Originally Posted by m102404
LOL...welcome aboard.
Don't sweat coming out to a game before your b-day if it's just a month away...search the local games, get out to meet the hosts/players. In person they're all very helpful....we've all been there starting out.
One visit to a good game/event and you'll get more concentrated info than a month of surfing through ASC.
TTAC3 is an EXCELLENT place to start. Lots of guidance/support and all the info you can choke on.
I think my next CQB thing (not the one this weekend) is supposed to be a newbie thing. If you want to stand in as a hostage for this Sat evening game, there's no charge. I think you can even get a rental facemask there. There's a good mix of kranky vets and new-ish guys there...every one of them are good stand up guys. PM if you are interested....I'll have to check if the owner of the place will allow a near-sub-18 to participate as a non-combatant.
Yeah come on in observe the game if Will and Tys are cool with it, ask some question, see some hardware, you'll learn more about the hobby in that 4 hrs by asing and observing than you would in 1 week sitting in front of the monitor. We are
not all that cranky