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Once again, Airsoft on the News... June 07, 2011


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Old June 7th, 2011, 23:53   #1
jakeup492's Avatar
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Once again, Airsoft on the News... June 07, 2011

Boys arrested for air gun assaults

As rare it is for me to sit down and watch the local (Sudbury, ON) news, this is the first thing I sit down and see. So here you go ASC...

Two boys, aged 12 and 13, are facing charges after they allegedly assaulted other children with an air gun over the last few months.

Source from, Northern and can be found at
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Old September 23rd, 2011, 23:27   #2
GWoolfrey's Avatar
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Its times like this I wish you would have to own a Airsoft Safety Permit (ASP)... sounds good eah. Just need proof your 18 and pass a written basic safety test or they do when you go to a gun range. Something to remind you to think about safety. Should be manditory to carry when your buying an airsoft gun too.
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Old September 24th, 2011, 00:51   #3
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As much as I understand the attention due do airsoft being involved, there is something more concerning in that article. These are 12 and 13 year old kids breaking into a house with a weapon just to harass people. That spells disaster when these kids are able to get their hands on real guns in the future.
Originally Posted by pugs144 View Post
Unstep your dick and stay in your lane. You are waaaaay out.
Originally Posted by Armyissue View Post
Saying that you are trying to prevent bad Airsoft publicity while generating negitave Airsoft publicity on a nationally monitored Firearm web site is like fucking for Virginity.
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Old September 24th, 2011, 10:50   #4
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Oh dear god >.>

The comments in that article are almost forcing me to impale myself with a rusty nail and then disinfect the wound by shoving salt into it.

Air guns and airsoft guns are two different things, it could've been a BB gun for all we know
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Old September 25th, 2011, 16:17   #5
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Originally Posted by SniperSam View Post
Air guns and airsoft guns are two different things, it could've been a BB gun for all we know
Not to the people who are advocates for wanting this crap banned. It's all the same to them.
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Old September 25th, 2011, 17:25   #6
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Quoted for truth

Air guns should be used by caution, and youths should only use them under adult supervision, a press release from Greater Sudbury Police stated.

“They are capable of inflicting injury, and due to their similarity to real firearms, can provoke unintended reactions from bystanders,” the press release said. “As in this incident, their misuse can result in criminal charges.”
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Old September 25th, 2011, 19:18   #7
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by SniperSam View Post
Oh dear god >.>

The comments in that article are almost forcing me to impale myself with a rusty nail and then disinfect the wound by shoving salt into it.

Air guns and airsoft guns are two different things, it could've been a BB gun for all we know
and it would not make any difference, under the law , BB guns and Airsoft guns are exactly the same thing.
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Old September 26th, 2011, 10:47   #8
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You know I remember way back in the 80's & 90's ,..There was a bunch of us kids like around 10- 14 years old some of the older brothers collected those model guns you used to be able to buy at leisure world , some were full metal some plastic replicas of .45 & revolvers & such ....about a dozen of us would go out on the streets in a fairly busy neighborhood & play cops & robbers type of thing ,....Now we never pointed them at anyone else , but many many bystanders saw us playing & it was never a problem ,...I think the attitude then was ,..."Well we know they cant be real because they are just little kids"
We never thought of doing anything malicious with them we just played with them , they had fake bullets , on the end of the bullet was a depression where you put a cap that simulated firing ....We did this almost every weekend in the summer ,...never ever had a problem ,.....Theres no way you could get away with doing this now,....I guess not only have attitudes changed ,....but so have kids ....its sad.
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Old September 26th, 2011, 23:46   #9
Random Fire
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I agree with dogtoy

Absolutely, in the old days there was tons of horse play with many different realistic toys. In some places walking down the street with a bb or pellet gun was even tolerated to some extent by the local law enforcement. BUT because the fear mongering groups or agencies who like to lump all people into the same groups (you listen to headbanger music: therefore you must be a devil worshiper) play their tunes on their pied piper instruments and weave a song of mystery and terror. How come I never hear of anyone say that person is a politician so therefore they must lie about everything they say. P'UH-Lease really people one does not make it EVERYONE... and until we as a large group and voice start to teach and show people that there is nothing to be afraid of the hobby or the general individuals who chose to play the sport. Every product, item, pretty much thing ever invented has been abused by on person or another throughout time. We could be pro-active and start even something along the lines of what the UK does so that there is some teeth to inapropriate actions or behaviours. It kills me to see a buck being made by the I don't care retailers who don't care about you or your sport, selling to the (and I use this term loosely) stupid unknowledgable parents when their kid who they let run their life and household, tells them they want a airsoft gun that they know nothing about responsibilities and the possible injuries that they can inflict on themselves or others. You don't think most of those stupid parents would go buy them a car or a large sword, then again you do see them buying them quads and skidoos that are over powered and too dangerous to ride alone. It's all about education people... educate the masses and win their hearts

The sad part is really how only certain items seem to always be chosen to make an example of, but not the real things that truely are used in illegal fashion everyday by young and old, stupid and smart individuals.... like cars!!!
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Old October 2nd, 2011, 08:16   #10
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bad kids are often a product of bad parenting. instead of needing a permit for airsoft maybe we should have to apply for a permit to have kids. you know write a test, have a job things like that.

i think the criminal justice system when dealing with young offenders upon a conviction, should force the parents to pay for the cost of the prosecution. police wages, cost of the cruiser for the time involved, prisoner transport, crown attorney, judge. maybe after getting the bill the parents would pay attention. either make it a civil judgement or charge the parent along with the kid as party to the offence. it might help motivate lazy parents because raising kids is not easy work
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Old October 2nd, 2011, 21:24   #11
titan519's Avatar
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why do 12 yr olds even have or own a airsoft gun....If the parents are the ones who purchased them they should be charged aswell.
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Old October 2nd, 2011, 21:51   #12
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Dear god...we do NOT need any more of 13 year olds saying "hey I gots a gun, now I've got powa11!!!!1!!".....

My friend says that he was shot at by little kids with BB guns at the Tim Hortons near his school.....

And is it just me, or has the number of airsoft related incidents been rising lately? I mean, just earlier there was the attempted smuggling of airsoft guns across the border...I actually have no recollection of seeing these things happen like 2-3 years ago...
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Old October 2nd, 2011, 22:11   #13
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Originally Posted by Freeze View Post
Dear god...we do NOT need any more of 13 year olds saying "hey I gots a gun, now I've got powa11!!!!1!!".....

My friend says that he was shot at by little kids with BB guns at the Tim Hortons near his school.....
The age to play at many places in the US is 10 with your parents beside you. 12 on your own. So obviously the thousands of minors in the US posting videos of their "awesome noob pwner" loadouts doesnt help the image here in Canada. Obviously canadian children dont get the concept that those videos are from the US and guns arent that cheap or easy to get.

And as for the kids shooting BBs at your friend. I shouldnt post what i would do in that situation as its not friendly, but the reality is that even if caught by police they would get little more then a "that was wrong, dont do it again".

Parents are gaurenteed the problem. Technology has replaced proper parenting. When i was kid parents taught their kids responsibilty and how to behave in society. Now thats replaced by horrible reality shows with people acting like drunken retards.
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Old October 2nd, 2011, 22:29   #14
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not to mention you cant charge anyone under 12.
"and he lay with her in an unnatural way"
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Old April 26th, 2013, 02:36   #15
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Originally Posted by mrfister View Post
not to mention you cant charge anyone under 12.
Hell yes you can, that's like saying a 10 year old can go out and murder someone and get away with it cause they aren't 12 so it's okay, you can press charges for sure.
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