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Why I Play Airsoft - The Painful Musings of a Savage Haggis



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Old September 10th, 2007, 11:20   #16
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Originally Posted by TrueTGN View Post
I wouldn't say I have the same thing, but maybe similar. Ive never been checked out by a doctor or been told what exactly is wrong with me but im not even 20 yet and I get severe lower back pain in my spine. Its been a gradual thing over the last year and never seems to get any better. Day in and day out I get aching and shooting pains down either side of my lower back and sometimes into my legs and its something ive come to live with now... and yes I need to get it checked out. You're right though, you get used to it and you carry on regardless.

But anyways back on topic, I surprisingly took the time to read that entire post Haggis and its a good read and keep goin!
You should definately get this checked out. It may (or may not be) sciatica, but medical science has given us a lot more tools to deal with these sorts of problems in the last couple of decades. A firm diagnosis is half the battle.

While I am a big supporter of chiropractic treatment, the appropriate diagnostic tree to a long back problem is GP first, then a referral to physiatrist or orthopod depending on what you GP thinks.


I never would have guessed man. You rock.


Nice peice of writing. A deal with tons of people with all types of chronic pain, and while they all suffer like you, not many of them are nearly as articulate about it.

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Old September 10th, 2007, 11:27   #17
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Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post
That is likely scyatica. Pinched scyatic nerve. It's about as much fun as dentistry with no anesthetics. No joke.
Do yourself a favor, have it checked. When it hits bad you will NOT be able to walk. Dont wait until you have to crawl to a phone to get help.
I think its finally time to do it, ive just been putting it off for some odd reason. (makes no sense I know.. being that im in pain)

2 years ago I had to get 2 fillings, 1 on either side of the bottom of my mouth near the back. They wouldn't freeze both sides of my mouth for some risk crap so I opted to get the first one done without freezing. What a messed up mind scrambling feeling... I then went on to do the second as well without freezing.

Thanks guys
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Old September 10th, 2007, 12:02   #18
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The moment..

That you make concessions to pain.. or to the ravages of age.. is the moment that you fall into death's grip.

Pain and the accumulated injurys of an active life will slow you down... but you can't let it stop you...

Certainly some conditions may make it impossible to do certain things... but until it gets impossible.. it is possible.

I have had no less than 7 surgeries on my Left knee... The last one resulted in a ACL replacment... and the removal of the cartilege pad between the ends of the bones... While this event certainly ended my Infantry career.. as it is impossible for me the run while loaded heavily ( the pain results in unconsciousness ) never the less it does not restrict me from an active the ACL replacment has repaired the joint such that it is stable.. but I live with daily pain.. and after serious activity... gut wrenching pain...Nothing like bone pain..... that deep immersion in dull agony.. punctuated by the sensation of someone taking an ice pick to your knee....

But the issue is chronic..and not going to get better... so it is to be endured while I continue to live my life and do the things I love to do...
Pain has a glorious way of reminding you that you are alive... and I like the reminder... as I will be dead forever.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old September 10th, 2007, 12:19   #19
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
but I live with daily pain.. and after serious activity... gut wrenching pain...Nothing like bone pain..... that deep immersion in dull agony.. punctuated by the sensation of someone taking an ice pick to your knee....
Not too many people know or even notice that I have chronic knee issues.
I pack more than the average Joe everytime I hit the field, to the point of overduing it in some peoples opinions.

I basicly carry the max load I know my body will allow that day, sometimes it more sometimes it's less. I'm also diabetic... now that scares me sometimes. What if I fall unconcious on the field and people don't notice I went missing. That's why I have a few good friends that I trust will keep an eye on me.

I had to quite in the middle of events due to health concerns, being a very proud individual this is very hard for me. I'm not a weak individual by any means, btu I'm getting and I have to accept it.

Haggis, I think a few of us can... well... feel your pain.
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Old September 10th, 2007, 12:29   #20
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You don't

get to middle age having lived an active life without some accumulated damage... It is the joy incumbant in aquiring more that makes it worth doing.

What I find sad... really sad.. is people half my good health.. quiting because they "are tired"... or "my feet hurt"
And its is beyond sad when a middle age guy carrying 2.5 time the weight ( both on the body.. and in it ) as some of these young fellas.. and suffering from some chronic conditions... can still out run.. out crawl.. out do in practically every way some of the young players....

What the heck are these guys going to do when they get to middle age... Oh wait I know... sit around and talk about their " glory days" while their nurse hooks up another Catheter bag....

what a shame... 22 and half dead already
Brian McIlmoyle
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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Old September 10th, 2007, 12:45   #21
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
get to middle age having lived an active life without some accumulated damage... It is the joy incumbant in aquiring more that makes it worth doing.

What I find sad... really sad.. is people half my good health.. quiting because they "are tired"... or "my feet hurt"
And its is beyond sad when a middle age guy carrying 2.5 time the weight ( both on the body.. and in it ) as some of these young fellas.. and suffering from some chronic conditions... can still out run.. out crawl.. out do in practically every way some of the young players....

What the heck are these guys going to do when they get to middle age... Oh wait I know... sit around and talk about their " glory days" while their nurse hooks up another Catheter bag....

what a shame... 22 and half dead already
Wow, didn't have a clue about your knee problems Bri, and seeing you run around all night at the Zombie 2 game must have been some serious mental endurance. I took a bad fall while storming the the drug lab early— impaled my self on my rifle. My ribs hurt like a bitch for the rest of the night, but I put my gun down, and went crazy zombie for the rest of the night. I only noticed the pain when I was standing around, and I'm still in pain today. Hope the ribs are healed for Z3, but won't matter— it'd just be nice
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Old September 10th, 2007, 12:54   #22
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Before the game starts, I'll pop 2 Motrin to help me through the day. The younger guys will laugh at me but one day, they'll be asking if I can give them some also. lol
bruce: Team Bad Karma-(BK-05)
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Old September 10th, 2007, 13:00   #23
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The funny thing about Chronic pain

is the only thing that really makes you forget it is exactly the thing that is going to give you more...

This is why... I teach martial arts Monday, Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings... as well as doing TTAC3 activities at least once a week.. in additon to working out as much as I can... in addition to holding a 60 hours a week job... it is pain management...

My hands have been broken so many times... that if I am not exercising them with wrestling, handling weapons... some thing active... they seize up and hurt like a bitch... in the second day.... Leisurely vacations... hurt

The cost of an active life is arthritic conversion of the joints... the remedy is don't ever stop.
Brian McIlmoyle
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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Old September 10th, 2007, 13:00   #24
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Bruce you just like popping pills :-)
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Old September 10th, 2007, 13:03   #25
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Originally Posted by bruce View Post
Before the game starts, I'll pop 2 Motrin to help me through the day. The younger guys will laugh at me but one day, they'll be asking if I can give them some also. lol
And the 2 you gave me did helped last time we saw eachother. Forgot to thank you for those.
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Old September 10th, 2007, 13:12   #26
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
I teach martial arts
That's one of the things that totally killed my knees, including football and hockey.

I ued to fight in the good old days where it was a contact sport, not what I call "playing tag", that's basicly what martial competitions are liek now.

Last time I fought was in the states and I got disqualified for actually hitting the other guy. Go figure... that's when I quit.

Both of my hands are also busted big time. And I never really got into breaking either slabs nor wood.

But I had a good whiel it lasted, of course now I'm paying for it, I still get in the ring every once in a while. What I miss the most are the guys I used to train with. An intense bunch of guys that were ready to take a hit as much as dishing one out w/o giving it a second tought.

BTW, I'm turnign 38 pretty soon and the average guys I run into are atleast 15 yrs yonger than me and in perfect health. But they need to take a break every 30 minutes or so or can't hold a position w/o making a sound 'cause they are not confortable or in pain... Ya! Right! Pain...
"Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment!"
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Old September 12th, 2007, 12:08   #27
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Savage thats awesome write! I can't complain about any pains or anything of that nature (thank someone) but I can understand at how much I enjoy the game. My job has its stresses (like any job I am sure) but the one thing airsoft does, is take me away from any other worry for the time and I appreciate that so much. anyways keep up the good aditute, hopefully one day you will be able to enjoy life without the constant pain
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Old September 12th, 2007, 13:09   #28
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Originally Posted by Lawdog View Post
GP first, then a referral to physiatrist or orthopod depending on what you GP thinks.
Got refered to one of these guys. He looked at me and said, "So your neck hurts"

"Yep" says I "I had very severe whiplash about 15 years ago and I think my new hobbies are setting it off some."

"What new hobbies?" he asks..

"Umm..I'm training to enter an Army paratropper thingy, and I do heavy ruck marches and stuff, and wear 60 pounds of body armor on occasion. I also do Crossfit."

His eyes glaze over.

"That's your problem right there." he says.

"You don't think my untreated whiplash is a factor?" I asked.

"No I don't. Stop lifting heavy things, the pain will go away. Especially the body armor. What do you need that for anyway?" he says. Enlightening wot?

"But then I'll get soft and weak" says I "and I won't be able to do what I like to do."

"It's silly to sacrifice your comfort for your career goals." he said. He turned to go get something or other, I started laughing. HARD. MAKING IT OBVIOUS I WAS LAUGHING AT HIM. He gave me a strange look as I got up and left.

My laughter continued for some time. The fact that people like that give out advice on a daily basis, that people will follow to the letter becasue they are "trained professionals" is so retarded I couldn't HELP but laugh.

Savage Haggis. Never change brother.
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Old September 12th, 2007, 13:36   #29
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Originally Posted by bruce View Post
Before the game starts, I'll pop 2 Motrin to help me through the day. The younger guys will laugh at me but one day, they'll be asking if I can give them some also. lol
I don't think its the pill popping we laugh about there Bruce

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Old September 12th, 2007, 14:21   #30
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Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post

"It's silly to sacrifice your comfort for your career goals." he said.
You're kidding... Right? F-in' docs.
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