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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:13   #46
HackD's Avatar
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Originally Posted by чума View Post
There has not been any permission givin
Dude, seriously.. tell your parents that this arrangement is very hazardous to their financial health, and that you want something to actually be there in the bank to inherit when their time comes.. This guy sounds like he's playing you, and playing the odds elsewhere, in terms of legality. Bad news all around.
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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:18   #47
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Originally Posted by JLiang View Post
So...Let me get this straight.

You have a 29 year old 'Team Leader' who is allowing 8-year old children to run around with replica weaponry, without waivers or parential presence, and shoot each other on Crown Land, of which has not been granted permission for public use?

And he's telling you YOU'RE the bad person?

What kind of Hell do you live in?!
We do have waivers but their legal power is beyond me. It is true this group is only 6 months old but what is going on is just crazy.
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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:21   #48
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Originally Posted by JLiang View Post
So...Let me get this straight.

You have a 29 year old 'Team Leader' who is allowing 8-year old children to run around with replica weaponry, without waivers or parential presence, and shoot each other on Crown Land, of which has not been granted permission for public use?

And he's telling you YOU'RE the bad person?

What kind of Hell do you live in?!
Don't forget, he runs night games once a month as well.
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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:23   #49
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Forgive me.
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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:29   #50
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Originally Posted by чума View Post
He isn't a member of any of the forums. He runs the group so he plans when the games will be. There is a web site >>> <<< He also runs the Facebook page & group. I said before we have 2 fields mine and one that is on crown land (just found that out) He also does night games once a month....
I see alot of kids without eye protection on, in that video on the first page of that website

Here's an example:

I don't think mommy is going to respond with kid gloves when sonny comes back half blind.

Vérificateur d'age Mauricie
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:34   #51
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Clearsoft and Kids at night, with no protection, or parents.

No waivers.

On Crown Land.

In Sweats, Jeans, and Hoodies.

Why has nobody been shot by Police yet...?!
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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:35   #52
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wow after watching that video i just want to cry seriously? NO EYE PROTECTION? even i feel naked if i went on the field without eye protection.
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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:36   #53
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Originally Posted by чума View Post
We do have waivers but their legal power is beyond me. It is true this group is only 6 months old but what is going on is just crazy.
Your situation is just a fucking huge mess. This so called "group" leader, he's full of shit, tell him half this forum says so. I'm positive all these guys agree with me. It sounds like hes getting full of himself being the "leader" of 80+ people. I bet you he's pushing you into letting everyone play so then everyone will look up to him as some God... "OH THE AMAZING LEADER IS SO COOL, HES THE BEST, HE LETS EVERYONE PLAY, HES SO EASY GOING, ETC ETC ETC" Like damn, I feel sorry for you. He is using you like a tool. Stand up for yourself and tell him to fuck off.
"I rather die standing on my feet than to live upon my knees"
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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:37   #54
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Clearsoft is the best thing about that video. You're a lot less likely to get shot if the cops show up on crown land in the middle of the night, and their flashlights shine through a clearsoft gun, than reflect off a metal pistol, held by some kid in a hoodie.
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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:37   #55
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Originally Posted by phloudernow View Post
wow after watching that video i just want to cry seriously? NO EYE PROTECTION? even i feel naked if i went on the field without eye protection.
I know eh? Kids are going to come home blind
"I rather die standing on my feet than to live upon my knees"
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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:38   #56
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Originally Posted by nickssj21 View Post
Your situation is just a fucking huge mess. This so called "group" leader, he's full of shit, tell him half this forum says so. I'm positive all these guys agree with me. It sounds like hes getting full of himself being the "leader" of 80+ people. I bet you he's pushing you into letting everyone play so then everyone will look up to him as some God... "OH THE AMAZING LEADER IS SO COOL, HES THE BEST, HE LETS EVERYONE PLAY, HES SO EASY GOING, ETC ETC ETC" Like damn, I feel sorry for you. He is using you like a tool. Stand up for yourself and tell him to fuck off.
I think we've established that by now. XD

But seriously. This group has serious trouble. Is this worthy of being reported to Police?
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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:39   #57
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Here's the "Waiver"
Liability waiver
It's pretty thin

Vérificateur d'age Mauricie
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:42   #58
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This is the group's rules CVAU Rulebook:1) This is fightclub. First rule of fightclub? Dont. talk. about. fightclub... To an extent...I mean.. well ok, talk about it. 2) This is a Gentleman's game. You are expected to make your best judgements for when you get hit. Please do not ignore hits, this just ruins the game for everyone. 3) When you are struck, RAISE YOUR ARM and YELL "HIT". This shows that you are hit and must start your respawn process. If you fail to yell HIT, then there's really no reason for the other team to stop shooting at you. 4) Similar to rule 3, is a GUN HIT. If at any time you take a direct hit to your weapon (but NOT your body), yell "GUN HIT". This is a 10 second penalty, but does NOT require respawn. Simply stop, DO NOT SHOOT, and count to 10-100. 5) Respawn and Penalty Counting. You are expected to count in 100's. For example: "One One Hundred, Two One Hundred, Three One Hundred, etc) You do NOT need to count out loud. 6) Penalties and Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Certain game types will require certain rules. These should be adressed before the match begins. If you are hit, have yelled "HIT", but are still being shot at, address this and it can be reviewed. 7) Equipment and Safety: Generally speaking, it's up to you to decide what you need to bring to any match. Eye Protection is MANDATORY. Keep in mind the time of day you're playing, and your surroundings. Dress appropriatley and expect to get a little dirty

I heard there was a cop car that drove by at one of the night games....
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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:45   #59
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Originally Posted by Deadpool View Post
I see alot of kids without eye protection on, in that video on the first page of that website

Here's an example:

I don't think mommy is going to respond with kid gloves when sonny comes back half blind.
That ain't the half of it.. the other video shows players using aviator and regular glasses (huge gaps), blind-firing galore behind cardboard shields and tall grass, no mouth protection/face protection for clearly under-aged players, crap-soft everywhere.. I'm no elitest, but it's hard to justify calling that "airsoft" when it's clearly a shit-show in the making. Time to up the game, set some standards, and ditch that leach of a game organizer. It can't get much more mediocre than what i saw on those videos.
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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:47   #60
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I personally believe if you are old enough to drive a 1/2 tonne vehicle at 120km/hr. you can shoot airsoft.
BUT I also feel an 8 y/o should have the same rights to play. Maybe not in the same group...
In MB we have airsofters and than we have Cuddy's commandos
They are an all age group. Run by adults. With waivers etc. And do an amazing job of it.
At the same time I don't thin just anyone should host all age events.

From what these Comox Valler Airsofers are doing... morons.
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