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Playing in Steel Toed Boots???


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Old April 7th, 2011, 07:20   #16
a lone swordsman
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i play in steel toes. mine are well broken in, mind.
try them, see for yourself,let us know!
then, try some other boots. whatever works mate. whatever's in your budget.

we choose our own battles.
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Old April 7th, 2011, 08:28   #17
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I first played in 2009 with my 1978 steel toe Kodiaks. They worked for a year.
Heck ya, if I can maybe you can too?!

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Old April 7th, 2011, 08:56   #18
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I have been playing for 4 years now, (Including 2 Claybank Mason Relic Games) and every game has been in steel toe, or compisite 8" work boots. Never had a blister or sore feet.

The key is to have GOOD boots that are comfortable and dont rub. If you have good boots that fit right you will have no problems and some highend work boots weigh less than hikers. (Redwings are really light)

Dont go to Wal-Mart or Peavey Mart and buy a $40 pair of work boots and head to your game cause you will broably go home in your socks.
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Old April 7th, 2011, 09:38   #19
aka coachster
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OP: depending on where you're located, make your way over to a Mister Safety Shoes. I got my composite 6" Timberland Pro's there and they are as light as my old high cut basketball shoes. They wear like they don't even have a toe or shank.

edit: BTW, at Mister Safety Shoes, regardless if steel or composite, if the toe cuts into your foot, they can stretch it out for you to give you more space in the toe box. I believe it's an over night deal.

I know the generic fit steel toed shoes found at Marks and Walmart typically tend to be a snugger/narrower fit. I haven't found a pair there that didn't put pressure on one or all my toes or even eventually cut into a toe.

Last edited by coach; April 7th, 2011 at 10:02..
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Old April 7th, 2011, 09:43   #20
m102404's Avatar
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It's entirely possible. But they're heavy. When you get tired...they'll feel like buckets of sand.

Blisters and ankle support are not factors for steel toe vs. other. If you have good boots that fit well, then they work as equally well. However...the weight, leading to fatigue, leading to a sprain may factor in.

You need boots that provide good ankle support. They need to be comfortable. They need to have good traction. Anything that fits that bill will work.

However...YOU need to wear them all day. Run/walk/sprint, jump, crawl..get wet, be hot, get muddy, etc... If your boots are stopping you from doing that....and a huge blister that takes off your whole heel will drop a lot of guys...then you need to do something else.

Good socks are key too...I'm a firm believer of the thin sock thick sock rule.
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Old April 7th, 2011, 09:49   #21
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I have a very large foot, 15 wide so its hard for me to find Tac boots, or hiking boots hell even shoes. I wear steel riggers boots, there work boots without the steel toe or shank. alot lighter and more comfortable.

played a season and a half in work boots, mostly composite ones, you need a really really good pair of insoles, but because of the steel they cant be thick ones or you cant get your toes in under the cap, or get alot more blisters.
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Old April 7th, 2011, 13:17   #22
Join Date: Mar 2011
Hey guys, thanks for all the replies! Every bit of info is being noted.

Here are the boots in question if anyone was wondering, they've served me well for over a year and a half now. I believe they've been broken into pretty well from me crouching down to treat patients. They are pretty darn light but then again I've only ever had to run in them once :P Disclaimer: no I'm not a paramedic, just a mere volunteer Medical First Responder.

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Old April 7th, 2011, 23:09   #23
J-Man19's Avatar
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holy heavy duty boots!
play in those for the summer and you'll giant calves.

I wore my red wing steely toes for 4 years of airsoft with no problems. I'd highly recommend wearing boots like that over running shoes.
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Old April 8th, 2011, 19:02   #24
Death March
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I used my steel toe boots for my first 3-4 years of playing and I still like them better than my 5.11 Boots for some stuff. As for them being too heavy?? You get use to them and don't even notice after,and I feel better using them. I'm not sure about people that are having issues with blisters,but it sounds like the boots are not the right size for them,and I'v used mine in swamps woodlands with no real problems.
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Old April 15th, 2011, 15:25   #25
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Steel toes will work, I honestly tried and couldn't use them simply because I'm constantly moving. You can find amazing deals at army surplus stores, vv boutique, etc. I picked up these Magnums for $10 from the surplus store. Don't mind the orange shoe laces, it's a joke with my hunting buddies so they dont shoot my feet Keep an eye out for deals, and happy hunting.
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