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Black eye for airsoft



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Old October 30th, 2011, 20:48   #46
Xtatic's Avatar
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Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z View Post

The zombie walk was for fun, also it worked as a food drive.
Well its a nice twist on a food drive I guess. Ive never really gotten why people are so thrilled over zombies. Hope the food drive was successful though. I always try to donate when I see one around town.
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Old October 30th, 2011, 23:49   #47
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I know exactly who all the guys in the pictures are. I will be making some phone calls monday morning thats for sure. It astounds me how some people think. Thank god it was during the zombie walk as another other time or day would have brought swift action against them.

I cant count how many times I've had people pull up to my store and carry in an Airsoft Gun uncased to be repaired. I lost my mind on a guy who pulled up on a busy Sat, opened his trunk whiped out a full metal AK, SLAP IN THE MAG! and come walzing into the shop asking if I'm the guy that fix's the "guns". I lost it on him and he assured me "it's OK, I do it at home in Newmarket all the time". :0 Needless to say he was shown the door right after I handed him a garbage bag for his "Gun".
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Last edited by georgehutchison; October 30th, 2011 at 23:52..
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Old October 30th, 2011, 23:54   #48
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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These are the same people who attend zombie walks.... and aren't even zombies... what do you expect?
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old October 31st, 2011, 01:03   #49
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No common fucking sense. I hope these idiots aren't present at any games I attend in the future.
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Old October 31st, 2011, 06:46   #50
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here are the time frames to watch, 1.49 and 4.38
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Old October 31st, 2011, 08:23   #51
Given that the cops weren't all over was a good thing.

Stupid? Yes. But perhaps attitudes are changing.

I noted toy guns (cap guns like I used as a kid, and caps) in a Zellers yesterday. Maybe the pussified generation is waking up.
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Old October 31st, 2011, 14:48   #52
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Perhaps instead on all this negative crap you should consider this, hiding airsoft under a rock has never and will never promote it as a sport. If people are used to seeing it then it becomes a non issue.

Real steel owners have the same problem hide everything so no one is offended and look where it has gotten us.

Now this may not have been the brightest thing to do but THERE WAS NO ISSUE, with the general public the issue is with members of this board over blowing the situation.

If in fact as was indicated the police had no issue, then you need to re-consider your response. Suggest that getting clearance from the event organizers and police before hand would be a good idea.

And as had been mentioned this board is not the global clearing house for all things airsoft in Canada, so relax take a considered approach and forget this sky is falling reaction.
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Old October 31st, 2011, 15:12   #53
Grimreaper 295
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What's with you and this logic of yours, anyhow? ASC can unite on no other front better than on the lynch mob front. You and all your calm logical response shenanigans will simply have to find somewhere else to exist!! We'll have none of your approach here mister!!!

Originally Posted by Dirtbag View Post
Perhaps instead on all this negative crap you should consider this, hiding airsoft under a rock has never and will never promote it as a sport. If people are used to seeing it then it becomes a non issue.

Real steel owners have the same problem hide everything so no one is offended and look where it has gotten us.

Now this may not have been the brightest thing to do but THERE WAS NO ISSUE, with the general public the issue is with members of this board over blowing the situation.

If in fact as was indicated the police had no issue, then you need to re-consider your response. Suggest that getting clearance from the event organizers and police before hand would be a good idea.

And as had been mentioned this board is not the global clearing house for all things airsoft in Canada, so relax take a considered approach and forget this sky is falling reaction.
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Old October 31st, 2011, 15:39   #54
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I am speechless. If this was in the Lower Mainland, B.C., these two individuals would be in jail right now.
I once asked a local cop five years back if "airsoft" was "legal". He said he'd ask his superior.
A week later, his answer was: "Yes, they are okay to own but, if you walk around with it in the streets I'll shoot you!".
(I had a stunned face for a few seconds)
He then follows up with, "You wannna know, well I am telling you".
Point taken.

Most of us here consider ourselves as "experts" in identifying what type of guns we see. We all know how M4, or P90 looks like, right?
But if I was walking in the street with my 2 year old "Trick or Treating" and I come around the corner and see several males walking around with M4's and M16's, while one of them is aiming at someone or something (as seen on the second picture), you think I'll stick around and assume that they are airsoft? No! I will not risk finding out the hard way with my child.
HHHEEELLLLLOOOO!!!! Columbine? Virginia Tech?
Any common sense at all? Any? Really?
Did these two decided to leave their brains on their computer table when they woke up that morning thinking that it was okay because of the event?

Last edited by 5.56; October 31st, 2011 at 15:54..
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Old October 31st, 2011, 19:04   #55
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The law may not have paid any attention this time around but I believe it is important for us as responsable airsofters to put out there that actions such as this can not be accepted. If we don't take a proactive stance it sends message that "hey it's ok to take your gun for a walk about town". I believe it would only be a matter of time before it would be front page news because some fool points a gun at an officer in fun or is seen pointing a gun at a crowd and gets the 9mm cure. Better that the message goes out right now that it is not all right and will never be allright to do what these fellows did, by doing so it might save a life later or at the very least keep the sport on the right side of the law.
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Old October 31st, 2011, 19:53   #56
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In response to the quote below, I understand perfectly why you feel this way, but consider this (BIG IF HERE) if the individuals gone to the organizers and gotten their ok, and then cleared it with police possibly with some form safety indicator such as the green tape they used or something similar.

Why should it be an issue, you have "zombies" shambling down the street why not zombie hunters. There is nothing inherently wrong with what they did, other than possibly breaking a local bylaw.

You should not be afraid to show off the gear associated with your sport, even if your sport is airsoft. These are in the last and simplest definition toys, ok big boy toys but toys all the same.

Real many steelowners have the same attitude they go through ridiculous lengths to hide the fact that they have firearms and use them. I am not referring to hiding their firearms from the criminal element but rather their neighbors and other law abiding citizens.

This is where a small special interest group who hates guns and anything to do with them has brought us. Anything to do with firearms is evil even toy ones.

Originally Posted by buellxbk View Post
The law may not have paid any attention this time around but I believe it is important for us as responsable airsofters to put out there that actions such as this can not be accepted.

This last one comes down to the simplest thing of all, Darwin in action, you can not stop incredibly stupid actions by otherwise rational persons. Pointing any type of weapon real or otherwise at an armed individual, be it police or an armed thug will result in life threatening injury or death. Yes it will make the news but the simple reality in most cases is suicide by cop.

You can not more stop these things from happening than you can stop an earthquake or other nature disaster. Some people are simply wired wrong or just plain wired.

And remember unless you point that weapon at the police they will tell you drop it. If you choose to lift and point at them that is your personal conscious choice.

Originally Posted by buellxbk View Post
I believe it would only be a matter of time before it would be front page news because some fool points a gun at an officer in fun or is seen pointing a gun at a crowd and gets the 9mm cure. Better that the message goes out right now that it is not all right and will never be allright to do what these fellows did, by doing so it might save a life later or at the very least keep the sport on the right side of the law.
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Old October 31st, 2011, 20:11   #57
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What if there was a bank robbery in progress nearby and the description were; males, heavily armed, wearing all black.

Yaaaa......not so good.
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Old October 31st, 2011, 21:38   #58
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What if there was a real zombie outbreak during the zombie walk?
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Old October 31st, 2011, 22:23   #59
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If, if if. The best practice would be to keep the guns at home. There are acceptable times to have the guns in public(read; not flashing them around) such as a tradeshow and such. The idea of zombie hunters at a zombie walk is novel for sure but can lead to trouble. Most people I know treat their airsoft guns like RS guns, in cases at all times, kept away from kids etc. The locals in those pics may have been okay with it but just as sure as we're on here debating this, there's bound to be some bleeding hearts out there going all kentucky pussified chicken on a similar thread on the soccer mom boards.
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Old October 31st, 2011, 23:27   #60
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... why has nobody brought up the obvious point that if one was a criminal, wouldn't the smartest thing be to just paint an orange tip on their gun?

(Warning: RANT) Stupid shit like the stories mentioned in this thread are what will kill the sport. The other day at a field in Ottawa, I saw a guy dry-firing a GBB from his car at one of the players. After tearing him a new asshole, his excuse was that "my window wasn't all the way down, and the gun wasn't loaded with BB's". I tore him ANOTHER one pointing out that *I* didn't know that, wasn't wearing goggles, and neither was the guy he was shooting at. If *one* BB was still chambered, that could mean the end of someone's sight. We need to remind the next generation of airsofters that airsoft guns are still GUNS, and should be treated as such. They don't have explosive charges, but they still fire a projectile, and can do serious harm, on OR off the field. The number of times I've seen barrels waved across people's faces lately has been climbing, and it's starting to piss me off. (ENDRANT / ENDTANGENT)

... glad nothing "bad" happened out of this, but I hope the people involved now understand how badly this could have gone.

... I like the idea of spiking the guns though ^_^ TOUCHDOWN THURMAN THOMAS! TOUCHDOWN THURMAN THOMAS - YouTube
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