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Why so many youngins?



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Old July 13th, 2012, 11:51   #61
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by W33zy View Post
And who are you guys to decide who can and can't play? That's why actual sanctioned playing fields have INSURANCE!
Insurance is once thing but liability is another.

Unless a parent or legal guardian is a participant, in good standing in the community, and virtually attached at said minors hip, there are a lot of people here who will refuse to play.

Airsoft is not a babysitting service like paintball can often be used for. Parents dropping their underage kids off is not the way to do it. Regardless of insurance or signed waivers. Happens way too often though.

We had a huge game a couple years back where an underage player had his mom drop him off. She left him there and when it was made known that he wasn't even 16, he was booted from playing even though one or two people tried to vouch for him saying that they played with him before. Guess what he did for a couple hours? Sat and waited for his mom to come back.
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Old July 13th, 2012, 12:38   #62
Cobalt Caliber
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Who are we? We are a group of airsofters who host the games. We are likely the largest group in the country and are the largest concentration of Ontario based players. Why do I say 'the games' because what you see other groups play at amounts to simple force on force skirms. A number of the games we hosts are 'skirms' but many are Milsims.

Take Rhino, Deadfall, Shallow Lake, Claybank, Coldfront, Border Wars and many many more. These events are ASc based and not only will you not find these events anywhere else. We don't want kids playing at them. Not because kids are bad evil things. But cause these events require a certain amount of kit, dedication and maturity.

Plus slap a bunch of real military gear (or even the clone stuff) and tell me how silly you kiddies actually look. It looks much better on us older gents.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old July 13th, 2012, 13:50   #63
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I recently attended a milsim game where minors were allowed to play. Myself and the guys with whom I usually shoot with ended up being tossed into leadership positions, with our sections being given the largest numbers of under 18 year olds to play. I did not relish the position immediately.

Once we were in-game and actively engaged, I found the kids to be excellent shooters. They listened to what I said, would respond as quickly as I wanted them to, and I hope that they had as good a game as I did. I had an excellent game. I think that with more time, some of these guys will be the future vets of the sport, if they keep with it, and continue to engage in the sport in the way that they did. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the position later.

However, this situation I feel is unique. The "youngins" were forced under my and my team's command, and were from that point on, continuously corralled and very positively controlled. I think that this is the only situation where I would ever want to play with minors. I have been to games at FR, a local paintball field for those of you outside the GTA, where I was in contact with younger paintball players. I did not want to be there with them. I have also been at FR where people who are barely 18 playing, and I wished I had not ever met them.

I would rather not have to deal with minors at games, and this goes beyond being age-ist. I enjoy spending time with peers and people whom I look up to rather than to cater to people biologically and mentally younger than I am. Which isn't to say that there aren't some who are worth it, and this community is filled with those guys. But they've worked their way in on their own merit, and have been accepted by the community because they are worth it, and have won their position, promptly followed by growing old enough to become more entrenched in the community.

In some situations, where kids will be assigned to a team, and watched closely, I expect that these kids will come out of it better, and the people leading them will have nothing but good words to say about them. However, outside of those situations, I would prefer to avoid the potential for irritation or worse and simply play with people whom have been vetted by at least an age standard.
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Last edited by talon; July 13th, 2012 at 13:53..
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Old July 13th, 2012, 14:38   #64
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by W33zy View Post
I've been on this forum for two years, and I have witnessed what the people are like on here and I don't plan playing with people who are immature, its just a game remember. And 3 months from now when I can be deemed as "age verified" I still wont go play with immature adults.
Just a game.. for some.. for others it is more.. I run a business .. I am exposed to all kinds of risks that you have no knowledge or understanding of... Minors compound that risk tenfold..
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Old July 13th, 2012, 15:17   #65
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Why so many kids? School's out.

When will they go away? September.

Has this happened before? Yes, every year.
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Old July 13th, 2012, 15:29   #66
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Originally Posted by m1lk0r View Post
I find this topic very interesting, from what I've read thus far it appears a lot of the older folk would rather not bother with the youngin's. Being a parent myself, I find it is my duty/obligation/responsibility to raise my children in accordance with the right moral tools, so when they come of age they can be properly integrated into our society. I believe the same should apply to Airsoft.

Now, keep in mind. I have yet to play a single game. With that said, I can't argue the game related points. However, I strongly feel it is our responsibility (those of us who do have kids) to show them the proper way as a few you mentioned prior. This website is a fountain of knowledge when it comes the sport. And I thank my lucky stars for finding it! With that said, would it not be possible to throw out the proper instructional information for the under age kids that do wish to take part in the sport. (I'm sure this topic has been covered from head to toe).

Just a Father's 2 cents.

Wildcard mentioned me so now I figure I should comment.

Yes RARE exceptional cases are made, some other long standing and respected host have also allowed for these situations as well (not naming names to spare them the endless flood of PMs from minors that would follow).

As a father here are my two cents.

As a parent it is my "duty/obligation/responsibility to raise my children in accordance with the right moral tools, so when they come of age they can be properly integrated into our society".

Not any other kids but my own....

those other kids belong to their parents. The kid wants to play in one of my games that allows the 16+ with parent PLAYING, then come on out and have some fun and make sure you live up to your "duty/obligation/responsibility to raise my children in accordance with the right moral tools, so when they come of age they can be properly integrated into our society" for behaving properly within our community.

If I wanted to baby sit while the parent phucked off somewhere, then you would need to be offering a substantial amount of money to take on your obligations and liabilities.

Kids...nothing against you. But if I felt like playing games with kids I would have stayed home with mine, but sometimes mom and dad just need to get away from you little buggers for a few hours every month or so. Be happy that when I post up the 16+ with parent PLAYING I am even doing that, becuase there is nothing in the airsoft rule book that says I am obligated to amuse you.

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.
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Old July 13th, 2012, 15:30   #67
Mr. inked
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how about all the youngins just wait like we all did.....christ sakes like slink said aswell that is one of many reasons i will never go back to that field is beacuse of the minors...last game i played there a few kids showed up wearing bright blue/red shirts and one had a golden just ruins the game really i think the only mature under 18 kid(s) ill play with would prob be sha do's kids....if those were even his kids i played with the one game haha
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Old July 13th, 2012, 15:32   #68
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Originally Posted by Zeonprime View Post
Wildcard mentioned me so now I figure I should comment.

Kids...nothing against you. But if I felt like playing games with kids I would have stayed home with mine, but sometimes mom and dad just need to get away from you little buggers for a few hours every month or so. Be happy that when I post up the 16+ with parent PLAYING I am even doing that, becuase there is nothing in the airsoft rule book that says I am obligated to amuse you.
+1 except i do it to get away from my parents
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Old July 13th, 2012, 18:12   #69
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Wow this struck off quite a nerve. I can see both sides of the coin here- not that long ago (full disclosure- 10 yrs ago) I was under 18 and resented the fact that I couldn't do things that I knew I was fully capable of, however it is much sweeter now that I have bided my time, saved my money and am fully able to enjoy the sport. I do not think retailers should sell, directly or not, to under 18 yr olds nor should games cater to a younger crowd- adults can be childish enough as it is. However the younger members do make a good point- they are future airsofters and we should encourage them to enjoy the sport safely.

How to do this? No fucking clue. Maybe TTAC can have an under 18 night
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Old July 14th, 2012, 01:17   #70
Cobalt Caliber
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There are plenty of games that allow minors. A plenty that don't. I waited 3 years so can they. Life doesn't always go your way. Sorry Kiddies.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old July 14th, 2012, 03:14   #71
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Originally Posted by spitzrock View Post
How to do this? No fucking clue. Maybe TTAC can have an under 18 night
So your saying that Brian should take one of the 2 nights a week that ttac runs games and instead of filling it with ppl he enjoys having it around and who enjoy going there, fill it with minors so he can baby sit, all the while leaving regulars like with with one less night to shoot?
Age verified for her pleasure

Originally Posted by GBBR View Post
If you ever go to a milsim and hear a vuvuzela, you are fucked.
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Old July 14th, 2012, 10:23   #72
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Originally Posted by Viperfish View Post
So your saying that Brian should take one of the 2 nights a week that ttac runs games and instead of filling it with ppl he enjoys having it around and who enjoy going there, fill it with minors so he can baby sit, all the while leaving regulars like with with one less night to shoot?

The "" indicated my sarcasm, But now that you lay out the scenario like that, yes the schadenfreude is too delicious. Airsoft day camp!
"Men ought either to be well treated or crushed, because they can avenge themselves of lighter injuries, of more serious ones they cannot; therefore the injury that is to be done to a man ought to be of such a kind that one does not stand in fear of revenge."
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Old July 16th, 2012, 14:32   #73
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Im quite happy to let younger folks come out and enjoy our sport. There are plenty of places that accept them with wavers etc....let em. I will align myself with groups that play more in line with what i enjoy. The mature crowd is just by far a better environment for me. Shooting hapless high school kids just isn't fun.

I totally understand the delicate balance our equipment sits on. I would hate to see some place that takes kids have it get out of hand, for the sake of the injured but more for the sake of the sport and the legal access to our equipment. So i find it exceptionally hard to spend my dollars at those places. That is the only real vote i have.

We all need to be responsible, and with that we can all enjoy our sport for the years to come
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Old July 16th, 2012, 15:58   #74
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Originally Posted by spitzrock View Post
The "" indicated my sarcasm, But now that you lay out the scenario like that, yes the schadenfreude is too delicious. Airsoft day camp!
At $100 a head I would still be unwilling to host this.

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Old July 16th, 2012, 16:00   #75
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I imagine a lot of the people posting right now, started off airsofting as minors, I know I did.
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