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M203 Shot shells suggestions?


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Old July 16th, 2010, 11:38   #16
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Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
Why dont you actually tell us what your doing with them then.
Shooting Rabid Zombies... duh....

I don't want the shells that shoot airsoft BB's but rather one of the ones that shoot either the rubber grenades or the universal one to make up loads of whatever.
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Old July 16th, 2010, 11:40   #17
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In that case the pb ones are best.
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Old July 16th, 2010, 11:43   #18
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Originally Posted by Drache View Post
Shooting Rabid Zombies... duh....

I don't want the shells that shoot airsoft BB's but rather one of the ones that shoot either the rubber grenades or the universal one to make up loads of whatever.
I dont get it.
I still dont know what your doing with em, so I cant help you or recommend anything.

Are you shooting PEOPLE? Or TARGETS?

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Old July 16th, 2010, 11:52   #19
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Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
I dont get it.
I still dont know what your doing with em, so I cant help you or recommend anything.

Are you shooting PEOPLE? Or TARGETS?
"radius effect kill" and targets
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Old July 16th, 2010, 12:08   #20
aka coachster
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hands down, kings are the best!

since your other thread was looking for a short launcher with trigger, I can assume you're not getting the xm203 short which won't fit the kings. but, I have never tried to chamber a king into a short launcher with a trigger.

for maximum range, kings or cherries.
for wider blast area but slightly shorter range, *snicker*, use the multipurpose nades.
for shortest load time, use the multipurpose nades but make sure to pack some tissue to act as wadding.
for maximum giggle factor, kings all the way at 900psi!

I have never used the slugs, but as you mentioned, finding them will be a pain.
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Old July 16th, 2010, 12:15   #21
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
hands down, kings are the best!

since your other thread was looking for a short launcher with trigger, I can assume you're not getting the xm203 short which won't fit the kings. but, I have never tried to chamber a king into a short launcher with a trigger.

for maximum range, kings or cherries.
for wider blast area but slightly shorter range, *snicker*, use the multipurpose nades.
for shortest load time, use the multipurpose nades but make sure to pack some tissue to act as wadding.
for maximum giggle factor, kings all the way at 900psi!

I have never used the slugs, but as you mentioned, finding them will be a pain.
Im looking for a single projectile as the targets the club has will mean lobbing grenades to get to them

Gaming them is not a huge priority although I will get the BB firing shells later for that.

Just wondering how well the M576 shoots (ie how powerful for maximum distance). I seen a video of the Magpul multipurpose being abing to fire various objects and then some which is nice and whatever it fired went a fair distance. Also being able to fire whatever you can fit into the barrel means cheap ammo in the dollar store (sorta)
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Old July 16th, 2010, 12:43   #22
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Ok Ive got enough PM's asking me to further explain.

One of the gun clubs I belong to has a sort of shooting contest generally with small version of potato guns or things like that. The contest is not overall distane, some of the targets are straight shots pretty close. Some has to do with lobbing over an object as well. It can pretty much come down to accuracy and luck. Ammo can ALMOST be anything that fires out of the "gun".

Now at first I was looking into a real steel 37mm launcher but it's too hard to get the licenses to reload and shoot the 37mm practice rounds, not to mention they are a hellishly expensive to reload.

So I thought about an airsoft launcher and started looking into it. The reason I wanted short was to fit onto my bushmaster for shits and giggles. Not to mention I want to be a little different than everyone else.

Then I figured as well, everyone needs an launcher for airsoft as well, two birds with one stone sort of deal.
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Old July 16th, 2010, 12:59   #23
aka coachster
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use the XMPB4 then. It'll be more useful in airsoft then a slug.

how many shots do you get to tweak your range?

note: I didn't PM you! I could care less what you're shooting. if it's at me, know that I usually have the kings with .25's at 800-900psi! okay okay, there will be some .12's mixed in for a colourful spread......
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Old July 16th, 2010, 13:02   #24
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
use the XMPB4 then. It'll be more useful in airsoft then a slug.

how many shots do you get to tweak your range?

note: I didn't PM you! I could care less what you're shooting. if it's at me, know that I usually have the kings with .25's at 800-900psi! okay okay, there will be some .12's mixed in for a colourful spread......
You get three shots per target, closest one counts.

So you say to use CO2 for the XMPB4's? What kind of power can you expect from one of them?
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Old July 16th, 2010, 13:15   #25
aka coachster
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depends on the object you're shooting out of it and distance.

and since it's relatively safe, you can practice your aiming as well as adjusting the charge (psi) at home.

with 50-60 BB's in an XMPB4, with a half sheet of Kleenex as the wad, I can usually hit a target at 75 feet with little arching but that's at 600psi with BB's. (with a king, a level shot with 204 BB's at 800psi, easily beyond 100 feet)
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Old July 16th, 2010, 13:17   #26
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
depends on the object you're shooting out of it and distance.

and since it's relatively safe, you can practice your aiming as well as adjusting the charge (psi) at home.

with 50-60 BB's in an XMPB4, with a half sheet of Kleenex as the wad, I can usually hit a target at 75 feet with little arching but that's at 600psi with BB's. (with a king, a level shot with 204 BB's at 800psi, easily beyond 100 feet)
Good enough for me then!
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Old July 20th, 2010, 08:52   #27
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get a caw revolver launcher with whatever loads in teh cylinder (not kings...they dont fit)....charge them and you can quasy speed load the main barrel for an impromptu muzzle loading 6shooter .....muahahahhahahahahahhahahaha

if it makes a differance to you than you might wanna think about your gas dispersal when choosing loads....pb4 is a single hole in the middle vs the cherry having 8-10 smaller holes for gas flow.....not that it's gonna make a huge difference other than the concentration of gas at any particular point.

if you do a long launcher than you can always use empty cherries as your "powder bags" and muzzle load your projectile and still have the shower itself for gaming. jugglez might hate me for saying that but you can save yourself a few bucks that way.
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Old July 20th, 2010, 09:08   #28
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Originally Posted by Duckman View Post
get a caw revolver launcher with whatever loads in teh cylinder (not kings...they dont fit)....charge them and you can quasy speed load the main barrel for an impromptu muzzle loading 6shooter .....muahahahhahahahahahhahahaha

if it makes a differance to you than you might wanna think about your gas dispersal when choosing loads....pb4 is a single hole in the middle vs the cherry having 8-10 smaller holes for gas flow.....not that it's gonna make a huge difference other than the concentration of gas at any particular point.

if you do a long launcher than you can always use empty cherries as your "powder bags" and muzzle load your projectile and still have the shower itself for gaming. jugglez might hate me for saying that but you can save yourself a few bucks that way.
I ordered the short launcher since the long isn't going to fit onto either or my guns
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Old July 20th, 2010, 09:20   #29
aka coachster
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pb4's will have better control of the gas since it's coming out of one opening. as long as your projectile is sitting in or on top of the nade and or mostly plugging the launch tube, you'll get full force.

with cherries and kings, the gas is dumped from one chamber into 12 tubes. I'd go this route only if your projectiles are more delicate and prone to shredding under the sheer power of 600psi in one concentrated spot. like nerf darts and such. even at 300 psi, I could effectively launch some nerf darts/rockets. (not the football ones)

What's your projectile?
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Old July 20th, 2010, 09:25   #30
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
pb4's will have better control of the gas since it's coming out of one opening. as long as your projectile is sitting in or on top of the nade and or mostly plugging the launch tube, you'll get full force.

with cherries and kings, the gas is dumped from one chamber into 12 tubes. I'd go this route only if your projectiles are more delicate and prone to shredding under the sheer power of 600psi in one concentrated spot. like nerf darts and such. even at 300 psi, I could effectively launch some nerf darts/rockets. (not the football ones)

What's your projectile?
once it arrives I have to do some experimenting on projectiles. A friend suggested practice golf balls for the competition since you can get them in different weights and from soft to hard.

But I'll test anything that will fit down the barrel
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