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Community Opinion: Tracer Units & Rounds


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Old February 24th, 2010, 20:16   #31
Join Date: Oct 2009
Honestly I probably shoot more tracer rounds then normal rounds.
I love my TM V2 tracer. I have used the Madbull .25, .12 and the BBB Bioval Fluo stuff.
I play mostly indoors in dim lighting and usually have a hard time seeing my shots (yes, my vision isn't the greatest...i'm the guy that loses track of the golf ball and needs a buddy to help spot it when I tee off). In any case, I'm a very small minority group in your market!
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Old February 24th, 2010, 20:33   #32
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One thing I would love to see is a tracer unit that fits in already existing silencers, a nice drop-in kit!

*EDIT* Until it's proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the madbull hop-up tracer unit works I won't even think about it. Too many bad experiences with madbull shit.
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Last edited by Primus; February 24th, 2010 at 20:45..
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Old February 24th, 2010, 20:36   #33
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If the madbul hop-up tracer unit works well, I would be very interested in tracer rounds.

Especially if hosts around here started organized night games where tracers were mandatory (hint hint )
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Old February 26th, 2010, 16:40   #34
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If you could get enough people who have tracer units, and have a tracers only game at night, you would move quite a lot--at least for the op. We have a semi annual game at a local paintball park here in the States, and it's a night game, tracers required. I usually bring my M249 and load it up. There is no tactical value in using the tracers, but when everyone has them, it evens it up. Plus, it is just fun to watch--sort of like airsoft Star Wars.

During these ops I sell a few cases of the Madbulls, all .25g weight. This is my only real movement with tracer rounds and so I don't regularly stock them.
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Old February 26th, 2010, 16:56   #35
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Tracer Rounds in a heavier weight like .30s
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Old February 27th, 2010, 18:10   #36
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I have both Tracer unit styles. The TM Tracer unit (V.2) is by far better IMHO than the Madbull Hopup tracer. The TM version will work in dim lighting situations as well as dark or night situations. The Madbull Hopup is OK to fair in dim lit areas (the front "office style" area of XT) in dark areas it works well (the dark "black light" area of XT). My preferance would be the TM Tracer unit only because it works in both dim and dark lit areas and for the simple logic of you get what you pay for. The TM unit may be pricer but works, where as the Madbull version works but only in dark situations.
As for BB's no lighter than .20 please .28 would be very nice. For colors red and green are fairly standard.
Here's some Night games from the US where they had all tracer units.

YouTube- Airsoft Night Ambush and Attack with Tracers by Utahs Premier Airsoft Community Black ops Elite.

YouTube- B.o.E Combat Airsoft Night Operations April 25th 2009
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Old February 27th, 2010, 19:54   #37
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Yearly I think my sales on tracer BB's (Ordered from, don't worry, I'm not cheatin' on the bastard ) are maybe... 10-20 bottles... If you could get bastard Tracers... You'd have to make something that isn't already available (Red .28's and heavier would be a big hit as there's nothing else like that on the market)
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Old February 27th, 2010, 20:12   #38
Gonzo Sleeper
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Well I bought a bottle of madbull .12 multi color tracers from airsoftparts just to screw around with to see how well they glow and have found that red and green glow the best and the blue and purple barely glow at all. Perhaps this is why you dont see as many colors available.
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Old February 28th, 2010, 15:20   #39
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post

The only real weights im looking for is .25s and higher. .2's arnt really my cup of tea for outdoors.
Ive been looking for AGES to find tracers in red, but the only ones turned up are the madbull dark knight series, which are .12

After talking with Duy, he said something about the materials to make a red tracer unit just arnt heavy enough and to make .25s in red would be too expensive or something.
I had a talk with Jugglez a while back too when the MadBull multi colour tracers came out. They aren't able to make the coloured ones in heavier weights. they aren't able to produce the red/blue/purples in anything heavier than .12's which sucks for outdoors. I'm happy with green and red though. shooting a green/red Christmas mix would be cool for a winter game.

Scarecrow, if you do begin a tracer line, I know there are a few of us that will support you and buy them. Price wise, if it's similar to what madbull has, I'm all for it. even a buck or two more isn't going to deter us.

knowing that madbull can't produce heavier should direct more business your way if you could do .25's in both red and green. I know people want heavier but beggars can't be chooser when it's a matter of wanting to know if your rounds make it down range in the dark!

Originally Posted by Gonzo Sleeper View Post
Well I bought a bottle of madbull .12 multi color tracers from airsoftparts just to screw around with to see how well they glow and have found that red and green glow the best and the blue and purple barely glow at all. Perhaps this is why you dont see as many colors available.
which tracer unit are you using? the blue and purple work better with a UV light source.

here's my clip @ Soldier Gear Paintball when the MadBull Dark Knight tracers first came out. would love to use Bastards instead.

Soldier Gear :: MVI_2264.flv video by Coach_ASC - Photobucket

Last edited by coach; February 28th, 2010 at 15:24..
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Old February 28th, 2010, 20:32   #40
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if you make the heavier wieghts i will use them jay.

i've always found that the relative cost of a tracer unit to the number of times most will actully show up to a lower light game is a huge factor. around here there arent all that many night games and people lack the availibility or willingness to play them for whatever reason. i use my tracers pretty much every chance i get..indoor, outdoor, it doesnt matter to me. if i have .12's, .20's, .25''s never really mattered to me since personally i'll just run them through which ever piece of my collection is appropriate for that particular mass off bb. that being said, ive found the average player out there isnt really looking to spend $150+/- on a tracer unit that they're going to use once a year. nubs and vets alike all love them when they see them used but it's generally not enough to spend the money on a tracer unit and the, typically, higher priced ammo.

to me the giggle factor and the "HOLY SHIT!!!" factor from those who have the multicoloured streaks zipping passed them is all too worth it. i'm an airsofter to be entertained and tracers (and various other goodies) help me reach that goal when i'm out there.

some might argue that tracers work both ways and will compromise your position...well...what does a flashlight do? all those die hard would be simmers out there really should be all about having a tracer and running some sort of mix since it would make it a closer simulation to live fire. those that use white ammo, and i'm not saying it's a bad thing by any means, essentially run tracers all the time during the day. how many of you can honestly say that you dont EVER walk your fire in by watching your rounds down range? i run black rounds primarily with whites mixed in as my daytime "tracer" mix specifically for that purpose. how's it any differant for a low light game?

i love it...i use it every chance i get...if you make it i will use it!
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Old March 1st, 2010, 00:05   #41
Sha Do
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You know the weights I'm looking for there bro....gimme a 0.28 for AEGs, 0.30 for any GBB/GBBR, and possibly a heavy for sniping (nothing heavier than 0.36 of course).

Any colour would work sweet a sweet comb with my NVS, where I wouldn't need to use the emitter to track the BB's in on every shot for correction, but red would be the best. However, then comes the next dilemma..... a tracer unit that will consistently work with high fps of an Upgraded BA, though I suspect that I will end up modding my mags to accommodate an LED set up.

Now making, and marketing, your own tracer kits might just take flight, but the problem becomes in the combination of the clockwise/CCW is it 14 mm or different adapters as part of the kit. There are now just too many inconsistencies in the different makes and models (except for TM and CA I believe) to really consider including the adapter in the package deals. I would personally leave that to the already existing manufacturers, and just keep yours a standard -14mm.

And as for all you poor guys who haven't done night games......dude, you don't know what you are missing. FR night game on the Victoria Day weekend a couple years ago;
Threatening cloud cover, occasional thunder and lightning, mixed with the thunder crackle of fireworks from the three near by cities and a light fog....WOW, an awesome ambiance. It made working the Marine Base section of the field what I'd imagine WWI was like in the Bulge.


Last edited by Sha Do; March 1st, 2010 at 00:11..
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Old March 1st, 2010, 01:07   #42
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Originally Posted by Sha Do View Post
You know the weights I'm looking for there bro....gimme a 0.28 for AEGs, 0.30 for any GBB/GBBR, and possibly a heavy for sniping (nothing heavier than 0.36 of course).

Any colour would work sweet a sweet comb with my NVS, where I wouldn't need to use the emitter to track the BB's in on every shot for correction, but red would be the best. However, then comes the next dilemma..... a tracer unit that will consistently work with high fps of an Upgraded BA, though I suspect that I will end up modding my mags to accommodate an LED set up.

Now making, and marketing, your own tracer kits might just take flight, but the problem becomes in the combination of the clockwise/CCW is it 14 mm or different adapters as part of the kit. There are now just too many inconsistencies in the different makes and models (except for TM and CA I believe) to really consider including the adapter in the package deals. I would personally leave that to the already existing manufacturers, and just keep yours a standard -14mm.

And as for all you poor guys who haven't done night games......dude, you don't know what you are missing. FR night game on the Victoria Day weekend a couple years ago;
Threatening cloud cover, occasional thunder and lightning, mixed with the thunder crackle of fireworks from the three near by cities and a light fog....WOW, an awesome ambiance. It made working the Marine Base section of the field what I'd imagine WWI was like in the Bulge.

The TM V2 unit has no problem illuminating .20 BB's flying out of my VSR at 470 FPS

The TM unit is excellent
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Old March 2nd, 2010, 16:39   #43
Gonzo Sleeper
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I have a TM V2 as well. I threw in new batteries and the .12s in blue and purple had a slight glow enough to see when its first shot out but after maybe 5 feet they died . The green and red work fine. My madbull .25s work great as well. Never a problem.

Last edited by Gonzo Sleeper; March 2nd, 2010 at 16:43..
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Old March 2nd, 2010, 17:30   #44
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those ones pretty much "require" a uv light source to come anywhere close to the regular green stuff...add in the fact that they're not the easiest coloured light to see and you've got a rough combination. even the red ones pale in comparison to green.
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Old March 2nd, 2010, 17:38   #45
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I would love some basterds in tracer. I think the issue is more with the availibilty and cost of the TRacer units them selves. rather than the BB's

But yes a basterd version in .25 would greatly increase my chance of buying a tm v2.

I dont like the hopup idea, as then I am stuck with tracers for only one of my rifles

I'm wanting to buy a silencer this summer. for exactly this reason
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