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Help! I can't go to work anymore because of my youtube videos



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Old January 13th, 2011, 07:24   #91
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Thanks guys. But I'm not here to fight againt's what happended. Their is a law now exactly meant for those kind of situation and it was in their right to arrested me first and search after. They told me it was my workplace that called them about some employees that where questionning the fact that there was those videos on youtube, that I just received my PAL and that I was sick for a week. The inspector told me that they were thinking that I had some kind of big depression (rumors) and they feared for my life and their lifes. So this is why the administrators at Jean-Talon told the police that I was going to an interview with a psychiatrist and that they could arrested me after it. The fact is that they where really, really thinking that all those airsofts where guns, they where even asking me questions like: why didn't you register your M14? (me: it's an airsoft, I can't register it). And: what caliber is this M14, .223? (me: it's an airgun, that's 6mm plastic bbs... and (in my head: it's .308 by the way).

But they still where all very correct and after they found ou that their was in fact no evidence at all about me hidding firearms they were gery gentle, cool, explained me everything, explained that with everything that is going with mass murderer putting pictures on facebook and video on youtube, the law was with them to act first. They aslo told me that I didn't do anything wrong. That every video was right, that it was my right to have them and to show them.

By they way, they also seized my pal and they'll ask the GRC to do other search to see if they give it back to me

But I'll ask the instpector that is coming today to look at the 5.7j. I find it's very important to know about that ^^

Thx for all your supports threw this!

Last edited by Sim123456; January 13th, 2011 at 07:27..
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Old January 13th, 2011, 08:09   #92
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Definitely go lawyer and union rep. And media (after talking to lawyer.) This is actually a precedent that matters for the rest of us as well.

They can claim the best of intentions, but the obviousness of the action is something else. If you have a concern about workplace depression, you talk to counsellors, not cops. Your business overstepped it's bounds, big time, to the point of interfering with your private life, sullying your reputation, not to mention you KNOW what's going around your work place.

It's not right and there is nothing noble or decent in letting it slip for the next guy to deal with.

Last edited by CusCusA; January 13th, 2011 at 08:15.. Reason: bad punctuation.
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Old January 13th, 2011, 08:40   #93
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Well, I took lessons to have my PAL and one of our teacher told us that anyone at anytime can call the police and say, for exemple: my corworker seem depressed to me and I know that he have weapons at home. I fear for his life.

After saying this, the cops have the right, what means that there is a law, to go seized all the weapons and ask the guy to go se a psychiatrist.

This is what I learned for having my pal. So from there I can't tell that they overpassed anything because my sistuation is similar. I did took a week off because I was stressed out of work. And this is because of this week off that, as I said, people start wondering If I was depressive and if I have guns, they were fearing for my life (and theirs) etc. So for now I still (well I'm still under adrenaline shock) think it was ok. I don't want problems, like they told me, I did absolutly nothing wrong. For me, I have removed the video not only for the cops but as good faith for my workplace also.

This is the way I think now ^^
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Old January 13th, 2011, 09:00   #94
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post
Well, I took lessons to have my PAL and one of our teacher told us that anyone at anytime can call the police and say, for exemple: my corworker seem depressed to me and I know that he have weapons at home. I fear for his life.

After saying this, the cops have the right, what means that there is a law, to go seized all the weapons and ask the guy to go se a psychiatrist.
Doesn't mean that's EVER at all RIGHT.

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Old January 13th, 2011, 09:31   #95
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Listen, I wanted to share this story with you to know about your opinion. Personnaly I think that what I'm doing after this is right with me. I always been in good faith. I deleted the videos only with good faith, they never told me to do so. I'm not a lawer and I couln't refer you to any number of article of law about this. I'm only happy that it end well. Everyone would react in a different way. All I want now is to know that my girlfriend wasn't scare and mad about this. This is my priority. My name is already cleaned at the hospital. So for now I'll let this go because I was already stressed out before and now I must relax and calm down to the days to come. Oh, and of course I really want my M14 back. They told me that it wouldn't be damage or scratch but I want to see it with my eyes. It's a 600$ scratch free brand new EBR kit and I want it back that way. I also want to know what will happen to my pal license. Except that I'm very fine, still have free paid days.
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Old January 13th, 2011, 10:21   #96
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Did you get a "receipt" when they took the M14?

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Old January 13th, 2011, 10:56   #97
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No. In fact I wasn't there. I was in jail. But my girlfriend didn't show me any papers so I guest not. I just talk to the inspector and he told me that I should have it back next week. This is all the informations I have!

Oh and as I said, my PAL is temporarly revoke and I'll have to fill more papers coming from the SQ so that they can judge if I can still have it. Just for that I find it sad, because I got it last week, didn't evn had the chance to look on internet for a Norinco M305. But I don't have the money right now anyway!
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Old January 13th, 2011, 11:05   #98
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You'll get your pal back but I'm fairly sure it'll be flagged by the CFC the next time your purchase a firearm. That means when and if you try to purchase a gun, you will be required to contact your provinces CFO office. I've seen it happen far to many times.

Your employer still over stepped their bounds and invaded your privacy. Whether you want to pursue action against them is totally up to you but
think about this, every time something like this happens and the victim in the situation doesn't pursue their rightful course of action it leaves the employer open to repeating the same thing again with someone else without the fear of reprucusion.
Also, when the police started asking you about your airsoft guns and why they weren't registered...they should have known upon immediate inspection that the guns were not real, hence why they weren't registered.

I'd still talk to a lawyer and union rep regarding all this and pursue action against your employer.
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Old January 13th, 2011, 11:06   #99
Captain Banzai
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Will you have a police record?
Will that be all cleared up?
Is there anything you have to do?
Did any of the investigators mention this?
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Old January 13th, 2011, 11:47   #100
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Ok. When they ask me for the registration, at this step, they didn't know yet that it wasn't a real M14. They knew it after. I understand about pursue. I don't think I actually have the mind set on that. I would like to talk first to the responsables (my boss, the administrators etc) to clear things like "why?"

No police record at all. Charge was droped immediatly after the search at my appartement. I have nothing to do. Only to wait for 2 things: having my gun back in the same state as before (and this may change my mind, if they bring it back with scratchs and/or broken part, I'll sure won't let it pass and see what are my actions. But if it comes back as clean as it was as the inspector promise me, I'll be happy.) Second things is to wait for the SQ to send me the paper about this situation and I guess I'll have to fill questions of all sorts.

So this is it for now. But I'm still not in shape, I didn't sleep well, I'm still stressed about it. My mind will get clearer tomorrow. Thanks again guys for all your great supports!

I forgot to mention a fact. My girlfriend told me that when they saw the fake silencer they freak out and were sure it was a real one. But their was a gun expert with them. This guy was the only one allow to touch my gun and immediatly after touching the silencer said it was not a real one. But I'm sure it's the second thing they'll chek after the gun. They didn't like that accessory at all.

Last edited by Sim123456; January 13th, 2011 at 11:49..
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Old January 13th, 2011, 14:16   #101
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Sim, you are a good man for not being an selfish asshole that goes around suing them.

Because it was VERY VERY natural for any citizens to be fearful if they see their co-workers on youtube with ice cold grin and big guns. That's how virginia tech went out, he was on youtube. And your scared bosses were genuinely concerned about everybody's safety.

I hope all the foggy stuff clears out with your boss and you can return to your work.
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Old January 13th, 2011, 14:40   #102
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Fuck, if that were me I'd go Beauceron on their ass. Reasonable suspicion? Possibly; but not entirely if they ACTUALLY WATCHED THE VIDEOS. :| wth?! Oh these are real guns! operated by a battery....
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Old January 13th, 2011, 15:00   #103
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Originally Posted by SniperSam View Post
Fuck, if that were me I'd go Beauceron on their ass. Reasonable suspicion? Possibly; but not entirely if they ACTUALLY WATCHED THE VIDEOS. :| wth?! Oh these are real guns! operated by a battery....
Look, people who don't know just don't know. As far as they could speculate, it might be part for a flashlight which it perfectly could be.
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Old January 13th, 2011, 15:24   #104
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What they show me was in fact the worst image of my video taken as a picture. They were talking about pictures. When they show me, I realized that it was pictures taken from the youtube videos at my worst (colded grin if you like) and completly out of his context. One of the pictures was taken from a video of my now very old CYMA AKM. You clearly hear the electric engine whining in it. But on a picture, one frame of the video, with no sound, of course it looks like a real one. They did the same for my old WE M16A3. They were cheap on this but well, one big part of the show was to scare me. It's normal for them, they don't want me to do that again.
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Old January 13th, 2011, 16:32   #105
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I'd go for a swift slap behind the head to get your job and pay restituted.

You've got a case for sure, you can even prove that you can buy those legally in a canada :P

The surplus IG in montreal sell airsoft GBBR, GBB and AEG and they're available over the counter, you just have to go in the store and ask for it.

They're hung behind the guy on the wall on a rack so everyone can see.

You can't get more in your face than that.

Even cigarettes are harder to see these days.

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