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Easiest AEGs and GBB rifles to work on?


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Old March 18th, 2011, 23:18   #1
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Easiest AEGs and GBB rifles to work on?

I don't have as much time for airsoft anymore, and I'd like to switch to a gun that is very easy and quick to disassemble. Reliability is another huge factor. I'm looking at the Magpul Masada, but I wonder if there are any others out there that meet my requirements.

Any recommendations? I'm also open to the idea of a GBB rifle. Thanks!
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Old March 18th, 2011, 23:39   #2
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i used aegs from 2004 - 2007 and every one i had gave me a hard time more often than not, i grabbed my first gbbr we pdw, m4 awss and fn scar, and havent had any problems with any. other than the occasional leaky mag.

but i dont game as often as others here, so my opinion can probably be ignored.

oh and disassembling is a breeze

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Old March 19th, 2011, 10:00   #3
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Can't go wrong with anything in the AK series of rifles, I actually tore my new AK74un down to bits while having a discussion with the wife, over dinner...Now that's multi tasking .
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Old March 19th, 2011, 10:05   #4
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Hmm... I'd say ICS maybe? Only problem being the proprietary parts but once you get past that it seems pretty easy to disassemble and change springs and whatnot.

Other than that I would say just go with a TM and toss in an M110 spring or something (if you decide that the stock 1Joule isn't enough), it doesn't need to fire at 400 FPS after all but 360-380 is probably where you want to be hitting so that less stress is placed on the internals and it's reliable/durable.
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Old March 19th, 2011, 10:21   #5
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any high quality aeg doesn't NEED to be opened ever. Ever since I put all modify parts in my JG 416 about 50 000 rounds ago I haven't opened it once and it's running at 100%. I'd be shocked if it ever needs to be opened again.

Now GBBRs on the other hand require lubing and cleaning before/after each use to ensure proper function. I love mine and the maintenance is part of the fun for me but it can be a problem if you don't have the time to devote to the gun.
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Old March 19th, 2011, 11:42   #6
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I have a CA with a cylinder and spring upgrade (shooting about 390fps) and I have put about 20000 rounds through it easy.....havent opened it

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Old March 19th, 2011, 12:59   #7
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I used to have a G&G AK-104.

It was an absolute breeze to take a part and it actually had a semi-realistic takedown allowing you to remove the recoil spring, top cover, gas piston and handguards.

It also sported one of those nice metal gearboxes that is well built and well oiled and was really easy to reach.

It shot damn strong too.
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Old March 19th, 2011, 13:07   #8
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One other sidebar that gets left of of this is battery care and service.

Depending on how and what you may need one or two batteries to make it through a game and something to maintain them in the off season.

Out here I've seen a bunch of the young guys with one AEG and a mini battery. Before the day is half over their gun is down and they're out. A couple months of that and they drop off the map.
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Old March 19th, 2011, 13:11   #9
The Chad
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I'll swear by JG, have had 2 complete rifles that lasted through years without maintenance and just bought a V2 GB for my L119A1 build and expect it to be just as reliable.
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Old March 19th, 2011, 13:35   #10
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I think everyone has missed his main question:

[QUOTE=grimreefer;1431628] I'd like to switch to a gun that is very easy and quick to disassemble. QUOTE]

I'm sure he's asking what MODEL of gun is the easiest to open up and work on, not so much what brand of gun is the most reliable. It's a tough call as it depends what you like. I know for a fact that a TM/CA/JG AUG is the quickest gun to get the mechbox out. Take off the butt pad, remove 2 screws and the support plate, bang the butt of the gun down on your leg or work bench (I have a peice of carpet on my bench to protect the rear of the gun) and the V3 mech box falls right out the back. But if you don't like bullpups the rest are all a bit of work to get the guts out. All V2 guns (mp5s' ARs' SCARs' can be time consuming, but still not really hard, but they must be 1/2 assembled before you can test the box. The V3 (AUGs'/ AKs'/G36s') mechbox can be tested without being installed in the gun. This is really handy when troubleshooting mechbox issues. As far as reliability goes, there are many different opinions on what brand is the best. from my personal experience, all the mid-high end guns will last a while if left stock. As for the Masada, it's still new so time will tell.
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Old March 19th, 2011, 14:33   #11
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Easiest to work on?

P90's or AUGs.

Getting the gearbox out is extremely easy.
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Old March 19th, 2011, 14:42   #12
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I.C.S. split mechbox is the easiest to work on that I've found because you don't have to take the whole box apart just to change a part in either the upper or lower. Aside from the obvious advantage of being able to have an upper for indoor/cqb and another for outdoor with a higher fps spring, you can change it out in under a minute. Even with the pains of all the proprietary parts with an I.C.S, I don't think I'll buy a different brand of M4 because they're a dream to work on!
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Old March 19th, 2011, 14:59   #13
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Originally Posted by IRONSIGHT View Post
I think everyone has missed his main question:

Originally Posted by grimreefer View Post
I'd like to switch to a gun that is very easy and quick to disassemble.
Yup, thanks! I don't mind taking the gearbox apart, but I don't want to spend 10 minutes getting to it. Being able to swap springs quickly would be very nice but not necessary.

Looks do matter, and I would prefer a Masada, Tavor, or M4. I'm not really a fan of the AUG or AKs.

Thanks for the help!

Last edited by grimreefer; March 19th, 2011 at 15:04..
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Old March 19th, 2011, 18:08   #14
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I just finished working on an ICS
If ICS wanted to sponsor me, and offered me a free ICS M4 and $1000 to do whatever I wanted internally, I still wouldnt use it.

You don't need an AEG that's easy to work on, you just need one that doesn't break.
marui M4's left stock don't break, but your stuck under 350fps unless you want to spent a LOT of money upgrading everything.

CA is a decent staple

G&P is really the best way to go, put a prometheus piston, piston head, and gears in it and it'll last forever.

Get something with a V2 mechbox anyway

As for GBBR's. the WE PDW open bolt is the easiest to work on
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Old March 19th, 2011, 18:13   #15
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Phht. Replace that Prom piston head with an ARS one and add an ARS cylinder head in there and you've got yourself the right combo :P
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