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Official I hate Canada postal service thread!!!



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Old May 30th, 2010, 07:06   #346
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This is aimed primarily at Ex, but may be somewhat useful info for everyone.

Sounds to me like the guy in the truck containing your package didn't follow procedure. I order a lot of stuff from overseas and had to pick them up personally from the post office, so I've become pretty familiar with CP's methods.

When a delivery attempt is made but not completed, the person responsible on that route must bring the undelivered packages back to a nearby postal outlet to be held for later pickup. From that point they are entered into that outlets inventory system and the status updated on the CP website, where it should read as being held at said facility for pickup. This is supposed to be accomplished before end of the same delivery day. Not to mention that they are supposed to leave a failed delivery notice at the time that delivery was attempted. Although sometimes these notices arrive the next day (lazy driver, or no pen/slips).

My guess is that your package is either sitting in that same truck (unlikely), or has been dropped off at a local postal outlet and not yet been entered into their system (likely). My local outlet is on the ball the majority of the time, thankfully. Anytime I have received a slip saying my item will be available for pickup by 1pm the next day, 9 out of 10 times it's available for me to pickup the same day around or after 5pm.

Give the outlet(s) in your area a visit and see if there's a parcel waiting for you there. So long as you have valid ID with your current address, they should release the parcel to you without the delivery slip. I myself have had a couple of instances similar to yours where the tracking info just seemed to stop. I went down to my outlet, had them dig around a bit, and they pulled my package out of the pile. God knows how long it would have sat there for if I waited on updated tracking or a failed delivery notice.
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Old May 30th, 2010, 08:08   #347
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Thanks for the info. the Crux of the matter is this.

A. This was sent to my Office ( I have no clue what Postal Outlet to go to)
B. I see the CP Guy every day
C. My regular Guy is on holidays
D. They now haven't delivered mail to my office for 2 days
E. They have admitted to me there is a problem but no one from the distribution station will contact me.

I have been ordering stuff for years. My shit usually makes it. Lately though I have had a slew of issues with stuff and CP. They completely lost an Order I had coming from the states. Luckily I got a refund on that one. I called CP on Friday at 3:30 Pm Told her the mail had not come to my office for 2 days, she took some notes..25 minutes later a guy in a Nissan Pickup truck delivered my offices mail but no package for me. Weird.

Last edited by ex; May 30th, 2010 at 08:10..
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Old May 30th, 2010, 10:35   #348
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Originally Posted by ex View Post
..25 minutes later a guy in a Nissan Pickup truck delivered my offices mail but no package for me. Weird.
Crap, sounds like you're stuck with a contractor on the route while your regular guy is away. They're notorious for "losing" things. This is probably why you didn't get a failed delivery slip either. I'd contact CP and give them your office address, perhaps they can point you to the outlet which would receive undelivered packages for that area (since they go by zones). Worth a shot.
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Old June 1st, 2010, 15:07   #349
a.k.a. Egria
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So after a month and a half, my package was finally released from customs. I totally thought that they had lost it.


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Old June 2nd, 2010, 01:12   #350
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My 3-5 day priority package from ehobbyasia made it to customs in Vancouver in less than 24 hours, and cleared customs in a day and a half, and now, 15 business days later, I had to get ehobby to initiate a trace on the package as the rep from Canada post told me "We honestly have no idea where your package is!" I thanked her for being honest with me as the last few times I called they kept saying it would be here the next day. Canada post really needs a better tracking system. you'd think they could scan the thing at each point like when its loaded on a truck.

Last edited by brandedman; June 7th, 2010 at 12:50..
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Old June 7th, 2010, 11:08   #351
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Now that one make no sense,

Ordered a RIS from UN,

Just got it, when I track it in Canada Post system, it is still Arrive in Canada and will be look at by custom status...

What a great real time tracking system we have here...
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Old June 7th, 2010, 12:49   #352
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Still waiting, my 3-5 day upgraded shipping was not worth the $, according to canada post, my parcel is STILL sitting at the vancouver customs office since it cleared on the 22nd... FML
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Old June 9th, 2010, 17:36   #353
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customs only hold things for a max of a couple hours. CP just uses that as a cover for losing s**t
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Old June 9th, 2010, 18:52   #354
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Originally Posted by emokid94 View Post
customs only hold things for a max of a couple hours. CP just uses that as a cover for losing s**t

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Old June 9th, 2010, 19:12   #355
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Originally Posted by emokid94 View Post
customs only hold things for a max of a couple hours. CP just uses that as a cover for losing s**t
this all just depends, sometimes its fast sometimes it sits in customs for a long time

Here are my last two things to pass customs

2010/06/07 16:58 MISSISSAUGA Item processed at postal facility
14:39 MISSISSAUGA Item was released by Customs and is now with Canada Post for processing
14:36 MISSISSAUGA International item arrived in Canada and will be reviewed by Customs

2010/06/08 13:57 MISSISSAUGA Item was released by Customs and is now with Canada Post for processing
13:51 MISSISSAUGA International item arrived in Canada and will be reviewed by Customs

Both took just minutes but I have had others sit for days

so its hit and miss with customs
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Old June 9th, 2010, 20:31   #356
a.k.a. Palucol
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Yesterday, my father was waiting for the delivery of something he ordered online....but he was working, so I had to open the door, and sign for him...

So i was in my room, with the window opened, and I heard the CP mail van coming...So i go downstairs, and waited until the mail dude had walked all the way from his truck to my door (about 50m) to open the door, When i opened the door, the dude had a "delivery notice card' in his hands, and was getting ready to stick it to my door. When he saw me, he was suprised, and said "Oh, I thought they was nobody home....'', then he had to walk back to his truck, get the package, and go back at my door to hand it to me....

mmmm sweet revenge (Fkn lazy a$$ CP mail dude... -_-')
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Old June 9th, 2010, 20:39   #357
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Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith View Post
Yesterday, my father was waiting for the delivery of something he ordered online....but he was working, so I had to open the door, and sign for him...

So i was in my room, with the window opened, and I heard the CP mail van coming...So i go downstairs, and waited until the mail dude had walked all the way from his truck to my door (about 50m) to open the door, When i opened the door, the dude had a "delivery notice card' in his hands, and was getting ready to stick it to my door. When he saw me, he was suprised, and said "Oh, I thought they was nobody home....'', then he had to walk back to his truck, get the package, and go back at my door to hand it to me....

mmmm sweet revenge (Fkn lazy a$$ CP mail dude... -_-')

Hahahahaha classic, I did something almost the exact same the last delivery comming to my house. The CP dude was walking towards my door with just the card and when he saw me in the doorway he stopped and turned around grabbed my package and then came back. I guess it was too much work on a friday huh?
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Old June 9th, 2010, 20:47   #358
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Originally Posted by DanoftheDead View Post
Hahahahaha classic, I did something almost the exact same the last delivery comming to my house. The CP dude was walking towards my door with just the card and when he saw me in the doorway he stopped and turned around grabbed my package and then came back. I guess it was too much work on a friday huh?
for me it was a tuesday... so no

BTW: last package, about 2 weeks ago, the dude didnt even showed up at my door (or any other ppl on his circuit for the day), he filled the cards, and dropped them in the letters batch of the next day, and the packages at the local post office... :@

When I checked the tracking info, it said that he knocked at my door 5 minutes before, and left a delivery notice card... So i called the local post office, and CP, to tell them why he didnt knocked at my door, and the dude told me '' ya lots of ppl tell us the same thing''....
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Old June 9th, 2010, 20:51   #359
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Within the last week (well less than a week a few days), I have received 8 packages.

Not ONCE did CP knock/ring my doorbell.

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Old June 9th, 2010, 21:18   #360
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They dropped off a package the other day, for some reason, wandered into the back of the house, didn't knock but yelled "hello?" and then left the package hanging around back there.
I found it comical, and yet dissapointing, haha.
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