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Old April 18th, 2007, 21:07   #16
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As long as the inner barrel is regularly cleaned and the hop up rubber lubed on occasion, very few brands will cause misfeeds or blockage, even in tightbores.
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Old April 18th, 2007, 21:08   #17
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I use 6.01 and 6.02mm tightbore with KSC perfect. 0 Jamming.

Regular cleaning on tightbores is a must. Remember any small dirt or debris will cause jamming.
Team P.I.M.P. Vancouver BC
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Old April 18th, 2007, 22:34   #18
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Never had a problem with Excel .25's or Airsoft Elite .25's but airsoft elites .20's I had a couple of jams. Now I if only I had .30's
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Old April 18th, 2007, 22:36   #19
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what brand is best? the one that works in your particular aeg. I've had highly custom guns that where ammo sensitive. My rpk would only shoot excel .2g try anything else and you could not shoot for shit. My M4 likes the guarder .25g.
Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC

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Old April 18th, 2007, 23:13   #20
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If your gun has feeding issues with Excel, then you're going to have problems with pretty much any other brand on the market.

Excel BBs have the smallest average diameters of all the BBs I've measured... if you can't feed those, then don't blame the BB - blame the gun.

It's a different story if you have problems with Guarder BBs... those are some of the largest 6mm BBs on the market. Even some Marui magazines have problems loading those BBs (such as P90 and a lot of GBB mags.)
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Old April 19th, 2007, 01:36   #21
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same results w/ 6.03
KSC .2 & .25 =1 w/.25
AE .2 & .25 =0 heard black BBs are different and the guys on my team love the .23g
Excel .2 =3
Toytec .2 & .25 =0 these have been recommended to me by a 6.01 TBB retailer, more on 6.01 TBB in their forums.
Crossman .2 =0 i know. it was all i had
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Old April 19th, 2007, 01:36   #22
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
If your gun has feeding issues with Excel, then you're going to have problems with pretty much any other brand on the market.

Excel BBs have the smallest average diameters of all the BBs I've measured... if you can't feed those, then don't blame the BB - blame the gun.

It's a different story if you have problems with Guarder BBs... those are some of the largest 6mm BBs on the market. Even some Marui magazines have problems loading those BBs (such as P90 and a lot of GBB mags.)
well this all stemmed from excels jamming in the bb loaders. i sent mine away to jugglez to verify and he said they are odd shaped and jamming in the loaders (KA). we havent had any problems with the guns fireing them.

on another note, i use to use ksc myself in my stock g36, and three team mates with stock tm m16, stock tm g36 and a stock tm sig551; ALL had ksc bbs jam in the barrels, once such incident where (in a g36) it continually jammed all the way back to the hopup, where when the air nozzle moved forward, there were now 7 bbs securly jammed in succession, this caused the nozzle to shatter, along with the hopup assy. thats 4 people in one club alone that had similar problems with ksc. unless the perfects are new style, double polished and quality controlled to 6.03 or smaller i want to steer clear of them.

we prefer to use the .23 so that is why we chose the excel in the first place. just trying to make sure there arent another better brand out there.
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Last edited by swatt13; April 19th, 2007 at 01:38..
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Old April 19th, 2007, 02:03   #23
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
As far as I know, BB Bastard, Metal Tech, and Airsoft Elite buy the BB's from the same manufacturer just packaged in different bags. Metal Tech is the cheapest for .20's and BB Bastard is cheapest for .25's.
Actually no, my BBs aren't the same manufacturer. I stopped selling AE due to quality control problems. Metal Tech seems to be a popular product of late althought I've honestly not used them myself. As Illusion says, if you're getting jams due to diameter, go to Excels and try - if you still have problems, you may have a diameter problem somewhere in the feedpath or barrel. My BB tolerances are slightly tighter but certain aspects of the product's material and construction properties impart benefits such as less jam potential on tight bore barrels and better grouping at distance (this is my own testing). Way back before I used this manufacturer I ordered in rice bags of vanilla BBs and had serious consistency issues, which is what turned me into a BB nazi when it came to selecting my manufacturer.

I can't really say scientifically which BB is better and I lean more towards Vondnik's interpretation. I do know that I've not had any bad feedback from my customers and I've handed people bottles and highcaps in the field of my product when their guns jammed on something else and it fired fine with my product- this is actually how I got early converts to my product.

In other words go with what works and what your gun likes... and hopefully thats mine!
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Old April 19th, 2007, 02:26   #24
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Excel BBs have the smallest average diameters of all the BBs I've measured... if you can't feed those, then don't blame the BB - blame the gun.
Definitely. You can really see the difference when you use them in maruzen shell ejectors. My M1100 rev just chokes on excels because they fit much more loosely in the shell grommets and pop out as the gun cycles, cramming themselves into the inner workings. If you fill the shell completely (10) and shake it, you can hear the BBs rattle around inside. I have trouble even fitting 10 AEs into the shells; the last one doesn't quite stick in all the way because of the larger diameters. I find that AEs work best in my M1100 so far.

My GBBs love the excels though. Fewer jams and cleaner cycle on them. Maybe I should file down the feed lips a little
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Old April 19th, 2007, 02:37   #25
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I use crossman in my TM gun and it works great and is cheap
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Old April 19th, 2007, 05:01   #26
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You guys that have problems with KSC BBs... are you using


Yes, there is a difference. The company has two lines, one being a cheaper/economical version of the other, but suffers from some consistency issues and aren't as tight in groupings at longer range.

I personally use KSC Perfects. Smoother surfaces than AE or Guarder, with 100% compatibility in all guns I've used and spherical concentricity is also on par with AE/Guarder.

Last edited by ILLusion; April 19th, 2007 at 05:09..
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Old April 19th, 2007, 05:32   #27
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as long as you dont have this you should be fine lol. those come from the paintball shop where i bouht my crapsoft 2 years ago
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Old April 19th, 2007, 08:28   #28
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
Strange, I've used 2000-3000 Guarder 0.25's in my G36 with 6.04mm tightbore and zero problems.

As Ibby said, KSC, TM, Guarder, AE, BB Bastard, MT, I can't tell any difference in performance and I've never had a jam, ever, with any brand of BB.
Same here, used everything from the most expensive bbs to bbs from Crappy Tire in almost every AEG and GBB made by top manufacturers, and zero problems. My WA Infinity has an accurate tight bore and has been firing what ever I put in it for over a year now... lucky? Maintain those guns fellas
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Old April 19th, 2007, 21:57   #29
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Well I would like to thank everyone for this info, since I'm in charge of the team BB order, it's quite interesting to hear from ya'll. To be honest the real only problems that we've had with the Excell 0.23's BB we now have, is that we had a couple odd shaped ones. I was just hopeing that maby I will try some of the other brands for our next order. We as a group would like to stay with the 0.23's and since I've only been able to find the Excell Bios to have them, that is what I went with. If there are perhaps others out there, who may carey the 0.23's I would like to hear about them, thanks again. bug- team swat. I personally never had any problems with jamming, other team members have.

Last edited by bug; April 19th, 2007 at 22:07..
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Old April 19th, 2007, 23:27   #30
Death March
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I'v never had any prob's with KSC perfect's or the AE both .25's,Cheers!
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