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Old March 27th, 2013, 01:41   #391
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Originally Posted by RussiaIsNeat View Post
What slide and frame is closest to an actual glock? I have a serpa for a 17, but it won't fit because it's too wide.
Glock 21 holsters should fit TM Glocks, and I think it's possible to find slides with .45 ACP G21 trades.
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Old March 27th, 2013, 12:32   #392
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I sometimes have a little trouble with the nozzle freezing over. It then sticks and vents gas when shot lowering the FPS considerably. Is this a normal thing?


TM G17 with PGC slide + upgraded springs
Room temperature firing
WE mags using canned king arms green gas

Problem usually occurs after firing of a lot of rounds in succession, or having used the pistol for 2ish hours pretty heavily for indoor.

Fixes itself usually overnight or if I drop a little lubrication into the nozzle.

Visually it looks like the nozzle gets frozen over, leaving a white residue that makes it hard for the nozzle to move freely back and forth.
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Old March 27th, 2013, 13:07   #393
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Tanner its a very common problem, its called cool down. One of the joys of using propane or GG is frozen mags and operating systems when firing in rapid sucession. Really nothing you can do about it other then if operating in a cool enviroment keep your mags warm. Or in your case if you are running a pistol as your CQB primary have a second pistol on hand so you can swap them out and allow the unused one a chance to warm up. Handwarmers in mag pouches is a good trick to keep your gas mags warm during these chillier months.
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Old March 28th, 2013, 09:56   #394
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Hey guys,
first thing first -> How come this thread is not stickied yet? O.o
there's a great wealth of info in there, thanks e-Luder, and all who've contributed to this thread!

That said, I'm in the process of buying a used TM G18c, with the following installed, and wanted some recommendations:

-shooter's design slide
-guarder reinforced polymer grip (tan)
-guarder spring guide/spring
-shooter's design hammer spring
-TK twist barrel
-9ball purple bucking


I think the actual upgrades are already fine as it is, but wanted to make sure that there's no "dangerous combination" that might lead to premature wear. Or if you have any recommendations about what to add/change to have better durability, etc.

I also read somewhere (don't remember who/where, sorry) about the G18c having a spring/detent pin somewhere around the BBU that could eat the nozzle away if it wasn't modded, but there was no mention of what that mod is, and looking and the exploded diagrams I couldn't really see where that pin is supposed to be. Anyone can clarify?

Regarding mags, I would be tempted to get the WE's mags as they are much less expensive, but am on the fence considering it's WE... Some other forums seemed to say WE's have higher flow and making it easier to move heavier slides and increases performance because of this. True? And are the mags worth it or will they leak their life after a game or two?

Thanks for your inputs!
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old March 28th, 2013, 10:04   #395
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Redneck - thanks

Paradox - my comparison results between WE / TM mags are a few pages back. Long story short they are awsome if you are running a metal slide and using green.
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Old March 28th, 2013, 11:05   #396
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Originally Posted by TANNER View Post
Redneck - thanks

Paradox - my comparison results between WE / TM mags are a few pages back. Long story short they are awsome if you are running a metal slide and using green.
Great, thanks; I'll try to find that post (didn't have the patience to allllll of the thread yet so .... :P)
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old March 28th, 2013, 11:15   #397
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Paradox- From my personal experience, the WE mags vs TM mags in my WE G17 with a PGC slide & Outer Barrel:

WE mags fill fine, they don't waste gas when you fill them and I can get ~2 mags worth out of one fill. I've also dropped these a whole bunch of times!

TM mags spray all over the damn place when filling. They spew gas after half a mag, and i can barely get a mag and a half out of it. (This might be a lemon magazine) but that's just my experience.

Edit: So its not a lemon because of

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Last edited by EchoFourTwelve; March 28th, 2013 at 12:38..
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Old March 28th, 2013, 11:32   #398
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My experience:

My G17 was acting sub-par with it's PGC metal slide and only managing around 18 shots on green at 260 FPS with TM mags. Installed a Guarder metal magazine catch & tested with WE mags, and the results were impressive. WE mag with the new mag catch gets 55 shots on green at 310 FPS. The TM mags were less impressive but they did get a bump, 30 shots & 290FPS.

Fit just the same as the TM mag's and the finish is good. The baseplates are a little loose compared to the TM but thats just me being picky.

The big difference is in the fill. While the TM mags sputter when they are full the WE mags fill completely silently. They also dont seem to leak as much (if any) gas while filling.

My WE mags are my primary, the expensive TM ones are just for backup... Go figure.
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Old March 28th, 2013, 19:30   #399
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I just registered here and was about to ask for help on the same topic Tanner posted. So thanks.

I got a TM G17 with a PGC metal slide which was made cycling so smooth like a dream. Yet I can not get out more shots from my TM magazines than 10. So I need to replace the magazine catch and my magazines, too. I am glad there is a solution and sad it will cost much.
Perhaps a valve replacement could solve the problem of the TM magazines?

Gas leaking during refilment is easily solvable by placing O rings in the inlet valve. TM GBB magazines do not have that on stock. 90% of other makers do place an O ring into their magazines.
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Old April 1st, 2013, 13:21   #400
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Hey guys,
first thing first -> How come this thread is not stickied yet? O.o
there's a great wealth of info in there, thanks e-Luder, and all who've contributed to this thread!

That said, I'm in the process of buying a used TM G18c, with the following installed, and wanted some recommendations:

-shooter's design slide
-guarder reinforced polymer grip (tan)
-guarder spring guide/spring
-shooter's design hammer spring
-TK twist barrel
-9ball purple bucking


I think the actual upgrades are already fine as it is, but wanted to make sure that there's no "dangerous combination" that might lead to premature wear. Or if you have any recommendations about what to add/change to have better durability, etc.
Depending on what your using it for, those upgrades should suffice. The Nineball bucking will give you a slight increase in FPS and TK Twist will give you a decent grouping output.

The SD hammer spring is bomb! I actually prefer it over the Guarder ones because is much stiffer and doesn't lose its tension as much.

IF there is one thing I can tell you to watch out for is an outerbarrel. Just make sure you choose one that's super compatible with the slide you have. Preferably, one from the same company. THe Guarder barrel have a tight fit around the Hop up chamber and sometimes, it messes up the tilt cycle....

I also read somewhere (don't remember who/where, sorry) about the G18c having a spring/detent pin somewhere around the BBU that could eat the nozzle away if it wasn't modded, but there was no mention of what that mod is, and looking and the exploded diagrams I couldn't really see where that pin is supposed to be. Anyone can clarify?
It's located right under the extractor plate of the slide. It looks like a detent pin that 1911/2011's use to lock the thumb safety into position (the two pins above the grip).

When you take your BBU out, just be careful not to force the BBU out because that pin can spring and you may lose it forever and ever....and ever.

Regarding mags, I would be tempted to get the WE's mags as they are much less expensive, but am on the fence considering it's WE... Some other forums seemed to say WE's have higher flow and making it easier to move heavier slides and increases performance because of this. True? And are the mags worth it or will they leak their life after a game or two?
To be honest, I never really put my WE mags to it's paces. So I don't know how to answer your question directly. But the ones that I did have, they were kinda awkward in the Marui system. Some of them sat lower than the others.

My general rule of thumb is to stick with a corresponding manufacturer. Keep WE mags with WE guns and Marui mags with Marui guns and you'll be much happier. Look at the posts prior. Look at the evidence. A KJW system can't take a Marui mag properly.

This eliminates stupid fitting issues or stupid behaviours each magazine can exhibit during operation. At least IMHO...

The big difference is in the fill. While the TM mags sputter when they are full the WE mags fill completely silently. They also dont seem to leak as much (if any) gas while filling.
All Marui Mags operate like this. It's designed to keep you from over pressuring the magazine and blowing out all your seals.

I prefer it this way to be honest. I like knowing when to stop during the fill....

I got a TM G17 with a PGC metal slide which was made cycling so smooth like a dream. Yet I can not get out more shots from my TM magazines than 10. So I need to replace the magazine catch and my magazines, too. I am glad there is a solution and sad it will cost much.
Perhaps a valve replacement could solve the problem of the TM magazines?
Just make sure you're filling all the way....
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Old April 1st, 2013, 14:05   #401
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Doesn't the TM system also allow you to transfer more liquid to to the magazine also by venting the excess gas? More liquid = more shots.

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Old April 1st, 2013, 15:14   #402
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Doesn't the TM system also allow you to transfer more liquid to to the magazine also by venting the excess gas? More liquid = more shots.

Cue Mad Max wherever he may be.
I believe that you are right. More liquid gas = more shots.

But shot for shot consistency goes down the drain.

There was a post by illusion that explained this very well. But I cannot find it
I believe the long and short was that the more gas you have in a mag means more shots, but the mags need some empty space for gas to expand. Thats why with mauri mags you cannot fill it up to the top. They have fill valves that prevent excess filling. WE mags on the other hand do not. That is why you can fill them up all the way and get some impressive fuel consumption figures.
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Old April 1st, 2013, 15:52   #403
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Thanks for all your inputs guys
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old April 1st, 2013, 16:18   #404
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Originally Posted by e-luder View Post

Just make sure you're filling all the way....
I do all the time. It's like it would not accept a sufficient amount of gas.
With the same gas I do not have any problem with my M4 magazines.

I am going to replace the inlet valves with Nine Ball ones. Hopefully that will help.
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Old April 1st, 2013, 23:25   #405
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Hey Eluder! Congratulations on your thread getting a sticky.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
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