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Tsd l96 Sniper rifle?


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Old March 28th, 2013, 11:12   #46
Deadpool's Avatar
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Let's all agree that you can upgrade a clone to game, but you need something else then a metal trigger group to do a half-decent job.

And don't expect to be the best thing that came to airsoft sniping with that thing.

Vérificateur d'age Mauricie
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old March 28th, 2013, 11:21   #47
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Originally Posted by Jagdalex View Post
What baffles me, is that you are mentionning that even if you replace everything in a clone by upgrading it with parts like PDI, Laylax, Modify and what not, it is impossible that you get the same accuracy and range as the real deal?
If you're changing the barrel and receiver on a given VSR-10, why bother buying the whole gun in the first place? You just replaced 9/10s of it lol
Better off just buying all the parts separate and a stock, since by the time you're done upgrading the everything, you'll be able to build a functional stock gun by the time you're done lol

The reason WHY you get a marui VSR-10, is because you don't have to change the barrel, hop chamber, and receiver. And you're guaranteed that they are precision spec.

Whereas if you buy a clone, you're NOT guaranteed that one clone is equal to a marui, you're not even guaranteed that one clone is equal to another of the same brand. That's where the manufacturer is saving money, and that's where you're taking a gamble.

It's not a matter of it CAN'T be good, it's a matter of it's NOT OFTEN good.
There's a few examples of inexpensive clones that shoot really good, there's lots of examples of inexpensive clones that are just okay, and there's many of examples of inexpensive clones that are just a huge pain in the ass.

I'm not made of money, why the hell would I spend $2500 on a PTW if it were possible to make a $300 gun shoot just as good for $400 worth of internals??
It's extremely rare to make a $600 gun shoot just as good lol

Last edited by ThunderCactus; March 28th, 2013 at 11:28..
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Old March 28th, 2013, 11:43   #48
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Re. the ultimate end results...yes, you stand a chance at upgrading a clone to perform 1) better than other stock airsoft guns, 2) better than it started out as, 3) as good as a upgraded "good" airsoft gun.

The crux of why so many people (myself included) say "don't start with a low end clone" is that the deck is usually stacked against you to do so and end up with result #3. If you expectations are #1 or #2...then have at it, you're likely to be successful to some degree.

If you're scratch building something that cannot be made from a base gun (i.e. you want that triangular barrel with that octagon receiver and that comp set trigger on a uber rare stock and you're going to pick that PDI hopup/barrel/piston/cylinder set anyways)....the scratch build it or start with whatever base gives you the best of the remaining parts you're going to need (pretty much just the bipod and sling studs at that point...LOL).

When dealing with clones and copies of clones you tend to deal with parts that are off center, thinner, oddly spec' addition to the parts being made of cheaper materials (in general). There's no correcting a skewed/oddly threaded receiver and still use the other commercially available outer barrels. Weird fitment issues such as the receiver being too thick to position a Zero trigger properly can/may be fixed by filing/grinding areas. Other issues such as an upgrade cylinder not fitting in the receiver spacers can be a pain. Alignment and dimension issues where the stock/upgrade cylinder tip may not be positioned properly with the stock/upgrade hopup unit to create a good seal can drive guys nuts.....and due to the usually very expensive BA upgrade prices it's usually a bitter pill to swallow.

Although the same thing goes with AEG clones...their overall quality/consistency has improved.

The potential headaches and struggles of upgrading a clone BA is usually why people recommend not doing it.
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Old March 28th, 2013, 16:29   #49
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A very good point is that weird one off gun that apparently shocks the world. Ive seen dozens of Well, TSD, Mauser, etc, upgraded guns that their owners claimed would go toe to toe with one if the proven systems, but personally I have yet to see one that actually did. I wasn't saying it's not possible, but shame on you for recommending it as a good alternative. If you are lucky enough to have that bizarre one in a million that does the job, then tell them you have that; the likelyhood of your results being replicated is so low. As mentioned above, it's possible but highly unlikely. I've also seen this numerous times; players that bought a Well for instance, and upgrades it fully with PDI, Laylax, etc, and got no where near the same results because the receiver or stock was a little out due it being a cheap clone.

To be perfectly honest, it takes some skill and experience to properly airsoft snipe. If your playing competative or high end airsoft, then even a Marui VSR fully upgraded, and properly tuned may not be enough. Snipers should be discouraged, especially from buying a cheap platform. Guys like Thundercactus, CDN Stalker, etc, are the ones to listen to. They are known as great snipers for their skill, and weapon knowledge; not because they tried to save a buck, or claimed irresponsible things.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old March 31st, 2013, 10:17   #50
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Burlington - Ontario
Ok i guess il just upgrade my jg m16 or use it till its dead.
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