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FAQ for Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa, 2011, 1911, MEU & Detonics type variants


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Old June 1st, 2014, 17:49   #1891
Join Date: Feb 2011
Originally Posted by famidrive View Post
Did anyone have any experience with SAph(Shooters Association)?
I have been seeing their Hi-Capa products/builds on youtube and so forth
and they look nice! is the build quality?

Prices are about 10-20$ off the prices for Airsoft Masterpiece stuff.
I don't think you can buy directly from SAPH? They are like gunsmithbro, wholesale only.

SD bushing doesn't work on Nova slides, Nova's notch is shallower. LCT does, very very tight, you better have a bushing wrench.
All brands of outerbarrels (at least the straight bushing type) seemed to work with nova single stack kits. Prog4 fixed barrels have the smallest notch cut out for hopup housing and they jam in hurricane slides but even those worked fine on Nova slides. Evidently they also work on the few SD slides I have.

Other than bushing fit, nova kits are like as universal as it gets, because nova's own parts have the strictest allowance. Few frames have sidewall thin enough to allow the nova ambi safety type-1 (without the ears like hi-capa ambi), they go on nova frames without a hitch. Nova's own grip safety also doesn't fit some aftermarket frames, fit their own just fine.

as for slidelock, I don't know WA, like I said, but the triangular section is smallest on the marui stock, among the marui clones. No other brand of slidelock goes in as easily as the marui, they need to be lifted and pushed the same time after the first click.
Since a lot of these aftermarket parts for marui were re-spec'ed from what was meant for WA, I'm guessing the stock marui slidelock would go into WA gun, and not the other way around? Just a scientific guess.
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Old June 1st, 2014, 17:58   #1892
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So umm, have 2 questions for Brian, or anyone that knows this.

1.These "advance mid frames" that come with hi-capa kits, they all use a different spec of knocker spring, the loop part is larger than the stock. Where can we get replacement for this spring?

2.I think the knockers came with aftermarket kit bags or hammer sets are bit larger than the stock, is there a reason for this? They had to be filed down out of the bag, or it would hit the valve when coming back and let go all the gas.
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Old June 3rd, 2014, 19:09   #1893
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Originally Posted by apilar View Post
most of the time the nova kits come with sights, barrel, slide and frame - and include the little bits, like screws etc.

I have fitted meu sights, guns modify(tricky front sight), and the 'nova' (ones that came with it, to two nova slides.

fitting a night? warrior onto a nova kit should be simple. The mag catch wont work, but you can mod it to work, or just buy the 'hex' version of the mag catch off an over seas site.

You should be fine running bull barrels, or straight barrels in any nova gun. Shooters design barrel bushins are for shooters design slides and will not work in a nova/tm gun. (they might be able to be modified buuut not sure)

I run a bull barrel in my nova V12, with a plug and full length guide rod. It is a two piece nova guide rod so install is easy. Obviously, the plug doesn't need the extra 'lip' part on the end because you wont be using a barrel bushing with a bull barrel.

In opposition I have another nova springfield LDC version that I run with straight barrel and short guide rod, but could easily switch to a long guide rod by switching the plug to a straight through version that has the 'lip' to hold the bushing.

I can't comment on AS because Ive never encountered one before.


So which guide rod do you prefer? I need one that provides good stability and one that doesn't let the spring over coil.
Can I mix and match these guide rods with the different spring plugs?

I like the look of the long one but if it hinders performance at all, I might go for the latter.

Has anyone installed one of Brian's monolithic rails yet? I'm curious to know what the overall experience is here before I drop my non-existent wad of cash...

Last thing....
Do the hi-capa ob's fit on a 1911? LOL.
I newb. I newb. I sorry.
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Old June 3rd, 2014, 23:48   #1894
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Hard to choose a preference.. I like the idea behind the long guide rod, because it must give some stability, and help guide the slide forward. but it gets a bit tedious when you continually have to unscrew it to take down the slide.

honestly, i can't really tell the difference whether i have a long guide rod or short installed (except that 'sliding' sound of the plug on the guide rod)

- maybe someone else could chime in on the benefits of the long guide rod because unlike the hi capa the 1911's have the post on the hop unit to hold the guide rod and dont need the long guide rod to keep it in place.

As for compatibility you decide on:

1) barrel - bull or straight - bull barrel has no barrel bushing = no 'lip' on guide rod plug (it will still work with the 'lip' just wont look right)

2) guide rod - full or short - if you use a full size make sure the end is OPEN and corresponds to #1. If short guide rod is used, you can use either open or closed end and corresponding to #1 (if you have a short guide rod and an open plug it will look weird)

If you are referring to the monolithic rails as in the gunsmithbros 7075 aluminum sexy looking pieces of hardware or replacements for the inner frame then I have been waiting for illusion to get me one of those... if he happens to have them and reads this please PM ME!

He has told me they are outstanding!

lastly, i am drawing a complete blank on what you mean by 'hi capa ob's'?? lol
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Old June 6th, 2014, 10:27   #1895
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Originally Posted by brassnautilus View Post
I don't think you can buy directly from SAPH? They are like gunsmithbro, wholesale only.
You never know unless you contact them directly...I had luck.
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Old June 25th, 2014, 20:48   #1896
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So on the stock TM outer barrels, the plastic bends to fit the hop up unit, how do you fit the hop up into a metal outer barrel? I know WE has a removable plastic part on the hop up but that is not really an option for TM.
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Old June 26th, 2014, 00:55   #1897
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Originally Posted by Tomtortoise View Post
So on the stock TM outer barrels, the plastic bends to fit the hop up unit, how do you fit the hop up into a metal outer barrel? I know WE has a removable plastic part on the hop up but that is not really an option for TM.
There's enough room to pull the hop up a bit.
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Old July 7th, 2014, 21:53   #1898
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Okay, total airsoft noob. After a bunch of research I know that TM's are the standard that all are compared too. I'm interested in IPSC/Steel Challenge. And I am a confirmed tinkerer.

Are all TM models "upgrade rich"? Or are there some that are better starting points than others?

A 1911 will be the first in the stable, followed closely by a Glock and maybe a 226.
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Old July 8th, 2014, 00:29   #1899
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Originally Posted by RLBadKarma View Post
Okay, total airsoft noob. After a bunch of research I know that TM's are the standard that all are compared too. I'm interested in IPSC/Steel Challenge. And I am a confirmed tinkerer.

Are all TM models "upgrade rich"? Or are there some that are better starting points than others?

A 1911 will be the first in the stable, followed closely by a Glock and maybe a 226.
TM 1911 and Hi-capas (2011s) have the most upgradability in terms of aftermarket parts for Airsoft Pistols. there are tons and tons of aftermarket upgrades from different companies out there.

I can already name a bunch of companies at the top of my head

Pro Handgun
Shooters Design
Illusion Kinetics
Airsoft Masterpiece
Current Lineup:
VFC HK416 Custom
Custom Bowie Tactical x SAI Glock 17 (TM Base),
Custom SAI BLU Glock Build (Timberwolf Base)
Custom Zev Noveske Shooting Team Glock 34
Project Guns
Custom Zev Dragonfly G17 (Project) (In progress)
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Old August 28th, 2014, 18:44   #1900
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Anyone installed this

GunsModify Tritium Night Sights Marui MEU

Into one of Brian's Hurricane/Kimber kit pistols?

In theory it seems like a slam dunk but I"ve bought a lot of stuff that wound up not fitting other stuff.
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Old August 28th, 2014, 19:56   #1901
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I have installed 2 sets on nova kits and i dont have my hurricane kit on hand or my guarder but I can confirm that for the nova kits and the guarder one and probably also the hurricane kit that those sights require quite a lot of fitting only on the front sight. Rear sight fits perfect and do not remove the metal post on the bottom

The dove tail? Or slot that fits the front sight is over sized a lot and needs to have a few mm taken off to even slide into the slot. The dimensions of the front sight are far different also. The stock sight is not as long, or equal length front n back of sight slot. The guns modify one is shorter toward the rear of the slide and longer at the front resulting in a front sight that hangs PAST the dust cover and over the barrel bushing.

I have successfully fit two of these sight sets by doing filing to the dove tail and also ground off enough the front sight to keep it flush with the front of the gun without compromising the screw that fastens down into the sight and puts pressure on the slide to keep it in place.

It is possible if you are up to the challenge but as soon as you see the sight you will know exactly what I'm talking about.

Here are a few photos that may help ya out.

Last edited by apilar; August 28th, 2014 at 20:12.. Reason: ADD PHOTOS
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Old September 7th, 2014, 00:24   #1902
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The front isn't bad. No way the rear GM will fit the Hurricane kit. The dovetail is about 2x bigger.

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Old October 29th, 2014, 18:31   #1903
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When firing and the gas either shoots out at once or gives a very
tiny amount of gas every shot. Does this has to do with the valve
knocker being too long or the flow valve inside the nozzle?

Last edited by famidrive; October 29th, 2014 at 18:38..
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Old November 8th, 2014, 16:32   #1904
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Does anyone know where ILLusion is? I've been trying to contact him for a little while now. I understand he was going through a pretty big life change so I'm trying to avoid hassling him, but I would like to know how things are on his end.

Thanks in advance for any assistance any of you may offer.

Cheers - Dan
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Old November 21st, 2014, 15:32   #1905
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Anyone? [sound-of-wind-and-tumble-weed]

Brian has a HiCapa of mine that was to be upgraded and I would like to find out where things are at with him ... or if I should consider the HiCapa gone.
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