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Solution to reduce cheating at indoor games



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Old July 18th, 2013, 16:04   #76
Trev140_0's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Hectic View Post
What!?! Where? I assure you i have never heard or such a place! *insert sarcasim*

I meant, you can video ALL you want. These guys DO NOT subscribe to ASC and merely use it as a tool to "show up"

If the place is not clear that they are NOT welcome, then expect what you get.

I remember one venue at SOF (now gone) that even posted "EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO COME"

Serious? WTF?

oh that's right....that's for MONEY

And it was around that time the bat shit crazy guy surfaced and wanted to play there with a pellet gun. Yes, the one that shoots lead.
He tried getting into my field, but failed the smell test.

He was later arrested off a golf course in Hamilton-wielding a knife.

The point is YOU HAVE TO SCREEN. Will you lose money as a host? Maybe. But maybe not in the long run, and life will be less stressful.

Remember, you are simply screening the 5% guys. The rest WONT COME as they wont even try to go to your place as they know they are not allowed in. The vast majority of players here on ASC are GOOD.

Its the "COME ONE COME ALL" places they say.....

"OK!!! WE PLAY YES???" (often with the week command of the English language)

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Last edited by Trev140_0; July 18th, 2013 at 16:21..
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Old July 18th, 2013, 16:16   #77
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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I was just bein silly.
I think for indoor places like UA and others its alot harder for them to turn forlks away cause at the end of the day they are running a company and have a lease/rent, hydro, gas and water to pay for along with staff and so on. I know the team i was talking about at the gibson is alrdy banned from UA and id imagine that is because it was either loose prety much the rest of their regulars or get rid of those 20 or 30 guys.
Fortunately the gibson is just sitting there racking up expense whether we play there or not so making money off of it (tho it will help to offset the costs of the owners) isnt the priority. The staff there have no issue with turning fokks away and 2 wer sent packing on the day of the test run. (one for full auto fire and i think the other was for not calling hits) and prety sure after a lil more discussion the team in question will also be put on the not welcome list.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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Thanks Hectic,
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Old July 18th, 2013, 16:18   #78
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Simple Rule... NO ONE may refuse to provide any other player with their full legal name and registered nickname

refusing to disclose your identity to anyone who asks is grounds for ejection from the game. no second chance not later disclosure.. if asked your name you give it.. or you are gone.

It is anonymity that empowers cowards and cheats .. Those of weak character and corrupt morals shrink from the light of day.

You have exactly one reputation, if you stood to lose it because everyone knows who you are.. the behavior would improve overall.
I'm including this rule in all of our future games.
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Old July 18th, 2013, 16:26   #79
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Originally Posted by Trev140_0 View Post
And it was around that time the bat shit crazy guy surfaced and wanted to play there with a pellet gun. Yes, the one that shoots lead.
He tried getting into my field, but failed the smell test.

He was later arrested off a golf course in Hamilton-wielding a knife.
Safety is a concern of course but couldn't there be a premium for letting folks like that on the field?

I mean who wouldn't want to reminisce about having shot someone who later tried to hijack a golf cart to Cuba?
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Old July 18th, 2013, 17:08   #80
Brian McIlmoyle
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I'm selective about who I let play at my place.. and over the years I have cultivated a reputation to ensure the cheats and scoundrels don't even bother to show up.

I have thrown people out a few times, and it always sends a clear message to everyone, screw around, ignore the rules and you're gone.

I'm certain that the same reputation prevents perfectly good and honest players from coming.. and that is the cost of being selective.

Places that throw the doors wide and let bad players participate without censure or enforcement will end up with a venue populated entirely with all the rejects and losers who no one else lets play at their venue. Good, honest people would rather sit at home than rub elbows with cheaters and scoundrels.

This is one of the key problems with walk on pay to play places, to keep the doors open and the place operating you need cashflow, cashflow comes from players playing.. so you are loath to come down too heavy handed lest you turn off your revenue tap.
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Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; July 18th, 2013 at 17:11..
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Old July 19th, 2013, 00:30   #81
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While I like the intention with what you're trying to do, I really do but I'm not a race car or a marathon runner while playing airsoft. So thanks, but no thanks. The short term solution for cheaters is to go to games with reputable players and venues that don't have cheaters. At least that's why I try my best to do. I don't support venues that I've been to where I've encountered multiple instances of cheating without anything done about it. I don't have the patience for these people especially at games I host. It ruins the experience for everybody involved if that's allowed.

The long term solution is to do what Brian does is have venues with owners a low tolerance for that sort of garbage. While the overwhelming majority of the airsoft community is very honourable you're always going to need to weed out the bad apples. It's a given regardless of the event just some events/venues its much more blatantly obvious and rampant than others.

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Last edited by tygr701; July 19th, 2013 at 00:48..
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Old July 19th, 2013, 00:43   #82
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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^^i dont get what this is relating to?? Must be too sleepy
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old July 19th, 2013, 01:16   #83
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Originally Posted by Hectic View Post
^^i dont get what this is relating to?? Must be too sleepy
What I think he's saying is set higher community standards from the start - don't start with players of the lowest common denominator (you know, possessing a pulse, still able to fog a mirror, and possessing $20.00 in hand, and little else..) and go from there .. you set the bar too low, and the games will generally not attract players of the calibre that you really want - those "quality" players that tend to avoid those sort of games - the 'once bitten, twice shy - now avoiding potential BS games in the future' principle applies for them, when they see similarly set up games appearing. Time is money for some folks - they aren't going to take the chance on wasting either on a game that won't meet their minimum standards.
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Old July 19th, 2013, 01:25   #84
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Originally Posted by Hectic View Post
^^i dont get what this is relating to?? Must be too sleepy
I'm guessing you're referring to my marathon runner/race car quote. They are issued race bibs and numbers to help identify them easier. I hope that makes more sense.


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Old July 19th, 2013, 09:42   #85
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Originally Posted by tygr701 View Post
While I like the intention with what you're trying to do, I really do but I'm not a race car or a marathon runner while playing airsoft. So thanks, but no thanks. The short term solution for cheaters is to go to games with reputable players and venues that don't have cheaters. At least that's why I try my best to do. I don't support venues that I've been to where I've encountered multiple instances of cheating without anything done about it. I don't have the patience for these people especially at games I host. It ruins the experience for everybody involved if that's allowed.

The long term solution is to do what Brian does is have venues with owners a low tolerance for that sort of garbage. While the overwhelming majority of the airsoft community is very honourable you're always going to need to weed out the bad apples. It's a given regardless of the event just some events/venues its much more blatantly obvious and rampant than others.

I m pretty sure I mentioned this before, but your team is obviously welcome at Hill437

99% sure I mentioned this in the past but just confirming.

Sunday, August 11th is the next one.

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Old July 19th, 2013, 11:56   #86
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Originally Posted by Trev140_0 View Post
I m pretty sure I mentioned this before, but your team is obviously welcome at Hill437

99% sure I mentioned this in the past but just confirming.

Sunday, August 11th is the next one.
Thanks for the invite Trev will let the guys know and see if a few of us can make it for a game there sometime. I always like trying out new fields.

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Old July 19th, 2013, 12:11   #87
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Simple Rule... NO ONE may refuse to provide any other player with their full legal name and registered nickname

refusing to disclose your identity to anyone who asks is grounds for ejection from the game. no second chance not later disclosure.. if asked your name you give it.. or you are gone.

It is anonymity that empowers cowards and cheats .. Those of weak character and corrupt morals shrink from the light of day.

You have exactly one reputation, if you stood to lose it because everyone knows who you are.. the behavior would improve overall.
My issue with this is with all those out there who think they are the best players on earth and hit people everytime they shoot at someone. I just wouldn't appreciate being "investigated" when a player called me out for not calling a hit when his bbs were off target. Don't get me wrong I still like the idea.
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Old July 19th, 2013, 12:34   #88
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Originally Posted by Antikythera View Post
My issue with this is with all those out there who think they are the best players on earth and hit people everytime they shoot at someone. I just wouldn't appreciate being "investigated" when a player called me out for not calling a hit when his bbs were off target. Don't get me wrong I still like the idea.
But that's the name of the game. In sports everyone is subject to scrutiny of some description, and everyone should submit to it, this is where having a good reputation and honorable play come hand in hand.

No one is going to make a long standing judgement on you for one hit call. But if you get known as that guy who is impossible to hit, or constantly can't feel his hits, people will let you know.

I've played with guys close to the team who couldn't feel hits because of all the shit they were wearing, so we mentored them knowing they we honorable people, and got them to strip all the useless crap off their bodies (armor, padding, etc...) and now they run light and fast and can call their hits much more often.

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Old July 19th, 2013, 12:53   #89
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Simple Rule... NO ONE may refuse to provide any other player with their full legal name and registered nickname

refusing to disclose your identity to anyone who asks is grounds for ejection from the game. no second chance not later disclosure.. if asked your name you give it.. or you are gone.
If I'm intentionally not calling my hits I can't see why I'd follow that rule, leading back to the initial problem of "I know it's one of the X number of guys using identical kit". Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's a bad idea (I'd actually say I'm in favor of it), just perhaps one that doesn't completely fix the problem. Either way, just my 2 cents on the topic.
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Old July 19th, 2013, 12:55   #90
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by CFA View Post
If I'm intentionally not calling my hits I can't see why I'd follow that rule, leading back to the initial problem of "I know it's one of the X number of guys using identical kit". Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's a bad idea (I'd actually say I'm in favor of it), just perhaps one that doesn't completely fix the problem. Either way, just my 2 cents on the topic.
It's more about creating an environment that is hostile to cheaters.

Cockroaches scuttle away when you turn on the lights, All I'm saying is , lets turn on the lights.
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