th, 2012, 20:04   #8
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No, its not a nunchuk, its like a nunchuk, except that the rows are attached, like a normal battery. The result is a long skinny double rowed battery, almost as long as am 8.4 stick, but narrower and wider because the individual cells are thinner and longer, and they are doubled up.
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Old January 27th, 2012, 23:50   #9
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Maybe Sub-C sized cells, either that or something like LR23?

Also +1 to using a Lipo. A 7.4V should usually do the trick and if it doesn't have enough power to pull the spring back an 11.1V will do it if not a springchange and/or high torque setup. If you want to go LiFePO4 then 9.9V usually performs more or less equivalent to a 10.8 or 9.6 (kind of depends on temps and how much juice is in the battery), the 9.9 is also easier on internals due to it's inherent design/chemical properties and subsequently has something like 15C discharge rating.
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Old February 10th, 2012, 19:16   #10
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On the topic of batteries for the GG UMG Max. I was considering switching over to Lipo and have purchased a 7.4v because its so hard to find a replacement. I'm pretty new to airsoft and was wondering are there any upgrades that I should consider making to my UMG before using the lipo?
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Old February 10th, 2012, 23:16   #11
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Probably not. I've seen a few G&G's last pretty good with Lipo's. The only thing you'll want to be worried about are your trigger contacts (arcing from the battery causes carbon buildup) and if your gears decide to take a shit (which can happen any time, just lipos put extra wear on the gears for some reason).

Honestly G&G is a pretty mid end brand so should be lipo safe for a while before you need to replace gears or trigger switches from the extra wear.

Also, there are a lot of myths about the "C" rating in batteries (the advertised C rating on most batteries are usually constant discharge, and if not they'll list constant discharge and burst discharge ratings). Basically, although it does help to have a lower C rating on your lipo it's not the end all be all. Also internal resistance in the wires play a part in the final C rating but I don't want to get too into the topic cause I can ramble.
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Old February 11th, 2012, 03:21   #12
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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I had a G&G UMG, I can tell you for a solid fact that you can use an 8.4v 1400mah NiMH intellect stick without any modification to the gun.
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