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Help! I can't go to work anymore because of my youtube videos



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Old January 11th, 2011, 14:09   #31
AoiShikaku's Avatar
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A lot of Canadian and US based companies always are careful of their employees. Generally it is of no concern to them about what you do outside of work, but many larger companies and government based sectors, such as hospitals in this case, believe that you should be representing the company while on the job and outside of the job.

As I have had years of experience as a manager, lead, senior, etc. role, I too have had to have talks with people about similar situations like these. Sure I have more of an open mind about things because of the way I was raised and where I grew up, but I can't speak for any other manager out there.

Looking at the video as a person who doesn't know anything about airsoft, I can see how people may become concerned about your situation, because a lot of people I know don't know what the sound of a gun really sounds like. They probably are thinking it is real because of the suppressor and from all the movies they've watched I bet they think it's real.

The best thing to do is have a sit down discussion about this with your manager/director with HR present. Explain to them what airsoft is all about and what your video is displaying. Keep it up for them to reference, but be advised that you may have to take it down because you technically are a representative of the company you work for even off work hours (some companies are pretty relaxed about it). Sure you might have to go see someone about it, but you can simply explain it to the doctor what airsoft is and he'll probably have a good laugh about it because he won't have to say a word to you. He/she will be happy enough to get paid by your company and not have to even talk to you.

If all goes well you'll be fine and will pave the way for everyone else in the company. I myself work with four other people who are airsoft players and they paved the way for me so now I can have my airsoft guns shipped to work and my CEO just has a chuckle about it every time it comes in for me. Sure he is a little bit more cautious, but when you see a 50" hardshell rifle case in my office who wouldn't be.... but we have a lot of weapons in the office out in the open... bow and arrows, airsoft rifles and pistols, swords, daggers, and a bunch of other goodies. =)
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Old January 11th, 2011, 14:19   #32
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Thank you for all your feedbacks and advices! Very appreciated! I have everything written on paper, I was looking for the post saying it but I don't find it so yes I received everything written on paper by express courrier. I'll talk the most frankly I can to the psychiatrist. I don't think hes has the comptence to know what an airsoft is but I'll explain. If they want me to removed the video I will but I'll also say that I thought I had the expression liberty to post them. At least I'll know of far those thing can get you.
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Old January 11th, 2011, 14:22   #33
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another reason why some members choose to blur their faces when taking pictures or in a video. It's really stupid that you had to deal with this crap but it's because of all the soccer moms out there. Just go through with it and hope for the best. Best of luck.

P.S. in the future, don't show your face holding or posing with any kind of firearms or weapons. Your work life can be fucked up by your personal life if you're not careful.
Please email me as I'm not on ASC too often.

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Old January 11th, 2011, 14:23   #34
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You are right. I'll do a clean up after that for sure! It's just that there are thousands of youtube videos with people showing their faces, even people shoutings real firearms, even kids shoothing AR (surely form the state). This is why I didn't think it was important ^^
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Old January 11th, 2011, 14:29   #35
Captain Banzai
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Ask if this will go on your permanent job record (if applicable) and to get it removed due to the invalidity of the complaint against you.
You wouldn't want to have something like that possibly follow you around.
Again if it's applicable or accurate(I'm no lawyer)

Also I'd be bring ONE BB to at least help distinguish what your "big scary instrument of violence" actually shoots.

Don't show it off, wait to see if the psychologist asks what your gun actually shoots.

my 2 cents

Good luck
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Old January 11th, 2011, 14:30   #36
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So what even if you had videos of you shooting real firearms?

There's nothing illegal in Canada about discharging a firearm (in the proper location with the proper registered gun)
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Old January 11th, 2011, 14:34   #37
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post
Thank you for all your feedbacks and advices! Very appreciated! I have everything written on paper, I was looking for the post saying it but I don't find it so yes I received everything written on paper by express courrier. I'll talk the most frankly I can to the psychiatrist. I don't think hes has the comptence to know what an airsoft is but I'll explain. If they want me to removed the video I will but I'll also say that I thought I had the expression liberty to post them. At least I'll know of far those thing can get you.
Make copies of everything they sent you. And put it somewhere for safe keeing. I hate to say this but this will follow you around for a while, even after psychiatrist tells them that they are idiots. Rumors will start and grow about the situation. After you have seen the head doc, go see a lawyer on your own time and discuss the situation with him/her. Don't let the hospital know you have contacted a lawyer.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...

Last edited by Eeyore; January 11th, 2011 at 14:55..
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Old January 11th, 2011, 14:54   #38
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Make sure you get a copy of any report the doctor makes as well!
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Old January 11th, 2011, 15:05   #39
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Ok thanks! For rumors you can't imagine how bad it is where I work. A friend told me that I was absent of work because I was licensed after charge of stealing meds in the meal plate etc. It's a rumors working mill. Mostly old ladies that work there for way too long. Ok for the copies, I'll make them. My doc is not aware of this. I think I'll let the psy talk and see where he want to go with his questions. I'm not very rich to see a lawer and not very use too. I'll look what I can do
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Old January 11th, 2011, 15:22   #40
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Doctor = psychiatrist (is what I ment) get any reports he files.
Nothing says loving, like a head shot!
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Old January 11th, 2011, 15:27   #41
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Do your co-workers know about how you're on ASC because if your "Big Brother" who is watching you sees this, all your preparations have just gone down the drain.
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Old January 11th, 2011, 15:39   #42
Suburban Gun Runner
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post
Ok thanks! For rumors you can't imagine how bad it is where I work. A friend told me that I was absent of work because I was licensed after charge of stealing meds in the meal plate etc. It's a rumors working mill. Mostly old ladies that work there for way too long. Ok for the copies, I'll make them. My doc is not aware of this. I think I'll let the psy talk and see where he want to go with his questions. I'm not very rich to see a lawer and not very use too. I'll look what I can do
I did mean Psychiatrist when I sayd head doc.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old January 11th, 2011, 15:48   #43
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Originally Posted by AoiShikaku View Post
A lot of Canadian and US based companies always are careful of their employees. Generally it is of no concern to them about what you do outside of work, but many larger companies and government based sectors, such as hospitals in this case, believe that you should be representing the company while on the job and outside of the job.

As I have had years of experience as a manager, lead, senior, etc. role, I too have had to have talks with people about similar situations like these. Sure I have more of an open mind about things because of the way I was raised and where I grew up, but I can't speak for any other manager out there.

Looking at the video as a person who doesn't know anything about airsoft, I can see how people may become concerned about your situation, because a lot of people I know don't know what the sound of a gun really sounds like. They probably are thinking it is real because of the suppressor and from all the movies they've watched I bet they think it's real.

The best thing to do is have a sit down discussion about this with your manager/director with HR present. Explain to them what airsoft is all about and what your video is displaying. Keep it up for them to reference, but be advised that you may have to take it down because you technically are a representative of the company you work for even off work hours (some companies are pretty relaxed about it). Sure you might have to go see someone about it, but you can simply explain it to the doctor what airsoft is and he'll probably have a good laugh about it because he won't have to say a word to you. He/she will be happy enough to get paid by your company and not have to even talk to you.

If all goes well you'll be fine and will pave the way for everyone else in the company. I myself work with four other people who are airsoft players and they paved the way for me so now I can have my airsoft guns shipped to work and my CEO just has a chuckle about it every time it comes in for me. Sure he is a little bit more cautious, but when you see a 50" hardshell rifle case in my office who wouldn't be.... but we have a lot of weapons in the office out in the open... bow and arrows, airsoft rifles and pistols, swords, daggers, and a bunch of other goodies. =)
Can I work for you? lol

EDIT: Waiiiiit a sec... Your the dude who paid for my MCdeez after Splatters right?!
In Soviet Russia,Road Forks you!

Last edited by Enjoi; January 11th, 2011 at 15:49.. Reason: realized something
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Old January 11th, 2011, 16:02   #44
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post
I'm not very rich to see a lawer and not very use too. I'll look what I can do
You don't need to hire a lawyer. Just make sure that you have the number for a lawyer just in case SHTF. Basically it's a good idea to retain a lawyer (not pay one but like I said just having the number/business card of a lawyer in your wallet or filing cabinet or something) and build up a relationship with them.
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Old January 11th, 2011, 16:02   #45
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Ok I get it. I didn't write anything I want to hide. What I wrote here is what I'm going to tell him tomorrow, I never had anything to hide lol Thanks again for those who help me, I wanted your advices but I also wanted to say to people what can happen in this situation. And no no one know about ASC, actualy nobody is in airsoft or anything related to those kind of things (paintball).
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