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Old June 16th, 2011, 05:45   #1
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KWA upgrades

Hey guys,

I know there are going to be a lot of different opinions, but I wanted to get a general idea of what everyone thinks. I am looking to upgrade my KWA G36C. It's currently a stock system and am running a 7.4V LiPo in it. RoF I am happy with, but am looking for more accuracy and precision. I am going to be upgrading the barrel to a Tight bore so don't worry about that Also I have been considering upgrading the piston/ piston heads but am not sure on brand and compatibility for KWA. Also, for a cosmetic look, I have been considering a thinner fore-grip, but haven't found much. Any help/ advice would greatly appreciated!!
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Old June 16th, 2011, 06:23   #2
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If you want a tightbore to increase accuracy/consistency that's fine. As for the piston/head I say if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The foregrip is personal opinion and you shouldn't care what anyone else thinks.

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Old June 16th, 2011, 07:50   #3
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As Styrak said, leave piston stock, although KWA tends to use pot metal for it's internals, the piston/piston head tend to be durable. If you feel you need a new piston, first do an air compression test seen YouTube - ‪Amos Airsoft how to: AEG Compression test‬‏ done by Amos, one of ASC's favourite gun docs. Although if you need a piston, Deepfire has some of the best from what I've heard
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Old June 17th, 2011, 12:39   #4
formerly BLACKWATER204
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I personally would lose the stock piston head and cylinder head. The cylinder head will fail you, it's just a matter of time (they shatter). The piston head is solid aluminum with no ports with a decent air seal, but still an aluminum piston head is just a dumb idea either way you look at it...loose it. Also buy a C.A |Tappet plate as it could fail anytime. As for the piston, there actually a very well designed product and should last you years to come, as long as you have good AOE and not running an M150 etc.
I have the same gun and one word of advice is do not replace the air nozzle as it's a bit longer than anything I have found on the market. So far, trial and error have yielded very poor results for the Classic Army O-ring air nozzle, with a major air leak mating to the hopup unit. (currently the gun shoots a very consistant 360fps w/.28 BB's and with the C.A nozzle it shot 208fps w/ .2G BB's). I will be getting a hold of an aluminum SHS air nozzle that should be the same spec's as the KWA with the exception of an internal O-ring on the SHS. Also I have been looking into better a replacement for my current cylinder head, which is a C.A item. First the KWA cylinder head air nozzle is a fair bit longer than anything I have found to date, also the air seal was not ideal between the C.A cylinder head air nozzle and KWA air nozzle, until a fair bit or tuning was done. From what I have found SHS also makes an aluminum cylinder head with the extended air nozzle like the KWA. I will report back with my findings. If you are just looking for accuracy, adding a tight bore will not make a huge difference as factory they (KWA) have 6.05mm barrels. I went to a madbull 6.01mm ( it was cheap and my work stocks them lol) and it works great but you need to lose the 2GX bucking as it is different in diameter and will not seal well i the hopup chamber. Try the ARS hopup rubbers and an scs, you have a counter sniper weapon lol.
Best of luck.
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Last edited by Whiskey; June 17th, 2011 at 12:41..
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Old June 18th, 2011, 00:34   #5
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Tight bore inner barrel.

Otherwise, if it ain't broke, don't mess with it. The only people I know of who have had problems with KWA's are the ones who have opened the gearboxes and messed around with them. Can you consistently hit your targets at 150'? If so, leave it alone.
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Old June 25th, 2011, 21:29   #6
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Start with a good tight bore (if funds are good, Promethus KN PDI)
if funds are marginal (Madbul MA and systema are reasonable)

Get a ported Piston head, I like the modify ones either the aluminim or POM version.
Although I had the aluminim version on a madbul 1/2 tooth piston, Guarder torque up gears but with only a Modify 110 spring.

Shot about 500 rounds, but when i dry fired it (yes i am dumb) the piston hit the cylinder head with so much force,
the front of the piston shattered into 4 seperate pieces.

aluminum provides superior Kenetic energy during the cycling of the aeg but with that
a greater increase of Componemt failure.

plus a quality hopup rubber.
I recently turned a stock Tm m4a1 into a Little Hotrod averaging 368 on .2s
using a Modify 100+ spring.
We installed a Promethus 363mm tbb and a Modify hopup rubber,
I turned on the Hopup Just enough so no BBs rolled out the barrel.

When i chronoed with .28s it shot 310 every single shot 10 out of 10
NICe consistancy

add to that with almost no hopup, I actully had to rasie the front sight post enough
to pull the nose of the aeg down as to stop shooting 6 inches over center at 25 Feet.

Depending on how long it lasts the Modify hopup rubber seems to get a pretty solid grip on the top of the BB.

PS The TM has a 2 peice hopup assembly
A single Light is all one needs to find their way through the darkness, But a single BB is all you need to bring it on!
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Old June 25th, 2011, 22:32   #7
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Doesn't KWA come stock with a 6.05 barrel though?
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Old June 25th, 2011, 22:50   #8
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I belive black water mentioned that aswell
A single Light is all one needs to find their way through the darkness, But a single BB is all you need to bring it on!
Im not worried about the Bullet that has my Name on it, Im worried about the bullet that says "to whom it may concern"
Lt. Alexander Washington -(Red Tails 1944) Ret.
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Old June 26th, 2011, 01:15   #9
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Oh yeah sorry. Didn't see that
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Old June 26th, 2011, 02:11   #10
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SHHH (niether did i the first time )
A single Light is all one needs to find their way through the darkness, But a single BB is all you need to bring it on!
Im not worried about the Bullet that has my Name on it, Im worried about the bullet that says "to whom it may concern"
Lt. Alexander Washington -(Red Tails 1944) Ret.
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Old June 26th, 2011, 14:07   #11
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haha. Something else that helps accuracy is stabilizing your barrel. There are a lot of ways to do it, using teflon tape is one way, or depending on the space between the inner and outer barrel, you could fill it in with melted wax. However, if there's just a bit of space, some teflon tape will lock it in to place. Just google it for more results
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Old June 26th, 2011, 14:26   #12
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I can't stress enough how much a decent hopup rubber affects your accuracy, and especially in conjunction with a consistent tightbore. I'm not sure about the quality of the stock tightbore, but they're usually not that great. It's vital to not cheap out on your tightbores if you want to see a noticeable improvement in your accuracy. I'm not sure about the individual issues KWA G36's have, but you can't go wrong with a Prometheus tightbore (>6.03) and as blackwater also said, an ARS hopup rubber.

One of our guys out here has a KWA G36, he hasn't touched it, it's been heavily gamed each weekend and has worked flawlessly for over a year and a half now. So in my humble opinion on the gearbox; if it ain't broke, don't fix it if.

Last edited by Eldin; June 26th, 2011 at 14:34..
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