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Airsoft "Pet Peeves", time to vent guys!



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Old June 8th, 2009, 21:52   #541
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I didn't have a pet peeve until today

Mailing a package at 3pm and having the buyer PM you at 8pm the same day wanting to "reconfirm" the tracking # because they cannot see any tracking info on the CP website.

Um dude, it's probably still on a shelf at my local post office can you give it some time.
Originally Posted by Aper View Post

Anyways, it's not my problem. Enjoy your overpriced shaving acessories.
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Old July 7th, 2009, 02:57   #542
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people that think 500 fps is a goal instead of a limit, not including sniper platforms of course. and then proceed to think that 20ft min engagement with upgraded AEG means shoot within 20ft... on full auto. and preach to everyone else that they should follow the rules. people i affectionately refer to as prosofters.
KJW Glock 27, KWA 18C, KJW CZ 75 KP 09, KSC MAC 11
ICS AK 74, TM/SRC AK47, TM M16 A2, TM Thompson M1A1
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Old July 8th, 2009, 01:50   #543
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People that can't spell on internet forums. Did I do this right?
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Old July 8th, 2009, 10:33   #544
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Guys that don't take a knee, lay down or crouch, because they don't want to get their kit dirty.
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Old July 8th, 2009, 11:51   #545
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people with no trigger discipline
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Old July 8th, 2009, 12:16   #546
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Originally Posted by youonlywish View Post
Guys that don't take a knee, lay down or crouch, because they don't want to get their kit dirty.
Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
people with no trigger discipline
A HUGE +1 to these two. I mean, I'm disappointed when I look at my kit because it doesn't have any stains yet. I need to get out there and roll around in some dirt and grass to get it nice and dirty.
And yeah sure, you can hit me if you end up shooting about 50 BBs my way. Now try and do it with 5 BBs instead.
I love freedom and consequently America
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Old July 8th, 2009, 13:41   #547
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People who spell/say Marui as "Mauri".
The war between the sexes is over. We won the second women started doing pole dancing for exercise.
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Old July 8th, 2009, 13:51   #548
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Originally Posted by GabeGuitarded View Post
People who spell/say Marui as "Mauri".
lol yeh, and people who pronounce Cyma as Suma
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Old July 11th, 2009, 13:13   #549
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I can't believe I read the whole thing.

I'll make this quick as I'm newb and I'm pretty much just supporting what others have said with a few thoughts of my own

-*Quote* ToTaL_oWnAgE"

#2 People who piss and moan about CBSA and the government making airsoft hard to buy, but never have the balls to do anything about it. If your gonna piss and moan about it, Write it down, Put it in a fricken envelope, put a stamp on it and address it to the minister of justice or someone like that. Pissing and moaning on here does nothing.

You don't like it, do something aboot it

-Complaining about complaining about getting hit. Yeah it probably hurts getting hit in the wrong places, so I'm gunna say ow if I feel the need to. Anything further than that though I'm right there with you

-Pros hating on the players, and the players hating on pros(if you catch my drift). We all don't conform to the same ideals. If I want some common ground I find the people who share it with me. You don't like public games? Write a speach maybe you'll convert a couple or better yet, just have a good time playing however you enjoy it and people might be drawn to it. No one's gunna do anything if you're all pissing each other off

-"Elitists". Many people have used the word "Elitist" in this thread and I don't know if I'd agree with context it was used in(at least for most of the people I saw refered to as such). It seems kind of demeaning to go around saying "oh he try's hard, he's an elitist". I don't see anything wrong with buying sick equipment or having high expectations of yourself. It's when you pass those expectations on to everyone else that defines you as an asshole(imo) or as some would say, an "elitist". Of course this is just my opinion that's formulated from everything I've read thus far, remember I'm a nub and I'll stand to be corrected

-Assholes. You don't have to be good to be a dickhead. I read multiple post here about ignoring other players. If someone's doing something wrong; getting merked too fast, not hitting anything, or even if he's just asking a question, shit's not gunna get better by not helping him. What's the worst that could happen, he doesn't listen? Least then you can say you told him what to do and he still didn't do it. And hey if someone doesn't want to talk with me because I don't have my camo or something yet, they can go right ahead and not watch me care less

-Finally and of course, not taking hits. Like what goes through their heads afterwards, "man that was so sick smoking those 3 dude, I only got hit twice", or do they not even think about it. Take some names down, suspend them from games if possible. I wouldn't think there's any place for having to wait weeks or months for a game, and shoot some pecker that doesn't want to "die". Lord knows I wouldn't look forward to dealing with that in future games

Wow that wasn't quick at all.
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Old July 11th, 2009, 13:50   #550
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Originally Posted by MrSmiley View Post
-"Elitists". Many people have used the word "Elitist" in this thread and I don't know if I'd agree with context it was used in(at least for most of the people I saw refered to as such). It seems kind of demeaning to go around saying "oh he try's hard, he's an elitist". I don't see anything wrong with buying sick equipment or having high expectations of yourself.....
You don't actually see this quite as often anymore. It was really prominent back before anything of acceptable quality was coming out of China (beit guns, equipment, whatever). Back then (and we're only talking a few years back), it really DID cost at least $1,000 to get into airsoft if you didn't want equipment that would last a single game. When people would come to complain that their $200 crappy gun or $50 tac vest broke after a single game, experienced players would say "Man, that's a piece of shit, what you should have bought was _____". Those experienced players would often get labelled "elitists" because they refused to use shitty equipment.

It's not quite as common now, at least not where guns are concerned (you still have the occaisonal PTW snob around), because China guns like JG and CYMA have increased quality to around "acceptable" standards. You still get people that won't touch cheap guns, but I wouldn't call them elitists, rather just a preference for better equipment.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old July 11th, 2009, 15:07   #551
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Originally Posted by MrSmiley View Post
-Finally and of course, not taking hits. Like what goes through their heads afterwards, "man that was so sick smoking those 3 dude, I only got hit twice", or do they not even think about it. Take some names down, suspend them from games if possible. I wouldn't think there's any place for having to wait weeks or months for a game, and shoot some pecker that doesn't want to "die". Lord knows I wouldn't look forward to dealing with that in future games
Jesus, couldn't agree more.

That and people seem to think more and more that it's acceptable to not call a hit if you aren't 100% sure it hit you. Like if it hits you in a loose spot of your BDU, and you mistake it for a branch hitting you, yet someone is clearly shooting at you and there's a few BBs laying still on the ground before your feet. At that point, you can pretty much assume that you've been hit. Airsoft isn't an innocent until proven guilty game. If you're being shot at, felt something hit you, but you still aren't 100% sure, it's usually best to just assume that you've been hit. It's not the end of the world if there's no respawn/medic rules. I'm sure there's going to be more than one game that day.

The other kind of people that I hate are the "Down but not dead" people. You know, the ones waiting on a medic? In the games I go to, If you're lying there for 5 minutes and there's virtually no chance in hell a medic will arrive to respawn you, just go back to your base, wait a few minutes, then respawn. If you've been hit, though, you're not officially dead yet. The enemy has to come up to you and take your kill card, then you go back to your base, and respawn. Kill cards are basically used for scoring, and nothing agitates me more then when I'm looking someone dead in the eyes that I've hit, and it's a clear path that I can go take their kill card, and they get up and walk away because it's been 5 minutes. If there's any sort of engagement threat, especially one that has the potential to take your kill card, you shouldn't be getting up just because it's been 5 minutes. The enemy earned your kill card, and you're now just screwing with the points system.

I also have a huge thing against the people that play in the forest, but refuse to leave the path and venture into the shrub to create and ambush point. Instead, they just want to be open targets. Their reasoning? They don't want to have to wrestle with the branches to get through or don't want to get a thorn bush in the leg. Seriously, a BB hit hurts a bit more then a thorn bush. Unless you laid on the thorn bush, anyway.

Primary: Custom WE M16A3
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Old July 11th, 2009, 17:11   #552
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Originally Posted by P.K. View Post
Tell them to get a GF? lol, can doo.

No I was referring to
tehy say there looking at a buisnes point of view. well, you buy a car, take it apart, and change sock parts to make it faster and look cooler. does the price skyrocket? HELLS NO
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

My Buy/Sell 1337ness rating
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Old July 11th, 2009, 17:13   #553
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Getting to the feild only to remember you can't use your brand new Arena ANSI 78.1 goggles on a paintball field, and have to rent goggles that smell like balls... >.>

Also, problematic wiring problems that make no sense, especially the night before a game
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Old July 15th, 2009, 14:24   #554
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
I only thought of this topic about 20mins ago, because "I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide" as a gun tech (anyone that can ID that song in quotes, who wrote it, which year and album......... winner will get his post quoted and my typing *****! in large font) I just opened a client's gun case only to find BBs rolling around everywhere! Musta pulled out about two dozen 0.25g Bbs from it. Drives me nuts, but largely because its so common and I've found numerous BBs stuck in magwells, between the lower receiver and the mechbox, in foregrips, etc. DON'T DO THAT!!!! Imagine your AEG was a real steel version, would you use your gun case to store little bits and peices, small screws, springs, etc.? Umm, no you wouldn't. So don't treat your AEG like that.

Also, as far as airsofters go, those who hide behind little trees, get lit up through the trees, then shoot back like nothing happpened.

Those who set their guns up for long range shooting, tend to remind me of fishermen when it comes to range estimation. I remember Droc telling me about his making fun of some dumbass he was on a small berm with, the guy had a STOCK TM PSG1, he said the little retard was shooting off shots at at guy 300ft away, then was complaining the guy wasn't calling his hits. Droc said he saw the guy's BBs were falling less than 150ft away and the guy wasn't even lobing, he had crosshairs dead on the target. And from my own experience, talking to guys who talk about ranges they've shot people at, "Ya, 250ft easy!", so I might ask them to point at something 250ft away, they do, I walk it out, only to find what they pointed at was only 140ft away.

Ok, your turn, I'm going back to rewiring a mechbox now.
Just in case it really wasn't covered in the ump-teen pages.

Album - Degüello
Year - 1979
Song - I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide
Song Writers - Frank Beard, Joe (Dusty) Hill, William F Gibbons - AKA ZZ Top

Degüello is the sixth studio album by American blues-rock band ZZ Top, released in 1979 (see 1979 in music). "Degüello" means The Beheading or "no quarter" (as in "no surrender to be given or accepted--a fight to the death") in Spanish and was the title of a Moorish-origin bugle call used by Mexican forces at the Battle of the Alamo, Texas, in 1836.

Side A
"I Thank You" (Isaac Hayes, David Porter) – 3:23
"She Loves My Automobile" – 2:24
"I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide" – 4:46
"A Fool for Your Stockings" – 4:15
"Manic Mechanic" – 2:37

[edit] Side B
"Dust My Broom" (Robert Johnson) – 3:06
"Lowdown in the Street" – 2:49
"Hi Fi Mama" – 2:23
"Cheap Sunglasses" – 4:48
"Esther Be the One" – 3:31

Lyrics - I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide

Well I was rollin' down the road in some cold blue steel,
I had a bluesman in the back, and a beautician at the wheel.
We're going downtown in the middle of the night
We was laughing and I'm jokin' and we feelin' alright.
Oh I'm bad, I'm nationwide.
Yes I'm bad, I'm nationwide.

Easin' down the highway in a new cadillac,
I had a fine fox in front, I had three more in the back.
They sportin' short dresses, wearin' spike-heeled shoes,
They smokin' lucky strikes, wearing nylon too.
Welcome back, we're nationwide.
Yeah we bad, we're nationwide.

Well I was movin' down the road in my v-8 ford,
I had a shine on my boots, I had my sideburns lowered.
With my new york brim and my gold tooth displayed,
Nobody give me trouble cause they know I got it made.
I'm bad, I'm nationwide.
Girl I'm bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, I'm nationwide.

Pet peeves - Asking a question and not getting a straight answer.
Team Bad Karma(BK-09)
CAUTION: Evil Genius at Work

Those that wear the "Tin Foil Hat" stand on guard for thee. All others stand on guard for themselves.

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Old July 15th, 2009, 20:54   #555
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Spelling errors in thread titles. (Not airsoft related, I know, but I had to get that out)
The war between the sexes is over. We won the second women started doing pole dancing for exercise.
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