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Buying New Gear in MultiCam - Need Feedback


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Old September 2nd, 2011, 23:34   #16
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
ThunderCactus's Avatar
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Originally Posted by hulubulu View Post
Although you do have plenty of knockoffs. I am not sure if the big boy in the back middle might be one of those cases as it is almost neon green.
That's truspec camo, their 65/35 stuff is green, and when introduced with heavy sweating, the green bleeds into the other colors as well and it turns jade green.
The guy just infront of the big green dude with the tan M4 has 60/40 truspec ACU's, and he's got a 50/50 boonie
truspec also has 50/50 ripstop, I'm the one laying on the ground, my boonie is truspec 50/50
The dude immediately behind me with the yellow glasses has crye, either gen1 or gen2
The bald guy to my right also has crye gen1 (you can tell by the nylon area around the kneepads)
The two guys in the back left have the browner (i think) proper multicam, but don't quote me on that, it might be a different company.
just for noting, the other big guy to the right of the jolly green giant just has worn out multicam, so it looks very grey
And also, the dude on the far right, SHOGUN, also wears multicam now

The different threads all have notably different shades to them
truspec 65/35 - super green
truspec 50/50 - definitely tan
truspec 60/40 - not quite as tan as 50/50
crye gen1 - tan, probably because it's 50/50 ripstop just like my boonie
whatever the guys in the back are wearing - clearly brown

I'm not saying that company's all have their own multicam colors, I'm supporting what you are saying in that the different materials are different shades.
And yes absolutely that multicam will look different between two different cameras and of course they look way different with changing lighting conditions. But my basis for comparison is all in-person experience.
I agree that comparing any camouflage in different pictures would be completely inaccurate, but they are all together there in the same picture, same camera, and same lighting condition
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Old September 6th, 2011, 03:00   #17
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Here's a pic of me in Propper 65/35 Ripstop Multicam.
It is genuine Crye, but is very much toward the dull green/ tan side.
In this pic you can see the difference between the fake (tan/ brownish) chest rig and my ACUs.

Here is another one which illustrates why it doesn't really matter.

The thing about Multicam is that subtle differences between fabrics don't really matter.
That is, to the Human eye they don't.

A (digital) camera lens will pick up a lot of details and differences that our brains won't recognize, and at the same time is more limited with regards to it's capture of colour and hue gradients.

If you want to buy into it, I'd suggest that you resist the urge to determine what the 'best' is... all licensed Crye stuff looks good. Find some ACUs that suit your needs and fit your budget.
Next, for all of your other gear, go out and look at it in person before buying. Bring a small matching item (like a garrison cap) with you to compare colour if you're worried.
Finally, don't worry about exact matching. Multicam confuses the shit out of the Human Brain, so you can get away with a lot of variation in person that you can't on camera.
Sometimes you can get a great deal on fakes which are indistinguishable, like my helmet cover, and sometimes something is 'good enough until you get something better' like my chest rig.
Then you get unavoidable differences like my Hydration Thing which is a licensed Condor product and yet doesn't match the rest of my gear side-by-side.

Keep an open wallet and a laissez faire attitude about this stuff or the +20% markup over other camo products will bleed you.
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Old September 6th, 2011, 10:57   #18
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Looks great man! I bought a tan helmet MICH2000 and th guys in the field tell me that it's dead giveaway most of the time, so I'm getting a MC cover for it.
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Old September 6th, 2011, 15:30   #19
The Hunter
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You could also just got to the official multicam website and review their product list of companies and products that use the official multicam. A bit pricey but if you want the real deal it's cool to check out.
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Old September 6th, 2011, 15:36   #20
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
ThunderCactus's Avatar
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Have you even read this thread?
Everyone IS using crye multicam, the problem is that there are different SHADES of crye multicam because there are different THREADS of crye multicam. 65/35 crye looks fake compared to 50/50 crye, but they're both made by crye.
Ever notice how blackhawk ARPAT doesn't match any other brand of ARPAT, and yet it's still licensed material?
You don't have to get a cover for your helmet, painting it properly will hide it much better than a helmet cover.
And if you're worried about matching, try to buy as much as you can from the same company. There are a few places that use different materials for their gear, 500D, 750D and 1000D nylon for example, and you can tell them apart side by side
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Old September 6th, 2011, 16:26   #21
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Thanks again TC.. I bought some cry replica stuff because im new to airsoft and did not see the need to spend so much the first time. So far it's worked out fine.

I'll post some picks when I get home to Mississuga.
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