Help! WA M1911-A1 Not Recoiling
Alright, here's my story.
I bought the gun off eHobbyAsia (my first mistake), and had them disassemble it so that it wouldn't be seized at customs. When it got here, I had to post a thread to get it assembled, but it did go together fine (after about 4 hours). That was yesterday.
Today, I got some gas and some BB's, and tried it out. It fired a BB fine, but it used it's entire magazine worth of gas in one shot, and didn't blow back. Trying it again, it doesn't do it again. Now, I'm thinking if I put it together incorrectly, but nothing seemed out of place, so that's off the table. I'm wondering if a piece was missing from the disassembly, and I need that piece in order to make the gun function properly. I'd be fairly disappointed, as I've spent $300 on this gun, and don't want to get nothing out of it.
Thanks to all who can help. I'll take a video of it firing (or not firing, I guess) if need be, just let me know if that's required.